Its not fair...she's only 10!


My Eggo is Preggo!
Apr 8, 2008
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My DD is only ten and she is very close to starting her periods.:cry:
She's been thinking about it for the last year or so as Ive noticed light browny coloured discharge in her knickers, pubic hair down there, boobs, greasy hair/skin and spots on her face:dohh:
The thing is, although she looks older than 10, she isn't ready for the responsibility of puberty! I still have to nag her in the mornings to change her knickers, wash her hair... I'm scared she's not going to be able to maintain her personal hygeine.
I have had a talk with her and she knows to tell me if and when it happens, so I'm confident she will confide in me when the time comes.
10 THOUGH? wtf!
I was 15, ffs, my baby girl is growing up too fast:cry:
Anybody else dd satrted this young? How did you handle it, how did she handle it?

Aww hun It must be hard for you to see!My Mum(69),Sister,Me and my sisters 2 eldest girls all started our periods at age 10!!I was pre-warned as my Mum expected it so it was not a big deal really for me,my mum was open about it but I felt embarressed to tell people!.I started High School boobs,periods and all!!She will be fine hunni,aslong as she knows what to expect and she has you there for support,It never really affected me just made me look older than I was but for me at the time as a teenager I loved
omg my daughter is 6 i cant imagine her going through that at 10! no advice sorry x
Hi. My daughter isn't anywhere near this stage but I myself started my periods really young. I was 11. My mum didn't ever really talk to me about just told me that I would have to start wearing sanitary pads and I already knew from school what periods meant.

I remember that I wasn't really fazed myself and just dealt with it. Back then I think It was just another tedious chore like washing my hair but I was still the same child I was the day before they started.

If I was there now with my own DD I would have done what you have done. Talk to her, make sure she understands. Make sure she knows that you are there to support her whilst she goes through these changes. Talk to her about personal hygiene however awkward and help her understand how important it is.

Hope I help :) :hugs:
I have spoken to her about it but I dont know how much of it has gone in to be honest. I swear she'd forget her own name somedays:dohh: She's so lacksadaisy its unreal. I am just not sure she's mature enough to deal with it all.
I suppose she will have to learn fast though, :dohh:

I have spent the last year drumming into her the importance of personal hygeine, and its finally registered that she has to change her knickers every day:dohh: My 6 year old does this anyway.

She's just too young to become a woman at 10:cry:
I started at 11.

I don't know what to do about the knickers thing, but you can help her prevent acne and greasy skin by maybe doing facials and stuff together?? Buy her a fancy facewash (apparently boots carries a line called Soap and Glory that you can get 2 for 3 or 3 for 2, whatever their sale is that they have there. They sell it here, I use it...its wonderful. Its called Scrub Your Nose In It) that looks pretty and wash your faces together/slap some facemask on...make it mother/daughter bonding time. Help her do her hair too so it doesn't look so greasy, etc....
My dd is 10 as well and im dreading it, she is a bugger for not changing her knickers, every morn i have to tell her.

She wont have a shower unless i remind her but she always remember to brush her teeth, shame she dont do her hair. :dohh:

Her memory is appalling, i can ask her summat and not 10 second later she has forgotten.

Oh well its part of Mummyhood.


V xxxx
I started my periods at 11, as did my mum. She got me a book when I was 10 (Everything a Girl Should Know by Samantha Rugen, brilliant book, basic without being patronising) and some sanitary towels to keep in my underwear drawer, and told me what to do with them. As soon as I started my period I went in and told her as I was really scared, even though she prepared me for it, and she gave me a big hug. I think she went about it the right way really, it must be difficult for both of you. My mum is already panicking a bit about my sister who is 9 and has started developing already, but no periods yet x
I started at 11.

I don't know what to do about the knickers thing, but you can help her prevent acne and greasy skin by maybe doing facials and stuff together?? Buy her a fancy facewash (apparently boots carries a line called Soap and Glory that you can get 2 for 3 or 3 for 2, whatever their sale is that they have there. They sell it here, I use it...its wonderful. Its called Scrub Your Nose In It) that looks pretty and wash your faces together/slap some facemask on...make it mother/daughter bonding time. Help her do her hair too so it doesn't look so greasy, etc....

I use this line! I dont have the facial one though. I do buy her clearasil and she has MUD facial mask and to be fair, she uses them when she feels like it. I think I might suggest a little 'us' time one night this week and do this, maybe I can approach the puberty subject again.

My dd is 10 as well and im dreading it, she is a bugger for not changing her knickers, every morn i have to tell her.

She wont have a shower unless i remind her but she always remember to brush her teeth, shame she dont do her hair. :dohh:

Her memory is appalling, i can ask her summat and not 10 second later she has forgotten.

Oh well its part of Mummyhood.


V xxxx

Oh hun, we have 2 peas in a pod! Courteney is Ditzy, so unbeleivably ditzy, lol!

I started my periods at 11, as did my mum. She got me a book when I was 10 (Everything a Girl Should Know by Samantha Rugen, brilliant book, basic without being patronising) and some sanitary towels to keep in my underwear drawer, and told me what to do with them. As soon as I started my period I went in and told her as I was really scared, even though she prepared me for it, and she gave me a big hug. I think she went about it the right way really, it must be difficult for both of you. My mum is already panicking a bit about my sister who is 9 and has started developing already, but no periods yet x

Ive bought her a book a while back and she did have a look. She's not embarrassed about it at all which is great! But maybe I should buy her some sanitary towels...the only thing is she shares a room with my 6 year old dd and last time she had hold of mine she plastered the cat in them :rofl: But no seriously, I shall pop some in her bottom drawer and tell her they are there:thumbup:
My DD is only ten and she is very close to starting her periods.:cry:
She's been thinking about it for the last year or so as Ive noticed light browny coloured discharge in her knickers, pubic hair down there, boobs, greasy hair/skin and spots on her face:dohh:
The thing is, although she looks older than 10, she isn't ready for the responsibility of puberty! I still have to nag her in the mornings to change her knickers, wash her hair... I'm scared she's not going to be able to maintain her personal hygeine.
I have had a talk with her and she knows to tell me if and when it happens, so I'm confident she will confide in me when the time comes.
10 THOUGH? wtf!
I was 15, ffs, my baby girl is growing up too fast:cry:
Anybody else dd satrted this young? How did you handle it, how did she handle it?


:) For the panty issue, what about buying her some fun/cute (but still age-appropriate) underwear? Not sure if it will help, but maybe? I was 11/12 with mine, I know I always wore dark bottoms when I had my period because I was super paranoid about leaks LOL before I started using tampons.. umm.. TBH I kept everything in check because I knew it would be super embarrassing if I didn't and there was some sort of AF mishap :shy: She'll do fine I'm sure, you're doing great already with the book etc! <3
Thanks Tasha. Ive been down the cute underwear route but she's really funny about what knickers she wears, they have to come up by her belly button:blush: Like granny knickers.

Forgot to mention, she also wears a bra:wacko:
Ah it is a bit unlucky to start so early I think, but I think the thing with the showers will come by its own right- It was never my strenghts to have a shower in time. anyway what about making a chart which tells her when to do things? I had that (like not only hygiene stuff but also tidy room etc)
I am btw also for books that prepare about the changes in body, , we had one by school, and I had ne which belonged to my 4 year older sister .
My periods only sterted a day short of my 15 th birthday .
I was 11 I think. It is young but not reallly young IYKWIM? Still doesn't make it easier from a mother perspective I bet :(
my sister is 11 and started hers a few months ago
my mothers so worried about her getting pregnant
she's also wearing a bra and is a stinky bugger lol
it is very young you dont think of a 10 or 11 year old
as a woman its scarey ..

books are a fab idea ... maybe let her pick her own
cute granny pants ... maybe use ones with days of
the week that always worked for me lol or get some
feminine wipes for after going to the loo or wash for
the bath or perhaps treat her to some girly lush stuff
thats how my mum gets my sister to bath lol

Awww :hugs:

I started when I was 10, and my mum swears she talked to me about it, and I have two older sisters plus apparently we did classes at school... but must've all gone in one ear and out the other because I thought I was dying when it happened! I would make sure you keep it a current topic, something that's mentioned every now and then because it sounds like it won't sink in otherwise. I'm going to make sure I do that with Sofia.

Can't help with the hygeine - I was always a clean freak!
aw hun try your best not to stress about it - i started at 9 !!! and i was HORRIFIED!!! my mum had given me a book but never mentioned anything or spoke to me about stuff like that really except to say never tell a boy you are on your period as its a secret????

huge:hugs: hun, i'm sure it will all come in time. i also agree with giving her the SP to pop in her bottom drawer. Also on the skin issue, quite alot of salons do teenage facials, maybe there is somewhere round you that does then get her some nice looking face stuff/toiletries n see if that helps??

huge :hugs: and to Courtney too:)
Aww bless my daughter is 8 (9 in feb) I had to go buy her a bra yesterday !

She does horseriding and sports etc and they were getting sore. My hubby wouldnt come lol !

I am now dreading the periods, I was 9 when I started so I expect her to start early. She has the body of a 11 year old anyway !. I dont have an issue with knickers etc she just wont clean her teeth without being dragged to the bathroom. She showers etc regularly but she is a cheeky madam most of the time !!!!!!!!!!
i was 10 when i started mine, was lucky to have an older sister who started just before her 12th bday. Although it means shes growing up fast trust me when your a teen (im 17, sorry if i offend anyone)its easier starting early cos ou dont get embarressed when discussing it at school (my friends allways went beetroot red i wasnt too bad).

I started wearing bras when i started too. My mum always took a day each week (usually a sat night) where wed sit and do things such as watch films etc (i was quite a clean child suprisingly rooms a state nowadays!) so id recommend it i didnt open up to my mum until she casully said she had period cramps and pretended she needed advice (like how to cope). Sounds stupid but it worked and i told her i had them too...

So maybe try that too? and i agree about getting nice granny pants...dont blame her though they are quite comfy sorry TMI

Anyhow kinda hope this helps...
awww thanks girls:hugs:

Youve given me some fab ideas to be getting on with.
I'm going to go to town this week and put her together a 'welcome to womanhood goody bag' and put in it some towels, some femine wipes, some deodorant, some nice facial stuff, maybe a nice lipgloss, some knickers...If I can find some granny ones:blush:'

can you think of anything else?

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