..~:: IUI & Clomid ::~.. anyone?

Lucinda -- That just sucks! I am so sorry!! Hoping things move quickly for you so you can get started again!

Cjohnson -- Why are they cancelling the procedure? I hope you are ok!

Oculi -- What's new with you?

I've been shooting myself up with gonal-f this past week. How awkward, I do not like it at all. But hopeful for a retrieval late next week.
Hi ladies, the wicked witch got me yesterday so here I am to the May thread. Going on our 6th round of clomid and praying to make it to the iui part this month. Last month got cancelled due to a thin lining. Have to call the doctor Monday for our game plan this month. Will post more then. Good luck to everyone for May!
Lucinda -- That just sucks! I am so sorry!! Hoping things move quickly for you so you can get started again!

Cjohnson -- Why are they cancelling the procedure? I hope you are ok!

Oculi -- What's new with you?

I've been shooting myself up with gonal-f this past week. How awkward, I do not like it at all. But hopeful for a retrieval late next week.

Thanks Missy....hope lots of follies are growing! I'm currently waiting for AF to start my next cycle!
I kinda had a mini meltdown when i went to the clinic on mon and they stated that i ovulated prematurely(had smiley face on digital ovulation test on sat am); meaning they had me come in too late and missed my ovulation and canceled my frozen transfer. I am beyond pissed and returned to my old RE (I love him but very expensive) and took ivf class, signed consents, ordered meds, and now waiting for AF to start injections for conventional ivf.

Oh no!!! Are you serious??! I am so sorry to hear that!!:hugs: What the heck?? I think switching to a different RE is a good idea!!

So now they are canceling my cycle......

huh?? What happened? Why did they cancel your cycle??

Lucinda -- That just sucks! I am so sorry!! Hoping things move quickly for you so you can get started again!

Cjohnson -- Why are they cancelling the procedure? I hope you are ok!

Oculi -- What's new with you?

I've been shooting myself up with gonal-f this past week. How awkward, I do not like it at all. But hopeful for a retrieval late next week.

DH and I went for a "counselling session" this past Monday. We were led to a room, together with 4 other couples, and waited for about 45 minutes before the doctor finally showed up and explained to us what to expect and stuff. Then we had to sign some forms and go for another blood test (HIV, Hep C & Hep B screening).
Now I'm waiting for AF to show. I'm only on CD16 so, I still got another 2 weeks to wait.:coffee: When AF's here, I'm to call the center, go in for an u/s on CD3 or 4 and if there are no cysts I can proceed to injecting the meds.

Hi ladies, the wicked witch got me yesterday so here I am to the May thread. Going on our 6th round of clomid and praying to make it to the iui part this month. Last month got cancelled due to a thin lining. Have to call the doctor Monday for our game plan this month. Will post more then. Good luck to everyone for May!

Hi!:flower: Sorry to hear about last month's cycle. I hope things go better for you this time. Good luck! :)
Oculi this sounds exciting; do u know which meds u will be on? Are u doing ICSI?
I just need to share that I have 9 follicles so far >10mm! I can't wait for the retrieval (tho Im a little nervous). It all feels so fast and so slow at the same time.

I hope everyone else has lots of luck and that your days keep moving along for you too! I know its just so hard to wait! (especially when it feels like you're bring left behind...)
Lucinda, I don't know what meds I'll be on yet but I'll let you know once I know more.
They told us that they're gonna do half/half (ivf/icsi). So, we'll see how that goes.

Missy, sounds good. :) how big did they say your follies need to be before egg retrieval?
Lucinda, I don't know what meds I'll be on yet but I'll let you know once I know more.
They told us that they're gonna do half/half (ivf/icsi). So, we'll see how that goes.

Interesting. We were told that they watch the eggs and sperm, and if after a little bit if nothing was taking they would do icsi

Missy, sounds good. :) how big did they say your follies need to be before egg retrieval?

Today I had 13 follicles btwn 11-18mm. Most of them are over 14. They were looking for most of them being over 15. I found out a few hours ago that I am scheduled for the retrieval Friday morning. They are giving me another day to grow a little bit before the trigger. Im so excited and nervous! :)
Well my cd 5 scan went better than expected. I had a few small cysts but nothing to prevent her from giving me clomid. We had the choice to try 100 mg again or stay at 50. We chose to stay at 50 since I hyper stimulate on 100. So hoping my lining stays thick this time. We have a cd 14 ultrasound on May 9th. Will know more then. Possible iui and trigger shot. The good news we got scheduled with the good fertility specialist May 8th to see about a lap and dye test and hsg. Hoping to finally get some answers!
Lucinda, I don't know what meds I'll be on yet but I'll let you know once I know more.
They told us that they're gonna do half/half (ivf/icsi). So, we'll see how that goes.

Interesting. We were told that they watch the eggs and sperm, and if after a little bit if nothing was taking they would do icsi

Missy, sounds good. :) how big did they say your follies need to be before egg retrieval?

Today I had 13 follicles btwn 11-18mm. Most of them are over 14. They were looking for most of them being over 15. I found out a few hours ago that I am scheduled for the retrieval Friday morning. They are giving me another day to grow a little bit before the trigger. Im so excited and nervous! :)

How exciting!!!! Almost there ;)
Lucinda, I don't know what meds I'll be on yet but I'll let you know once I know more.
They told us that they're gonna do half/half (ivf/icsi). So, we'll see how that goes.

Interesting. We were told that they watch the eggs and sperm, and if after a little bit if nothing was taking they would do icsi

Missy, sounds good. :) how big did they say your follies need to be before egg retrieval?

Today I had 13 follicles btwn 11-18mm. Most of them are over 14. They were looking for most of them being over 15. I found out a few hours ago that I am scheduled for the retrieval Friday morning. They are giving me another day to grow a little bit before the trigger. Im so excited and nervous! :)

How exciting!!!! Almost there ;)

Eek! Retrieval tomorrow morning!!
Dannixo, good luck! Hope this will be the month for you!:)

Lucinda, well, that's good, too! We were told that for first-timers it's standard procedure to do half-half (except if there's certain known problems with either one of the partners). Hope that if the IVF half doesn't take they'll do icsi for those eggs, too.

Missy, soooooo? How did it go??
So I almost fainted when they hooked me up to fluids...but that was the worst part. I dont remember a single thing about the procedure itself, which is probably good. They told me they got 9 eggs...not so bad! Went home and slept about 3 hours. I still have some slight cramping, but not that bad.

BUT I just got a call with an update. Only 1 fertilized so they were going to try a "recovery icsi" to try to get a few more. I know it only takes one...but Im a little disappointed. Tomorrow they will call with more info and we'll figure out the next steps.

I'm just going to try to stay positive, but its so difficult.

And soon I go to a baby shower for a friend from work. Hope I dont break down. Super happy for her, but still.

Thanks for listening girls! Its so nice to have someone to "talk" tp.
Missy I'm hoping they get some more with ICSI ;) I just wonder y they didnt try it in the first place?
Stay strong at the baby shower....those could be hard esp in the middle of all this :/
Lucinda, yay! Hope I'll be joining you in about a week.

Missy, don't be disheartened. One is all it takes! ;)
Yeah, how come they didn't try icsi in the first place? Anyways, hope they'll be able to fertilize some more.

I completely understand how you feel about the baby shower. Stay strong! :hugs: soon, it'll be your turn! :D
You ladies are great! I just have to say that.

I keep trying to be positive. My friend's son just turned 1 and he is proof that it only takes one. She just keeps telling me that and I know its the truth.

At the same time, my hubby is trying to prepare me for if they call and say the one is not viable.

Also, I have no idea why they didn;t go straight to icsi. They had told us they watch them, and go to icsi if necessary, but I don't think I realized what that meant. ::sigh::

And good luck with the stims...They aren't that bad...but I hated them@
Staying positive is all that you have; everything will work out. Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well.
AFM I don't mind the Gonal F in the AM....it's the Menopur that's a pain because I have to mix it and it burns going in :/ I will eventually have to add Ganirelex so I'm hoping that isn't too bad.
Lucinda -- I only took gonal f, then added in ganirelix, and finally the trigger, which was the only med I had to mix. Ganirelix was the easiest shot bc it was prefilled and pre measured, so it will seem like nothing. Hang in there...you're almost there!

So this morning my phone rang at 9am and it was my doc. I was positive it was bad news bc no one had said anything about a phone call til the afternoon telling me my time for tomorrow. But he was calling to say that 3 more fertilized! My transfer is likely tomorrow morning. (Possibly Wed. but the doc made it sound like tomorrow was likely.)

I asked about icsi, and he said its their protocol to just leave them together unless there was other reasons to go straight to icsi. When he described what he saw, I immediately thought of the sperm and eggs as being at a middle school dance. He said they just stayed far apart and that, if nothing else, we figured out the problem so thats good.

Oculi -- its good that they go straight ot half and half icsi. That will save you some if you're anything like me.

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