Induction Thoughts


mom & parl
May 23, 2013
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So for a few reasons I have booked an induction for 39+3. After spending some time looking it up online I think I've scared myself against it now. I have heard horror stories and there are some positive ones. I know everybody has an opinion but I was hoping to hear some positive stories. Also what kind of questions should I ask the hospital (i.e. should I ask for a sweep first, do they start with pitocin or other methods....) anything you think would have been good to know going in.

Also I have been looking into RLT and EPO. Ideally I would like to go into labour naturally or at least start the process along as much as I can. Thoughts...?
I just went through this myself. I was very FOR induction since week 36 bc of horrible SPD. My doctor would ONLY do it if I was somewhat dilated, even a fingertip. Each week I was disappointed with nothing going on.
I'm now 40+3, 80% effaced and still not dilated even half an iota! Since my OB office doesn't let anyone go past 41 weeks we just scheduled induction this morning for Monday.
Not sure how things work in Canada but here you have to be somewhat dilated, obviously that's not happening with me so they're going with either a foley balloon and/or cirvadil to open my cervix and get things going.

I've read so much on inductions I've scared myself too and I'm hoping that something will change by then. Ive asked all my friends who were induced and all have told me NOT to do it, they all ended up with C-sec....ugh. Obviously I know that's not the case with EVERYONE but it does make me hope for all natural instead.
Exactly. I had a friend induced due to pre-e and she said it was the worst of her 3 labours including her emergency c-section. My SIL has had 3 inductions though and said she wouldn't do it any other way.
I believe here they use a gel to dilate but I'm interested in getting things going on my own and avoiding pitocin. I'm hopeful that if I go in dilated they would just break my waters but not sure if that would avoid the section which I am adamant I will do anything to avoid.
Hope your LO makes a spontaneous appearance soon!!
I have been induced all 3 times. All labours were fine. No c sections, no intervention. All pain relief free only has & air to help me push. But other than that. All was fine. I had the peasaries in all 3. Only my last dd3 did i have the iv drip. And yes is a lot more painful but most definitely my quickest labour of only 50mins. My first was 12hrs & second was 1hr 36mins. Think it's different for everyone mine have all been induced as I get pre e, eclampsia & hellp
I was induced at 39+1 due to high BP. I was only 1cm dilated. I got 2 doses of cytotec up my cervix then my water broke naturally. At 3cm theystarted pitocin and I got my epidural. After that it was smooth sailing. Went from 3-7cm in just a cpl hours. It was a 25 hour labor but who knows it could have been that way if I went naturally too. I'd do it all again. It was a good experience for me.
I have been induced all 3 times. All labours were fine. No c sections, no intervention. All pain relief free only has & air to help me push. But other than that. All was fine. I had the peasaries in all 3. Only my last dd3 did i have the iv drip. And yes is a lot more painful but most definitely my quickest labour of only 50mins. My first was 12hrs & second was 1hr 36mins. Think it's different for everyone mine have all been induced as I get pre e, eclampsia & hellp

May I ask for the other two what the steps were? Did you only need the pessaries? Contractions then started naturally on their own?
I have been induced all 3 times. All labours were fine. No c sections, no intervention. All pain relief free only has & air to help me push. But other than that. All was fine. I had the peasaries in all 3. Only my last dd3 did i have the iv drip. And yes is a lot more painful but most definitely my quickest labour of only 50mins. My first was 12hrs & second was 1hr 36mins. Think it's different for everyone mine have all been induced as I get pre e, eclampsia & hellp

May I ask for the other two what the steps were? Did you only need the pessaries? Contractions then started naturally on their own?

My first 2 labours I had a pessary just the 1. First contractions started within a hour. Water went on there own at about 7cms dilated. Second I had 1 pessary got me to 1cm & then they broke my waters & stretched me from 1-5cms. Labour was very quick after that
From 37 weeks I would do the RLT and EPO. Also from 37 weeks you can take Mederi EZ birth homeopathic which helps prepare for labour. If you are still healthy enough to have sex your hubby's semen will help dilate and soften your cervix.

I was 3cm dilated when they induced me. They put me straight on the iv of pitocin, which I didn't notice contractions from although they were happening on the monitor. They broke my water and I had less than 4 hours of super painful contractions and then dd was born.

My friend started with the tampon thing and was at home for 24 hrs in ridiculous pain before she came and they gave her the pitocin.

I think if you can get your body/cervix a bit prepped, going straight on the pitocin iv is a bit... Nicer??
I've had both a spontaneous labor and an induction. Both varied greatly for me. With my first, I went into labor at a little past 38 weeks and was in labor about 15 hours and I pushed for almost two before he came out. The induction with my daughter was much shorter I was 40+3. They did the cervadil to start things about midnight, at that point I was only dilated about to 2. By 5am contractions started on their own, but pretty tame. They started pitocin a little after 7 and very soon after the contractions got stronger. And for me they were piggy backing, which is when you have a strong one followed by a little one with no break in between. They were coming quite fast so the dr had them turn off the pitocin. Not long after that I was ready to push and only had to push for 10 minutes! Both were med free births. Really the only difference for me was the stronger intensity of the pitocin contractions. And honestly, I would do either way with this one. Still planning on going med free with this baby. Hope this helps!

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