It's back again please help. !!!!!!!UPDATE PG 8!!!!!!! IVE DONE DIGITALS LOOK ON PAGE 8!!!!!!!!!!!!

A friend of my mom's started in her 30s. It doesn't hurt to tell your doctor you wanna be tested. There's definite freaking lines on your tests and if it were me I'd def be freaking out too. I've read that some women can always turn a test positive but if this is the first time this is happening to you then something changed in your body.

Yah i did mention that to her but she kinda just blew it off. Yeah I've heard of women doing that as well but this hasn't been the case for me until now gosh it's sooooooooo frustrating
Her explanation doesn't explain the last few months of this though and i brought that up to her she said that my body might've been trying to ovulate for months now and everytime it tried my hcg levels would increase but i kinda feel like she doesn't know and instead of saying i don't know likey me do some research she's just talking ot of her ASSS!!!!'ve been through so much!!!! I really don't like your doctor. With that being said, I am NOT a doctor so please take this with a grain of salt and do your own research. I just really think you need to take matters into your own hands

Did she offer a transvaginal ultrasound? Have you had one since giving birth to make sure there's not any retained tissue? It could also be used to make sure there aren't any growths in your uterus or on your ovaries, cysts that may be producing HCG, etc.

I've read a few studies that do say that there's evidence that some women do produce HCG at the time of ovulation, something like 80% of women, which makes sense because you can take HCG in medicine form to finalize the maturation of follicles and force ovulation, so your body does produce it naturally in order to create that same result. So it's possible that your body has been trying to ovulate, but I don't know how much our bodies can produce outside of pregnancy and how long it takes for that HCG to return back to zero. We just don't see it because we don't test for HCG at ovulation.

My doctor also told me that after a chemical, live birth, miscarriage, or other hormonal shifts that affect your pituitary gland, your baseline beta can raise to 4 or even 5 and it completely normal and safe until your pituitary gland returns to normal, and that's why the cutoff for betas is 5. That's why I think your doctor should have been giving you regularly scheduled repeat betas since the first time you noticed the positive results to see exactly what your body is doing over a period of time. Thank God she's doing the repeat beta today, but it needs to be repeated again and if it doesn't double or decrease, I would ask for a transvaginal ultrasound (if you've already had one then still do it again, and ask for them to check your ovaries for any growths, uterine lining too) as the next step.

If you don't see anything on the ultrasound, then, and I hate to say this, then I would ask for an CA 125 blood test as well, which is when you should worry. Maybe they did one if they did a complete CBC? Check your blood test results for it, but if it's not there, ask for another draw to include that. It sounds like your doctor isn't very knowledgeable or proactive and you'll have to take this into your own hands to get to the bottom of it.

In the case of the pituitary gland producing HCG, here's a bit of a study I found:

An elevated β-hCG in the absence of viable pregnancy can occur for multiple reasons and has a broad differential diagnosis including miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, pituitary hCG production, trophoblastic disease and phantom hCG. Ectopic pregnancy is frequently suspected when β-hCG levels plateau or fail to double within 48 h without evidence of intrauterine pregnancy with ultrasound. When intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy are ruled out, other causes should be investigated.

Pituitary hCG may be produced in perimenopausal or postmenopausal women. As estrogen and progesterone production decreases, releasing gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) from negative feedback, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) rise. The β subunit gene of LH is found in a sequence of 7 hCG β subunit genes and therefore uncontrolled GnRH stimulation may lead to hCG production by pituitary gonadotrope cells (Cole, 2005).

It goes on to say that a beta level below 14 isn't worth testing for FSH anyway and if you're getting pregnant and just had a baby we are accurate to assume that your FSH isn't over 45 anyway which is another marker for that being something to worry about.

There are almost 10 subunits of HCG, and our regular, pee sticks and doctor's regular blood testing assays don't differentiate between them. The FDA only requires that they say yes or no to the most whole form of HCG. So, although the tests can pick up that you have an elevation of HCG in your urine and blood, it cannot tell you whether it's a cancerous form or not, which is why you just need more damn testing.
Im glad she is rushing bloods for you. I hope that this will give you the answers.
Fingers crossed that you get some solid answers from these blood tests! <3've been through so much!!!! I really don't like your doctor. With that being said, I am NOT a doctor so please take this with a grain of salt and do your own research. I just really think you need to take matters into your own hands

Did she offer a transvaginal ultrasound? Have you had one since giving birth to make sure there's not any retained tissue? It could also be used to make sure there aren't any growths in your uterus or on your ovaries, cysts that may be producing HCG, etc.

I've read a few studies that do say that there's evidence that some women do produce HCG at the time of ovulation, something like 80% of women, which makes sense because you can take HCG in medicine form to finalize the maturation of follicles and force ovulation, so your body does produce it naturally in order to create that same result. So it's possible that your body has been trying to ovulate, but I don't know how much our bodies can produce outside of pregnancy and how long it takes for that HCG to return back to zero. We just don't see it because we don't test for HCG at ovulation.

My doctor also told me that after a chemical, live birth, miscarriage, or other hormonal shifts that affect your pituitary gland, your baseline beta can raise to 4 or even 5 and it completely normal and safe until your pituitary gland returns to normal, and that's why the cutoff for betas is 5. That's why I think your doctor should have been giving you regularly scheduled repeat betas since the first time you noticed the positive results to see exactly what your body is doing over a period of time. Thank God she's doing the repeat beta today, but it needs to be repeated again and if it doesn't double or decrease, I would ask for a transvaginal ultrasound (if you've already had one then still do it again, and ask for them to check your ovaries for any growths, uterine lining too) as the next step.

If you don't see anything on the ultrasound, then, and I hate to say this, then I would ask for an CA 125 blood test as well, which is when you should worry. Maybe they did one if they did a complete CBC? Check your blood test results for it, but if it's not there, ask for another draw to include that. It sounds like your doctor isn't very knowledgeable or proactive and you'll have to take this into your own hands to get to the bottom of it.

In the case of the pituitary gland producing HCG, here's a bit of a study I found:

An elevated β-hCG in the absence of viable pregnancy can occur for multiple reasons and has a broad differential diagnosis including miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, pituitary hCG production, trophoblastic disease and phantom hCG. Ectopic pregnancy is frequently suspected when β-hCG levels plateau or fail to double within 48 h without evidence of intrauterine pregnancy with ultrasound. When intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy are ruled out, other causes should be investigated.

Pituitary hCG may be produced in perimenopausal or postmenopausal women. As estrogen and progesterone production decreases, releasing gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) from negative feedback, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) rise. The β subunit gene of LH is found in a sequence of 7 hCG β subunit genes and therefore uncontrolled GnRH stimulation may lead to hCG production by pituitary gonadotrope cells (Cole, 2005).

It goes on to say that a beta level below 14 isn't worth testing for FSH anyway and if you're getting pregnant and just had a baby we are accurate to assume that your FSH isn't over 45 anyway which is another marker for that being something to worry about.
T here are almost 10 subunits of HCG, and our regular, pee sticks and doctor's regular blood testing assays don't differentiate between them. The FDA only requires that they say yes or no to the most whole form of HCG. So, although the tests can pick up that you have an elevation of HCG in your urine and blood, it cannot tell you whether it's a cancerous form or not, which is why you just need more damn testing.

thank you so much for this, this is more into than I have recieved in the3 times I've met with and talked with the doctors and nurses! I agree that they're not doing enough and I'm getting ignored or made out to be over dramatic but there's something going on and I'm pretty sure it isn't pregnancy related everytime! Even if I'm pregnant this time that isn't an answer to me because obviouslyI wasn't all the other times and if itis. one ofthese things it Could possibly notonly harm me but the baby as well they did not run the CA 125 When they ran my CBC so thats something I will ask for I've already went for bloodwork today but if the levels of HCG have increased I will be demanding more blood work and I will tell them they have to run this! I've put in calls to 2 other offices in a town about 30 min avery but it a bigger city w/hopefully better DR. but insurance will notpay so it will be out of pocket which is fine ifI start to get answers and feel heard it'll be worth every penny! this is really starting to mess with me and I need answers or at least a doctor fighting to find answers! I appreciate all this info greatly andI hope you don't mind me using it to talk W /docs? I bought more frer and Just my luck they are messed up no lines are coming up on any of the 3 that came no control line or positive line! Bullshit but thats myluck lately!
Im glad she is rushing bloods for you. I hope that this will give you the answers.

you and me both sister! goodness this is too much and now the first response I bought are bad! no control like or test line on all 3!!'ve been through so much!!!! I really don't like your doctor. With that being said, I am NOT a doctor so please take this with a grain of salt and do your own research. I just really think you need to take matters into your own hands

Did she offer a transvaginal ultrasound? Have you had one since giving birth to make sure there's not any retained tissue? It could also be used to make sure there aren't any growths in your uterus or on your ovaries, cysts that may be producing HCG, etc.

I've read a few studies that do say that there's evidence that some women do produce HCG at the time of ovulation, something like 80% of women, which makes sense because you can take HCG in medicine form to finalize the maturation of follicles and force ovulation, so your body does produce it naturally in order to create that same result. So it's possible that your body has been trying to ovulate, but I don't know how much our bodies can produce outside of pregnancy and how long it takes for that HCG to return back to zero. We just don't see it because we don't test for HCG at ovulation.

My doctor also told me that after a chemical, live birth, miscarriage, or other hormonal shifts that affect your pituitary gland, your baseline beta can raise to 4 or even 5 and it completely normal and safe until your pituitary gland returns to normal, and that's why the cutoff for betas is 5. That's why I think your doctor should have been giving you regularly scheduled repeat betas since the first time you noticed the positive results to see exactly what your body is doing over a period of time. Thank God she's doing the repeat beta today, but it needs to be repeated again and if it doesn't double or decrease, I would ask for a transvaginal ultrasound (if you've already had one then still do it again, and ask for them to check your ovaries for any growths, uterine lining too) as the next step.

If you don't see anything on the ultrasound, then, and I hate to say this, then I would ask for an CA 125 blood test as well, which is when you should worry. Maybe they did one if they did a complete CBC? Check your blood test results for it, but if it's not there, ask for another draw to include that. It sounds like your doctor isn't very knowledgeable or proactive and you'll have to take this into your own hands to get to the bottom of it.

In the case of the pituitary gland producing HCG, here's a bit of a study I found:

An elevated β-hCG in the absence of viable pregnancy can occur for multiple reasons and has a broad differential diagnosis including miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, pituitary hCG production, trophoblastic disease and phantom hCG. Ectopic pregnancy is frequently suspected when β-hCG levels plateau or fail to double within 48 h without evidence of intrauterine pregnancy with ultrasound. When intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy are ruled out, other causes should be investigated.

Pituitary hCG may be produced in perimenopausal or postmenopausal women. As estrogen and progesterone production decreases, releasing gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) from negative feedback, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) rise. The β subunit gene of LH is found in a sequence of 7 hCG β subunit genes and therefore uncontrolled GnRH stimulation may lead to hCG production by pituitary gonadotrope cells (Cole, 2005).

It goes on to say that a beta level below 14 isn't worth testing for FSH anyway and if you're getting pregnant and just had a baby we are accurate to assume that your FSH isn't over 45 anyway which is another marker for that being something to worry about.

There are almost 10 subunits of HCG, and our regular, pee sticks and doctor's regular blood testing assays don't differentiate between them. The FDA only requires that they say yes or no to the most whole form of HCG. So, although the tests can pick up that you have an elevation of HCG in your urine and blood, it cannot tell you whether it's a cancerous form or not, which is why you just need more damn testing.

OH and no ultrasound has been done that is something I begged for when I saw her she said wait for blood work
This is why I stuck to the walmart tests. I never got an eval with them and the FRER have gone to junk in the past few years!

I cant believe your doctor has been brushing this off for so long but I really hope that with the new bloods something will become apparent. Have you tried a new digital? When are you will get the results for the new bloods?
This is why I stuck to the walmart tests. I never got an eval with them and the FRER have gone to junk in the past few years!

I cant believe your doctor has been brushing this off for so long but I really hope that with the new bloods something will become apparent. Have you tried a new digital? When are you will get the results for the new bloods?

Yeah it was crazy i bought 2 boxes of 2 count but i Bought them from family dollar and I took all the tests out of the packages and wrappers Before I got home to hide the evidence of how many tests I'm buying and how much Im spending so they may Have Been expired being from there I did notice dust on them lol butI'm still annoyed I want to take a digi tomorrow I go buy more tests I prob grab a digi. as well, I know my doctor is really getting on my last nerve! Rushed blood work usually comes back in2-3 days it will be the longest2-3 days EVER
Gosh the crampy feeling is coming on strong tonight!!!!! I'm worried maybe ectopic or something like a growth or cyst
So rubbish about those tests bring faulty! That’s all you need right now!!!!!!
like pregnancy niggles? Or cramp cramps??

Yeah like niggles not cramps you know those little pains that you can pin point where it's coming from? But they stress me out because i don't know what's going on so I'm afraid it's ectopic or if I'm not pregnant why am i feeling it?
thank you so much for this, this is more into than I have recieved in the3 times I've met with and talked with the doctors and nurses! I agree that they're not doing enough and I'm getting ignored or made out to be over dramatic but there's something going on and I'm pretty sure it isn't pregnancy related everytime! Even if I'm pregnant this time that isn't an answer to me because obviouslyI wasn't all the other times and if itis. one ofthese things it Could possibly notonly harm me but the baby as well they did not run the CA 125 When they ran my CBC so thats something I will ask for I've already went for bloodwork today but if the levels of HCG have increased I will be demanding more blood work and I will tell them they have to run this! I've put in calls to 2 other offices in a town about 30 min avery but it a bigger city w/hopefully better DR. but insurance will notpay so it will be out of pocket which is fine ifI start to get answers and feel heard it'll be worth every penny! this is really starting to mess with me and I need answers or at least a doctor fighting to find answers! I appreciate all this info greatly andI hope you don't mind me using it to talk W /docs? I bought more frer and Just my luck they are messed up no lines are coming up on any of the 3 that came no control line or positive line! Bullshit but thats myluck lately!
I'm so sorry you're going through so much. Please feel free to use it as a basis for asking questions at your next appointment. I hate that you're cramping. Are you still getting positive tests?
I'm so sorry you're going through so much. Please feel free to use it as a basis for asking questions at your next appointment. I hate that you're cramping. Are you still getting positive tests?

Thank you it will help me know what to ask as i feel like my emotions get the best of me when I'm seeing her and I lose all train of thought! I am i bought a new pack today i only waited 45 minutes to pee and the was still a line not like the others but deff line and with only holding 45 minutes tops kinda startled me i thought it'd be negative, im holding now i want toi hold 4 hours if the next few tests (2 frer 2 88 cent) do not progress at all im done testing because its cost me an arm and a leg ive probably spent over a thousand the last few months!! I'll just push the doc to repeat bloods and if necessary send me to oncology. Thank you honey for being so amazing I've read through your struggle and even through all that you're being so endearing towards me you are an amazing human being and I'm so sorry for the struggle you are going through you obviously deserve to get your happy ending and bring home baby I've said a few prayers for you i hope you don't mind!
I don't understand!!!! Why does every single thing have to be sooooooooo confusing ughScreenshot_20190115-182926_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20190115-182915_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20190115-182909_Gallery.jpg

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