Induction at 37 weeks...


Mom of 2 boys! Hoping for a 3rd
Jan 12, 2013
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So, I just found out that I do have cholestasis and I am being induced Thursday @ 8pm. My doctor didn't even call me, she just put it in an email. My anxiety went through the roof as soon as I read it and had a really intense contraction right after. Hubby came home and I went and took a looonnnggg bath and tried (still trying) to calm down. So little man will be here in just a week. Happy, scared and unsure don't even begin to cover what I am feeling right now.

Have any of you ladies been induced or had your babies at 37 weeks? I know its term at 37 weeks but did they have any issues with breathing or latching.
Hi cews, sorry to hear about the cholestasis, I hope your okay and feeling a little calmer.
I was induced with my daughter, it wasn't at 37 weeks, it was at 39+5 but just wanted to say although it took a while, started the peccaries on Tuesday and was taken to the labour ward on Thursday to have my waters broken, it went really quickly after that. I was put on a drip and went from 3cm to my little one being born just over 3 hours later! I don't know what your plans are regarding pain relief but I'd definitely recommend an epidural if you get the drip. I was okay at first but towards the end, there was literally 5-10 seconds between contractions and I'd left it too late for any pain relief, just had to push her out! They tend to be stronger with inducements, so I was told.
Good luck! You'll be absolutely fine and will be in safe hands, not long till you meet your baby now! x
Hi cews, sorry to hear about the cholestasis, I hope your okay and feeling a little calmer.
I was induced with my daughter, it wasn't at 37 weeks, it was at 39+5 but just wanted to say although it took a while, started the peccaries on Tuesday and was taken to the labour ward on Thursday to have my waters broken, it went really quickly after that. I was put on a drip and went from 3cm to my little one being born just over 3 hours later! I don't know what your plans are regarding pain relief but I'd definitely recommend an epidural if you get the drip. I was okay at first but towards the end, there was literally 5-10 seconds between contractions and I'd left it too late for any pain relief, just had to push her out! They tend to be stronger with inducements, so I was told.
Good luck! You'll be absolutely fine and will be in safe hands, not long till you meet your baby now! x

Thanks, I was a little unsure about the epidural and wanted to try natural this go around but I think with being induced I will for sure be getting it again. I know that with DS1 I had the drip because i wasn't dilating even though my water broke naturally. I just don't know what to expect with being induced. Im a little calmer but my stomach is still in knots.
Hi cews, sorry to hear about the cholestasis, I hope your okay and feeling a little calmer.
I was induced with my daughter, it wasn't at 37 weeks, it was at 39+5 but just wanted to say although it took a while, started the peccaries on Tuesday and was taken to the labour ward on Thursday to have my waters broken, it went really quickly after that. I was put on a drip and went from 3cm to my little one being born just over 3 hours later! I don't know what your plans are regarding pain relief but I'd definitely recommend an epidural if you get the drip. I was okay at first but towards the end, there was literally 5-10 seconds between contractions and I'd left it too late for any pain relief, just had to push her out! They tend to be stronger with inducements, so I was told.
Good luck! You'll be absolutely fine and will be in safe hands, not long till you meet your baby now! x

Thanks, I was a little unsure about the epidural and wanted to try natural this go around but I think with being induced I will for sure be getting it again. I know that with DS1 I had the drip because i wasn't dilating even though my water broke naturally. I just don't know what to expect with being induced. Im a little calmer but my stomach is still in knots.

Totally understandable, you weren't expecting it. You might not even need the drip this time round, you never know. I needed it as my lo just wasn't ready to be born. It can be a little boring at first , waiting on the pecasrries to work and to go to labour ward, I'd suggest taking in something to read etc if it looks like it's going to take a while.
I'm facing a similar situation. My doctor plans to induce me at 37+2 for high bp. I'm nervous and unsure what to expect this time.
My cousin just had an ELCS at 37 weeks because of GD. I know it's slightly different because those babies are bigger but in terms of lung maturity it's the same and she is fine. You're term at 37 weeks, so try not to worry about little man. It's exciting! And if he needs any extra help you'll already be in the best place possible, and you and your doctors know beforehand that this very slightly early birth is coming so they'll be fully ready to give him a bit of help if necessary (my cousins baby just had one lot of steroids and she could've gone home the same day) Good luck!
Exciting and nerve wracking Cews! I was induced at 37+4. Had 4 pessaries over 4 days but labour never got going properly and she started to get stressed so ended up with a section. But in terms of how she was she was fine (ended up being born at 38+1) and no problems in terms of lung maturity or anything. She was a lazy feeder which we needed a bit of help with but she was like that for a good week or 2 so can't say that's because she came early, think she would have been like that anyway! But maybe just prepare to be in a few days in case it takes a while. I would say from what I've heard the drip tends to be quite intense so you may well need an epidural but I would wait and see how you cope. And good luck! You will both be fine I'm sure xx
Thanks ladies. I know that as soon as I can wrap my head around the news I will be ok. Just trying to not stress out as it making me have contractions and I don't want him coming any earlier than needed.
Both of my boys were born early, my eldest DS at 37 weeks and my youngest DS at 35 weeks. I didn't have issues with either one. They didn't need to be in the NICU or anything and BF just fine. They did lose quite a bit of weight after birth but they had some pretty awesome appetites that made up for it. I'm sure your baby will be fine. It is hard to wrap your head around having to give birth early, isn't it?
Bless you. Don't stress. You'll be exactly where you need to be.
If you are induced, I too strongly recommend getting an epidural. I've done it all as far as vaginal births go: I've been induced with an epidural, induced without an epidural, gone naturally without an epidural, and while I would do natural without an epidural again, I would do ANYTHING to avoid being induced without an epidural again. It was so painful I actually thought my ears where bleeding. And I was in shock: in so much pain I actually had to be treated for shock. I shut down entirely. I didn't make a damn sound during the labour because I couldn't. I'm not trying to scare you: just give you my honest opinion. Take the drugs, if you can. Even gas is very helpful. :)
4 days left until I am induced. So crazy to think that this time on Thursday I will be admitted and starting the process...
I was induced with my first at 38 weeks, and she was absolutely fine - no problems at all. :) I’ve only ever had induced labours so I can’t really compare the pain to a natural labour, but I am hoping to go naturally this time round! Good luck, I’m sure everything will go just fine. X
Hope you're feeling ok and more excited than you are nervous x
My first was 39 weeks natural 9 hours and painful my second was induced 38 weeks, he was ok apart from a very very quick labour yes it was painful and more intense as only 2 hours but I would do his over the 9 hour Labour again. Gas and air with both no epi. You got this you can do this
Im really hoping this labor is faster to be honest. With DS1 it was about 36 hours of labor and another 3 hours of pushing. It was a long and hard labor and it was me going into birth naturally. I did have an epidural that wore off so I felt everything. Im getting a little excited but still alot of nerves. Im sure it will really hit once I am leaving for the hospital.
Wow 4 days will go quick! Enjoy your peace while you can. I have an appt tomm and I think they will section me the week after, so hopefully about 10 days to go. I can't wait! hope you're feeling better x
Itchy, nausea, braxton hicks, acid reflux and now my nerves feel shot! lol... 3 days to go... Im so over being itchy.
Just got back from my last appointment and found out that I am already 3-4cm dilated and cervix is soft! Baby just needs to wait one more day! Doctor said I could go at any time and she was a little shocked I was that far progressed so early.
That is fantastic news!! Fx you won't have to be induced or at least it will be a quick one.

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