..~:: IUI & Clomid ::~.. anyone?

BFN :( will not start up right away because I just spent over $5,000 this cycle plus the what i spent on the 3 previous cycles (meds and testing)and can't afford to start right away...will be processing all this with my RE this evening....feeling super bummed :/

I am so sorry! That just sucks...no 2 ways about it. :(

Well month 6 of clomid down the drain, first iui didn't work, guess that was a waste of money! Had a temp dip below cover line today and negative on first response. Sorry for the piss poor attitude but I'm disappointed in myself, feel like a failure and not to mention the $3500 were up to and now I'm off to surgery June 18th. Been crying all morning.

What a bummer of a week. So sorry! Hopefully the surgery will help you figure it out...

Thanks for the welcomes!

Chohnston that is great that one is mature- better one good one than several smaller ones and you never know another may catch up. How much clomid were u on this month?

Missy that's funny we're in the same boat in a lot of ways- my hubby's first one was a little low too then after every one had great count and motility. He just has low morph (5%) and our new doc would prefer it to be higher. And he also has low t. Do you feel like its a relief to know that at least now you know what your problem is that its related to fertilization rather than being left in the dark? I think I would be. I think if we go to ivf we will likely do half of the eggs icsi and half natural to be safe.

I certainly feel better with a "reason," but still worry that it will take a while. Your husband sounds exactly like mine...same morphology too :)

Went for my follie scan, I have a couple small I Ed on the right and a big 20.3 one on the left, kinda hoped I'd have more then one but that's all it takes! Just waiting on the call about my bloodwork and see if I trigger tonight or go back in tomorrow morning for another scan

Good luck! It does just take one!
Well the witch flew in so I'm out. Good luck to those still waiting to test.
so sorry for those that got a bfp/af.:cry:

dannixo, i had an hsg a few months before our dd was conceived.

i hope this "clears the way" for you too!!!:thumbup:

good luck to everyone in the tww. :hugs:

it's so tough. the symptom spotting is driving me crazy!:dohh:
I'm so sorry, danni! :hugs:
I think we can all relate to how you're feeling right now. :( I hope the lap will do the trick for you!

Cjohnson, did you get to trigger today?

Lucinda, I'm so so sorry!! :hugs: :( this just really sucks! Don't understand why it has to be so hard for us to have a baby while others just 'think' baby and BAM.. they're pregnant. :/

Vkj, when can you start testing?

AFM, nothing new. I'll be flying to Switzerland for a wedding end of August. Hope I'll be pregnant by then. If not, I guess it'll be good for me to have a break from all of this, too.:/
Lucinda I'm so so sorry you must be hurting so much now. Sending lots of love. Did you get to talk to your RE to see what went wrong? Do you have any frozen?

Cjohnson what did they say today? Will you be doing your iui this weekend?

I had my monitoring this morning, had 3 follicles at 20, 17, and 13. They said my lining was nice and thick too. I'm going to trigger tomorrow morning (my first time doing it myself eek) so hopefully the 17 is caught up by then, then do iuis on both Sunday and Monday.

Hope everyone has something good planned for the long weekend :)
They said my lining is good and my follicle is 23 mm however they didn't want to trigger me they wanted me to come back tomorrow for just bloodwork......I questioned it an they said because I didn't start to surge on my own. They said they would discuss it and call me back...
They said my lining is good and my follicle is 23 mm however they didn't want to trigger me they wanted me to come back tomorrow for just bloodwork......I questioned it an they said because I didn't start to surge on my own. They said they would discuss it and call me back...
Ok that's good keep us posted on what they say. Did they tell you to BD in the meantime while you're waiting? Funny story the nurse at my FS always tells me to have "relations" they never say the word sex it's kinda funny. Btw I don't think I saw- do you guys have a specific issue or are you unexplained?
I have pcos and husband and I can't bd naturally that's why we have to do iui, he has bad back:(
Quick update:
Went for a scan today and was told that today's the last day of stimming (day 8). Tomorrow I gotta go get the trigger shot and Tuesday is ER day. I'm a bit confused. I thought I have to stim for at least 11 days?
So I went in today for blood work today and they said I still haven't started to surge on my own so they are waiting to trigger me, back tomorrow for bloodwork and ultrasound my e2 was almost 600. And 2 days ago my egg was 22.3 so...I'm confused y they re waiting.
Quick update:
Went for a scan today and was told that today's the last day of stimming (day 8). Tomorrow I gotta go get the trigger shot and Tuesday is ER day. I'm a bit confused. I thought I have to stim for at least 11 days?

From what I understand, you stim until you have at least a few follicles the deem big enough. And the follicles should continue to grow until they're released, so they still have 3 days to grow. Good luck Tuesday!

So I went in today for blood work today and they said I still haven't started to surge on my own so they are waiting to trigger me, back tomorrow for bloodwork and ultrasound my e2 was almost 600. And 2 days ago my egg was 22.3 so...I'm confused y they re waiting.

I wish I could help, but all the numbers just confuse me...
So I went in today for blood work today and they said I still haven't started to surge on my own so they are waiting to trigger me, back tomorrow for bloodwork and ultrasound my e2 was almost 600. And 2 days ago my egg was 22.3 so...I'm confused y they re waiting.

Hmm.. I thought everything over 18mm means green light for the trigger. At least that's what I've been told when did my IUIs.

From what I understand, you stim until you have at least a few follicles the deem big enough. And the follicles should continue to grow until they're released, so they still have 3 days to grow. Good luck Tuesday!

Thanks! Tonight at midnight I gotta go get the trigger shot! eek!8-[

Oculi congrats on your upcoming ER!

Thanks, Lucinda! Hoping for at least one good eggie![-o<
How are you doing? :hugs:
Last month i had my first IUI with use of clomid and ovidrel trigger,

it was unsuccessful.

I have started my clomid again this cycle.

Day three of clomid (about to take third one) and i feel some cramping, i am concerned about overstimulating my overies,

I am concerned that it may be thinning my endometrium thickness (last month measured at 5.8mm)

Do I stop and cancel this cycle at this point or do i continue and see what the scan reads in a few days time?

I feel like this will be my last try to concieve with IUI. It is donor sperm and the whole process is costing thousands... plus the consequences of clomid on my body...

I am praying so hard that it is successful this time because I feel it is my right and blessing to become pregnant now and may be my last chance.


I guess what i want to know is , will I have more chance of being successful if i skip a month or if i take clomid again and do it now. . .


Welcome kindmumma. I wish I could help with your question but I have no idea, does your dr have weekend hrs where you could call and see what they say?

Cjohnson do you have any other follies besides the big one? Maybe they want the smaller ones to catch up? Let us know how it goes today.

Oculi does that mean your ER is going to be tomorrow?? So exciting!!

I'm going in this morning for the first if 2 iuis!
They can never see my right side but a few days ago I had a 12.5 one. Well today my lining is over 10. My bloodwork came back and I'm starting to surge so I trigger tonight and back to back iui's tomorrow and Tuesday!! We are on te same cycle!!!
Oculi I'm doing much better and will be getting a second opinion with a new RE. While I love my RE....when it comes to ER and ET you get whichever of the 10 RE's are working....my RE couldn't explain what went wrong cause all he had to go by is the other RE's notes. The day of transfer the RE had trouble with the catheter yet didnt say that in her notes....so maybe I'm a lil angry
kindmumma -- I have no idea what to tell you. What did your RE say?

cjohnson and strawberry -- Good luck!!

Oculi -- hope all goes well with the trigger. I would need an alarm to wake me up at midnight to be ready :)

Lucinda -- Glad you are getting a second opinion. I have the same thing at my clinic -- there are a few REs and you get whoever is on the day of retrieval and transfer. I hope everything goes well.

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