I'm pretty sure I hate my ObGyn


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2015
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I honestly hate my ObGyn. I've had these feelings for a while, but because I know he is competent I've tried not to worry about it. When I ask questions he always dismisses them, and it's not like I ask many. I don't take up a ton of his time. I'm healthy and everything... I just need to ask quickly to make certain, since it is my first baby. So today he mentioned antibiotics if I was positive for strep B, and I reminded him that I'm allergic to about 50% of drugs that I have been given, including many antibiotics, and he said "you wear that like a badge of honour". When I said "What?! It sucks actually", he said that when you think something is going to be bad, then you often end up with bad results. It felt like he was implying that my anaphylactic reactions to many drugs are in my head. I guess I make my own face swell up like a basketball? I answered that since most of the allergies were discovered when I was young, that I was pretty sure the reactions weren't something I made happen because I was worried.

Then, later in the appointment, I asked about a couple of studies that I read about age and stillbirth, and about whether I need to be induced at my EDD or not (I'm 40). He actually insulted me and said that I couldn't understand what I was reading or whether it was clinically significant or not, and that reading was making me anxious. I told him that I wasn't anxious. I just asked the question because it was relevant. And really I only asked the question because the doctor who saw me in his absence last month brought up the subject! He told me that it wasn't sensible to take information from his colleague and go read academic journals, because they might not be relevant to my situation, and/or I wouldn't be able to understand them. I told him that I am an academic (I used to teach university, and I currently regularly do quantitative analysis for academic studies), and that I understood the methodology of the studies that I was reading and that they were relevant to my situation, especially given the fact that his own colleague mentioned it! He told me again that I needed to stop reading and smiled.

Does this seem really asinine? I've known the whole way along that we aren't really a good personality match, but I figured it didn't matter since he has a reputation for being a good doctor. He does all of the tests he needs to do. I just don't feel like I need to be shamed for reading and asking questions. Today though he was really condescending, and what he said was not necessary. I feel like I am worried about the normal amount for a first pregnancy. I'm uncertain about things but I've never once called his office in between my usual visits (which are 3 weeks apart), or asked him to make a special appointment to see me about something. Besides, if he is truly worried that I am anxious, how would that response be helpful in any way? I'm 35 weeks though, and I know I only need to see him a few more times. Any of the doctors in his group of 5 might deliver my baby... I feel like it's so much trouble to switch for a few appointments, and I am healthy after all... Uggh.
I've known many ladies who switch right at the end. If it's a physician you aren't happy with, you shouldn't put yourself through the extra stress. It doesn't pay to let yourself be belittled.
Ya..umm... I'd switch. If it's one thing I can't stand it's docs who think they know more then you and insult you for reading and/or defending yourself. I'm sorry you're going through this. I would definitely find someone who is more acceptable of your approach and takes time to answer your very valid questions. :hugs:
As a nurse who has worked with many physicians, I would strongly advise that you see someone else. The sad reality is, there are so many terrible doctors and he definitely sounds like one of them. Find someone who respects you because that's what you deserve, mama!
Ugh, I'm annoyed for you just reading that. He sounds like a jackass, and I wouldn't want him as my doctor. I think it's fine to switch even now, but I can understand not wanting to at this point in your pregnancy. If you don't leave him now, I would definitely see someone else after delivery.
Oh my word! The guy sounds like a total jerk! Some doctors, definitely not all, but some have this almost grandiosity about them and this guy sounds like he totally fits the bill! I would not only switch Drs but possibly even practices just to avoid having him possibly be the one to deliver!
Wow, my doctor would never tell me to "stop reading" because I "wouldn't understand." She likes her patients to be educated and ask questions and come to get with any concerns. Honestly, your doctor sounds like a pompous @$$, pardon my language. You only have a few appointments left so it does seem like a pain to switch now. But he seems so stubborn and condescending, I'm not sure I'd trust him to continue my care if I were you.
He's belittled you for sure, imagine having to rely on this guy during birth? I get what he's saying that you absolutely will need antibiotics f you test positive for strep B but did he need to go so far to tell you you wear your allergies like a badge of honour? My first reaction would be to figure out what you can take to get you & baby covered. He's not coming from a place of concern, he's defensive at every turn. That's alarming and unprofessional. If you see him again ask him if he's divorced (for me lol):haha:
I've known the whole way along that we aren't really a good personality match, but I figured it didn't matter since he has a reputation for being a good doctor. He does all of the tests he needs to do.

no, this is not a good doctor. a good doctor is not the one that treats his patients like biological machines, orders all the tests and technical check-ups they may need, checks their numbers and values, see if the match the stats, draw a diagnostics and that's it.

that's a good mechanics for humans. good doctor is the one that LISTENS to their patients and takes their concerns into consideration.
I feel mad just reading that! I'd definitely switch, why should he get your business when he is so useless. You wear your allergies like a badge of honour?! Oh yeah, anaphylactic shock is sooo desirable! :wacko:.
Thanks ladies. Even my husband, who WILL tell me when I am overreacting, said that he didn't really need to say that. I was wondering the same thing 2have4kids - if maybe he was defensive? He was acting like I was trying to say that I knew more than him, but that wasn't what I was saying at all! I asked what he thought about the increased risk of stillbirth at my age vs the risks associated with induction, and actually wanted to know the answer. He started to use technical jargon and larger words than usual, and when I understood what he was talking about he got more defensive. I agree that he isn't concerned about my anxiety level like he claims. It was almost like he was trying to one up me or something. Why? Because I'm smart? Lots of people are smart so he must have dealt with that before. I've noticed that I try to sound less smart when I am in his office, because I feel like that will be easier. Sigh. It's like a bad relationship.

Anyway I appreciate the support. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't just making a big deal out of nothing. I will definitely see someone else after delivery as some of you suggested. I saw another doctor once that I liked, but she is on the same delivery team as he is, so it might be weird to switch, as either one of them is equally likely to deliver my baby. One of my friends who is a doctor at the same hospital said that realistically I only have to see him 3-4 more times, and that since everything with my health is ideal, nothing is likely to come up before labour. I get what you are saying skyesmom that he isn't good if he is not asking how I am. He never does ask me that question :( All of your outrage on my behalf does actually make me feel a lot better. Thanks.
He sounds like a total ass, and like he would give you a hard time during labor if you wanted anything different than what he said. That's not the kind of doctor you need. A doctor should work with you to achieve the best and healthiest outcome, not be worried about his ego or how you feel about your allergies. Lots of pregnant women worry too much, but one of the best ways to calm people is to acknowledge the risks and then try to assure them that all signs point to them being fine and healthy. Trying to tell you not to read things is just ignorant. No doctor should ever be telling patients to be less informed. Even if you were being an unreasonable patient, asking way too many questions that weren't relevant and freaking out about nothing, it's his job to reassure you and give you the information you need. Doctors know they are going to have the range of patients, from totally disinterested to hypochondriacs. They have to deal with all of them, and if they can't, they should find a different profession.

I would absolutely find a new doctor before you end up being lectured during labor by this incompetent man. Your health and your baby's health are way more important than this guy's ego.
Thanks ladies. Even my husband, who WILL tell me when I am overreacting, said that he didn't really need to say that. I was wondering the same thing 2have4kids - if maybe he was defensive? He was acting like I was trying to say that I knew more than him, but that wasn't what I was saying at all! I asked what he thought about the increased risk of stillbirth at my age vs the risks associated with induction, and actually wanted to know the answer. He started to use technical jargon and larger words than usual, and when I understood what he was talking about he got more defensive. I agree that he isn't concerned about my anxiety level like he claims. It was almost like he was trying to one up me or something. Why? Because I'm smart? Lots of people are smart so he must have dealt with that before. I've noticed that I try to sound less smart when I am in his office, because I feel like that will be easier. Sigh. It's like a bad relationship.
You're right, because you're a woman AND your smart. That's too much for some men to handle - you have a very fortunate DH:thumbup:
I had a dentist like your OB. Had a sore tooth and he said I need a filling without doing an ex ray. I asked him if he was sure that was necessary and he went OFF on me! I wanted his reassurance and medical perspective that a filling was the least invasive evil. He told me I could leave if I doubted him so I did. And took my records to a better rated & female dentist. Turns out he had a terrible bedside manner from rateyourmd.com. Now I put ratings in whenever I can. I've been with my gentle, conservative female dentist for years now. I wouldn't let that man deliver my baby. I hope you find someone sensitive to your concerns & responsive to your needs xx

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