Hello from new Jersey!! both my insurance and DW's insurance does not cover a dime...how ever i found it interesting that a couple we know is currently doing IUI's their insurance covers part...funny thing is what they have left to pay out of pocket is only 200 less than what we are paying with no insurance. so i assume even if insurance does cover it odds are it wont be much they are willing to put out
Good luck!
Mrs. Rod
I'm from New Jersey too (Bergen County), and I know our state has some kind of infertility coverage mandate in place. I was surprised to hear you don't have coverage. I have Horizon BCBS and I am full covered, all procedures, IUI's, IVF's, medications, etc. I thought everyone in NJ had coverage.
Wishing you the best in creating your family!!!
Thats what i thought too but when we went to the RE they told us otherwise
im not even sure how to look into it, but i do know that my insuance in fine print at the bottom say they will not cover anything to do with fertility....and the friends who have insurance are only paying 200 less then us a month its crazy....well it is what it is and im willing to do whatever and spend whatever it takes to get my baby
in adddition i just did a quick google search...now i know why...i am part of a company whose main office is in cali and my insurance comes from my union in PA! ugh that blows right? and DW's insurance comes out of MA i mean it sucks it really does but my RE gave me a flat rate per month so no suprises
im a little bummed because i got for my baseline monday so my 1st iui wont be long after im sure i just pray that it takes within 3 tries or else im not sure i can afford it without taking a break
Hi everyone - I am sorry to hear you are having so much trouble with coverage...
Here is what I know from a paper I wrote on assisted reproduction - There are currently fourteen states which
DO have some mandated converage, however there are a couple ways you can still get the short end of the stick. First like you said above, if your company's main office is located in another state and another being if they have some sort of religious affilation which does not promote AR. (I'm sure there are other reasons they come up with too)
That being said, my state is great. In Illinois it is required they cover infertility at the same level as any other medical issue. This includes 4 ivf cycles and if one of those reults in a live birth then it will cover two additional cycles (great coverage isn't it?). First they would like you to try less invasive means (IUI, meds) - unless you have a diagnosis which means these would be fruitless - like premature ovarian failure.
The downside is they do not cover any sort of embryo storage, but will cover FET - weird, right?
Oh, and there is a congresswoman (sorry, can't remember her name) trying to make mandatory coverage a national law - but she is getting a surprisingly little backing because this is such a silent epidemic. (I have no one to speak about this in my life except you all on bump)
I feel fortunate to live here right now, and glad I don't work at a Catholic hopsital anymore (many of our good nurses left to find coverage!!).
Good luck to everyone - I hope the info helps.