she got me-AF just starting sat here having a little cry. Oh well on to April we go.x
yep your right bluebell we have to make it our month.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
she got me-AF just starting sat here having a little cry. Oh well on to April we go.x
Oh no hun! Thats awful, its natural to be upset....but try to remember its only a very small percentage of woman, something like 15%/20% get preg within the first 6mnths majority within a year, however 10% take two years.(Not ment to depress you, just take away that its only happening to me feeling!) Try to think of each month as a step closer, as ur odds get higher choc&do something you enjoy to take ur mind off Af, cos mother nature can be cruel cant she?! Always here if ya need a chat about anything. On a positive note our cycles seem fairly similar, so we will all be going thru same thing next month!
H.A WISHING YA GOOD LUCK HUN AND A BFP!!! like ive said before, have experienced implantation bleeding with my 3&cramping around time af was due with no 1, infact i was soooo convinced she was coming i didnt get scanned until nearly 16weeks.......fx'd for ya. x x x
Good luck all, sorry to hear that dreamofABEAN, INKDCHICK you seem amazingly strong and positive...i really do hope this is it for you, u certainly deesrve it. Bluebell, Dlj2,h.a,dreamofabean&all of you lovely ladies i wish you loads of luck for a bfp next cycle! Am having the strangest of Afs at mo, heavy day one spotting day 2, nothing day three now spotting again.....arghhhh my hormones are driving me crazy!!! speak to you all very soon! x x x x x x xxx x x x x x x x
she got me-AF just starting sat here having a little cry. Oh well on to April we go.x
Oh no hun! Thats awful, its natural to be upset....but try to remember its only a very small percentage of woman, something like 15%/20% get preg within the first 6mnths majority within a year, however 10% take two years.(Not ment to depress you, just take away that its only happening to me feeling!) Try to think of each month as a step closer, as ur odds get higher choc&do something you enjoy to take ur mind off Af, cos mother nature can be cruel cant she?! Always here if ya need a chat about anything. On a positive note our cycles seem fairly similar, so we will all be going thru same thing next month!
H.A WISHING YA GOOD LUCK HUN AND A BFP!!! like ive said before, have experienced implantation bleeding with my 3&cramping around time af was due with no 1, infact i was soooo convinced she was coming i didnt get scanned until nearly 16weeks.......fx'd for ya. x x x
Unless you are over 40 hun and then it can take years !!, i am on a year and a half trying and now waiting to find out, as i have had spotting of brown discharge twice now and have been left with a creamy peachy white discharge , very sore swollen burning achy shooting pain boobs, headache for 3 days, spots and something else i have never had before which is aching teeth - ouch !, i have never had spotting before either, constipated, i cant think of the other stuff, but i still think that im going to get my period in 4/5 days and am now just waiting for it. Good Luck to everyone ttc
Good luck all, sorry to hear that dreamofABEAN, INKDCHICK you seem amazingly strong and positive...i really do hope this is it for you, u certainly deesrve it. Bluebell, Dlj2,h.a,dreamofabean&all of you lovely ladies i wish you loads of luck for a bfp next cycle! Am having the strangest of Afs at mo, heavy day one spotting day 2, nothing day three now spotting again.....arghhhh my hormones are driving me crazy!!! speak to you all very soon! x x x x x x xxx x x x x x x x
Thanks, wishing you loads of luck too!
I'm also having an odd AF. I had the 8 days of brown spotting, then AF arrived on Friday which was quite heavy, but it only lasted a day and half and has completely gone. I've never had that before. So now I'm not sure when on earth I'll OV, whether it's going to be sooner than usual because AF finished so early, or whether it will be around the usual time. It's all so confusing!!
she got me-AF just starting sat here having a little cry. Oh well on to April we go.x
Oh no hun! Thats awful, its natural to be upset....but try to remember its only a very small percentage of woman, something like 15%/20% get preg within the first 6mnths majority within a year, however 10% take two years.(Not ment to depress you, just take away that its only happening to me feeling!) Try to think of each month as a step closer, as ur odds get higher choc&do something you enjoy to take ur mind off Af, cos mother nature can be cruel cant she?! Always here if ya need a chat about anything. On a positive note our cycles seem fairly similar, so we will all be going thru same thing next month!
H.A WISHING YA GOOD LUCK HUN AND A BFP!!! like ive said before, have experienced implantation bleeding with my 3&cramping around time af was due with no 1, infact i was soooo convinced she was coming i didnt get scanned until nearly 16weeks.......fx'd for ya. x x x
Unless you are over 40 hun and then it can take years !!, i am on a year and a half trying and now waiting to find out, as i have had spotting of brown discharge twice now and have been left with a creamy peachy white discharge , very sore swollen burning achy shooting pain boobs, headache for 3 days, spots and something else i have never had before which is aching teeth - ouch !, i have never had spotting before either, constipated, i cant think of the other stuff, but i still think that im going to get my period in 4/5 days and am now just waiting for it. Good Luck to everyone ttc
I think your pregnant again... lots of good signs Tina... Woohoo... I had the aching teeth too when I found out I was pregnant... lol
Good Luck ladies
Thanks, wishing you loads of luck too!
I'm also having an odd AF. I had the 8 days of brown spotting, then AF arrived on Friday which was quite heavy, but it only lasted a day and half and has completely gone. I've never had that before. So now I'm not sure when on earth I'll OV, whether it's going to be sooner than usual because AF finished so early, or whether it will be around the usual time. It's all so confusing!!
Should ov around the same time hun, as its dependant on cycle length rather than days of bleeding........have ya retested just to check there isn't nething going on? A day of bleeding is very short isnt it? Mind you things do vary from month to month but i reckon its worth ruling out. my af stoped day 3ish, but only had heavy bleeding for a dayish (super heavy tho!soz tmi) reckon i have low progesterone/hormone imbalance......Ah well short is good regardless. x x x x
hey chick,
Thanks, wishing you loads of luck too!
I'm also having an odd AF. I had the 8 days of brown spotting, then AF arrived on Friday which was quite heavy, but it only lasted a day and half and has completely gone. I've never had that before. So now I'm not sure when on earth I'll OV, whether it's going to be sooner than usual because AF finished so early, or whether it will be around the usual time. It's all so confusing!!
Should ov around the same time hun, as its dependant on cycle length rather than days of bleeding........have ya retested just to check there isn't nething going on? A day of bleeding is very short isnt it? Mind you things do vary from month to month but i reckon its worth ruling out. my af stoped day 3ish, but only had heavy bleeding for a dayish (super heavy tho!soz tmi) reckon i have low progesterone/hormone imbalance......Ah well short is good regardless. x x x x
I did another HPT yesterday which was BFN. I think I'll have to just be patient and see what happens this month. I'm not very good at using the OPK's as they say to use them during the day, but it's not very easy when I'm at work. Oh well, I'm off to accupuncture tonight to see if that helps. It cured my hayfever, so I'm hopeful it will help with TTC!
Hey everyone-seems like there is a lot of wierdness going on in our cycles this month! Indychick-that cm thing is meant to be a good sign-fingers crossed!!
I've posted a pic in the ov and preg test galary as I'm getting almost positive opk?! As you all know I'm only cd4 and so totaly baffled by it. Same as you guys as in day 3 of af and think I'm pretty much finished,I'm usually heavy for 5-7days.
Any ideas? Oh and was using raspbery leaf tea last month, has anyone tried it and had any similar strange happenings?.xx