..~:: IUI & Clomid ::~.. anyone?

Good luck everyone. I wish I could be excited that Im going early for my test, but AF showed with a vengeance yesterday so I'm pretty sure I can predict the results :(
Missy, I am so so sorry!!! :hugs:
Are you going to see your specialist and start a new cycle right away?
I don't know if it helps but I read that for the 2nd and 3rd IVF your chances would almost double! :)

Is it a full flow AF? If It's not as strong as usual, there's still a chance! Whichever's the case, keep your head up! You WILL get your BFP sooner or later!
I got my progestrone levels back. They were 27.56. Also finally got a negative on hpt so I know the noverall shot has left my system. Only 6 more days to test. Not holding much hope since a few months back I had a progesteone level of 28 and wasn't pregnant.
Thanks for the optimism, but blood test confirmed it today. Talking to specialist on Monday, but planning on going straight to the 2nd ivf. My clinic does the long protocol every time, so it'll prob be back to the pill for 2weeks before injections. So at least it's like a little break during down regulation. And hopefully we figured out part of the problem and will def go straight to icsi and hopefully get better results. I'm disappointed, but still hopeful....

Hopefully the rest of you get better results then me first time around!
Dannixo, good luck! Wishing you lots of baby dust.

Missy, I'm really so sorry! :( But it's good that you start IVF #2 right away.

Honestly, though I hope it'll work on the first try, I kinda have a feeling that it won't. So, I'm trying to look at this round as a 'trial round' to see how I respond to the meds and once we get to the point of ER we'll hopefully see what is/was the problem and why I couldn't conceive naturally. So, I try to just expect some answers out of this first round.
Missy I'm happy that you will get to start ivf 2 right away n hope u get some answers at ur wtf visit!
Any of you ladies who have taken the noverall/trigger shot, how long did it take to get out of your system? I got the shot cd 14 and the iui cd 15 and started testing 1dpiui and its now cd 24 which is 9dpiui and I am still testing positive. Very light but the line is still there. My boobs are super sore.
Any of you ladies who have taken the noverall/trigger shot, how long did it take to get out of your system? I got the shot cd 14 and the iui cd 15 and started testing 1dpiui and its now cd 24 which is 9dpiui and I am still testing positive. Very light but the line is still there. My boobs are super sore.

so far, i've only had the ovidrel trigger shot.
i emailed my nurse today to find out how long it stays in your system.
hopefully i'll hear back from her tomorrow.

boobs being sore sounds very promising:thumbup:
Sorry I haven't been around ladies, last month my cycle was canceled due to hyper stimulation but was only on 50mg of clomid, af arrived and now on cd7 on 25 mg of clomid due to go back to re Thursday on day 10
i heard back from the nurse. she said to wait 14 days to make sure the trigger shot is gone:sad1:

i was hoping she'd say, "you can test 11 or 12 dpiui."

oh well.

Dannixo, I never tested how long the trigger shot would take to get out of my system but I think usually it only takes a few days. So, you stand a good chance that It's a real BFP! :) if it is then the line should gradually get darker.
Fingers crossed for you! :D

Cjohnson, welcome back!:)
I'm sorry to hear your cycle got cancelled. :( but I'm glad you already started a new one! Good luck! :)

Lucinda & missy, how are you ladies doing?

AFM, I just got back from the center. Gotta go back again on Thursday. So far I've got 9 follicles after 3 days of stimming. Gotta continue with the same dosage of puregon and start the cetrotide tomorrow to prevent ovulation.
Vkj, if you have access to those cheapo pregnancy tests you can test every day to see how long it takes for the trigger shot to get out of your system.
I took a test this morning at 10piui and 11 11 days past noverall shot and I thought I saw a very light shadow of a line which I've had positives all week assuming from the trigger shot and then it appeard to get very light not never go away. I waited 4 mins and still just saw what I thought was a shadow. Go back to bed get up 3 hours later and it's looks like a bfp. Could just be an evap. What do you ladies think? My boobs have been super sore for 4 days now.


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Dannixo, it could be an evap. They say not to trust whatever you see on the test after 10 minutes.
It's hard to tell. It could be a real BFP or a false BFP. I sure hope It's a real one but maybe you can test again in a few days. If the line gets darker and darker every time you test then that should be a good sign.:)
Oculi today makes 7 days post transfer n my wondolfo test was negative....so at this point ill wait for results on thurs blood test :/
Lucinda, when are you scheduled for your beta? It might still be too early to test.;)
Oculi I'm scheduled for Thurs 5/23 so in 2 days.....I was thinking that I would see a positive by now if it was positive. Part of me wants to test tom and day of beta but I'm not spending anymore $. Also I don't think ill be starting right away and that ill sit out a cycle or 2 :/
Lucinda, don't be disheartened. Even if you get a BFN on your test, you could still be pregnant. ;) you're not out yet!
Lucinda, don't be disheartened. Even if you get a BFN on your test, you could still be pregnant. ;) you're not out yet!

Thanks for the words of encouragement n I do hope with everything in my heart that it worked but I'm preparing myself for the worst at this point so if its BFP it'll be a nice surprise!

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