We saw this at Rooms To Go and Eliza is in love with it. I know she'd do fine with a twin bed but I'm wondering if maybe the hanging fabric from the top part or the ribbon ties would be a strangulation hazard?
Think it depends on your kid- but could you just not put the fabric part up till later if your worried? At 2- my LO would of done well enough, but would have used the bars as something to hang off of! LOL. She was *usually* cautious and didn't get into too much mischief- but that can certainly vary by kid
That's really cute, but I probably wouldn't be comfortable with it. My LO would also use it as a climbing frame and he'd rip down all the hanging bits. I'd be worried about the strangulation hazard - I think it best to wait until they're older for something so elaborate.
I wouldn't have it personally but I am a worrier and wouldn't be able to relax. I'd be checking on her every five minutes and wouldn't get any sleep myself
I'm so jealous of some of the beds you can get in the States! Something like that here would cost a small fortune! But yes I would be inclined to get something like that at school age.
That is GORGEOUS! But agree with the others, definitely hold off on the ribbons and hang down things until she is older. Way too risky. You could always get the bed now and just not put those items on it until she is older.
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