I can't help but to be terrified that something is going to go wrong with my baby... I got pregnant the first month we tried.. Everything is going super smooth, other than me being somewhat nauseous, some little twinges/pinches/cramps and being insanely tired. Neither me or OH have had an easy life, so I just "KNOW" that something is going to go wrong. I don't know how to let go of my worries... I know I need to and I know I need to be happy for baby to be happy and healthy. I'm just SO scared that it's all going to go wrong. It just CAN'T be this easy for us... I've been in and out of mental institutions and my depression is just... GONE. I still have worries.. but... I feel SO much better now that I'm pregnant. No racing bipolar thoughts either. OH has been married before and lost his son because of his congenital heart defect.. Wife left him after that. We've been through so much more than those things too.. I just don't know how to believe things are going to be fine.. more than fine. PLEASE give me some words of advice.. I hate feeling like this and the OBGYN won't take me until 8 weeks..Not even to ease my fears. I know they can't see anything at this point, but they won't even take levels! PLEASE HELP! I don't want to be worried out of my mind anymore..