..~:: IUI & Clomid ::~.. anyone?

Hey! i dont have anyone to BD wtih! LOL
i am using donor sperm.
Kmgurule, welcome!:)

Cjohnson, keep your head up. It's not over til AF shows! :hugs:

Lucinda, how are things with you?

Strawberry, did you go for your beta yet?

Missy, how are things with you?

Kindmumma, I'm sorry to abt that. Happened to me, too when I went for my last IUI. I was very upset coz that time, I actually had two eggs and my dh's sperm count was better, too. :(

AFM, I'm not gonna test until the day before my beta. That is, if AF doesn't show til then.
I'm still cramping. During the day, It's ok. Feels like mild AF-like cramps. At night, I still can't sleep on my stomach. If I do, I wake up. I don't know how to explain how it feels. It's like sleeping on a small ball that pushes against your uterus. Just very uncomfortable. And I get pretty bad AF-like cramps at night. Getting worse and worse. Don't know what's up with that. Hope I don't have a cyst or an infection or anything. :(
Lucinda, yay! I'm glad to hear that! :D

AFM, I'm still cramping a lot and I HATE the suppositories! So messy!:(
Anyways, I didn't want to test until one day before my OTD, but I broke down this morning and POAS. To my big surprise I got a BFP! My first ever!! Could this still be the trigger. Today is 15dp trigger shot.The test line is fainter than the control line but visible very clearly. I'll try to post a picture of it later if I can figure out how to do it. So, what do you think? Should I cautiously look forward to my beta on Friday or could it still be the trigger? Don't know what to think. I'm still kinda shocked as I really didn't expect this! :o


I've attached a picture. Clearly, I'm not a good photographer. Sorry about the flash. I looks very washed out on the picture but in reality the line is darker and clearer. What do you think?


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I honestly don't think that is trigger!!!!!!! Mine was out in 6 days. That's fantastic for u!!!!!!!!
Oculi, congrats!!!! That is a BFP!!!!!! Trigger does not stay that long so u can actually be happy....I'm so excited for u!!
AFM my transfer should be this week!
Oculi congrats!! I agree with the others that is most definitely a bfp!!! You must be so thrilled.

Lucinda good luck on your transfer this week. Is it a natural FET cycle? How many will they transfer?

This is turning out to be a good luck thread.... :)
yes this is a natural FET.....my beta would be 7 days later; so not much of a wait to find out if it worked! Im only transferring 1 embie this time.

Oculi congrats!! I agree with the others that is most definitely a bfp!!! You must be so thrilled.

Lucinda good luck on your transfer this week. Is it a natural FET cycle? How many will they transfer?

This is turning out to be a good luck thread.... :)
Cjohnson, thanks! If it's real then I hope it's a sticky one.

Lucinda, thank you so much! :hugs: I'm cautiously optimistic. Just praying it'll stay with me for the next 9 months.
Let us know when you go in for your FET. wishing you lots and lots of baby dust.

Strawberry, thanks! I'm still kinda in shock. I honestly did not expect this at all. I'll see what they'll say on Friday. Hoping for a good number.
How's everything with you?:)
I'm doing ok my beta was officially negative but I def expected it. So gonna talk to the dr this week about next steps.

Lucinda keep us posted on how it goes this week. Oculi are you tempted to go for a beta earlier than Friday? I would be!
Strawberry, I'm so sorry! :( :hugs: are you and your dh considering IVF or do you want to stick with IUIs for now?

Yes, I'm tempted to go for a beta earlier but I think I'm gonna wait. I'll try to keep myself busy.
Thanks so much. Yeah I think we will do 1 more iui. This last one was the first one we did w the new RE and he says he "doesn't count" the 2 I did a my last RE which I think is bs. He says he wants to so 3 more (so four total with him) but DH and I are def not down with that and plan on getting an ivf consult by the end of the summer. The other factor is that we found out my hub has male factor issues( low morph) as well as low testosterone and the new dr put him on clomid for that. Since his count and motility are good we're hoping that this will improve the quality somewhat however it will take 2 more months for it to kick in. So if there's drastic improvement then maybe we do 1 more iui at that point. That's probably a much longer answer than you were looking for! Lol
Congrats Oculi! That looks awesome! Maybe you can start some good luck on this thread!

Strawberry...Bummer! We had to do 3 iui's before ivf, but I would think that doing the first at a different clinic would count.

Everyone else, stay positive! We will all get there in our own time. Remember to take care of yourselves!

afm, I started injections last thursday and had a house full of people for my college reunion this weekend. Pretty much everyone has babies...almost an argh!...but it was lots of fun. Went in this morning and everything looks good except my estrogen isn't high enough so they are adding menopur tonight and Im going back thursday. In the mean time my sister and her fiancee are visiting tonight through thursday, so I have to go back to secretely injecting with people in the house...weird!
Strawberry, it's weird that they wouldn't count your previous IUIs. But in the end, you have the last word. So, it might be a good idea to schedule an appt with an IVF specialist and see what he or she thinks. Just in case.

Missy, thanks! Yeah, I hope I sparked a series of BFPs so that we can all be bump buddies! :D
But honestly, I still don't quite dare to think that it actually really worked. I'm so scared it's a chemical or that I'll miscarry. I waited to long for this. Not sure how I'd cope with bad news on Fri.
Do you have to keep your meds in the fridge?
Hi all,
I'm new to this board, on my first IUI. I've seen some of you guys on other boards (hi!) and hi to the people I don't know yet. :)

First of all Congrats Oculi83! Looks like you're hopefully in for some firm good news soon! I really hope everything works out for you!!

Since this is all so new to me I have some really silly questions I hope you guys don't mind. I picked up some ICs (umm..didn't realize those were going to be as thin as a toothpick...didn't really know what to do about that!!), but how many days past IUI can those be at all reliable? And when you say 10dpiui, do you count the day of your IUI?
fingers crossed for you oculi83!!! here's to a super sticky bean!:dust:

flintstones, welcome to the thread (we've chatted a bit on other threads:winkwink:).

i had two follicles at my friday scan (one on each side).
i'm a little nervous, as it seems like this will increase our chances for multiples.

i called the doctor today to ask about the %age/statistics, but i haven't heard back.

anyone know about multiple follicles and increase chances of multiples?

thanks and good luck to all:hugs:
Good morning to you all!

Congrats on all of you who have gotten your BFP!!!! that is so exciting lots of baby dust to you all!!

So I just had my very first IUI on Sunday so today im currently on 2 dpiui
not feeling anything yet but its very very early!
I had two mature follies at 17 and one at 22! Im very excited but going to not get my hopes up im greatful to be very young still so I do have some time on my side we will see how it goes and good luck to you all!!!:dust:
fingers crossed for you oculi83!!! here's to a super sticky bean!:dust:

flintstones, welcome to the thread (we've chatted a bit on other threads:winkwink:).

i had two follicles at my friday scan (one on each side).
i'm a little nervous, as it seems like this will increase our chances for multiples.

i called the doctor today to ask about the %age/statistics, but i haven't heard back.

anyone know about multiple follicles and increase chances of multiples?

thanks and good luck to all:hugs:

Hey there, in Australia, they wont do the procedure if u have 3 or more mature/dominant follicles, to reduce the risk of triplets,
however, i think that having at least two dominant follicles is much better than one. It at least increases your chances of getting pregnant.....

Good luck !!
Hello ladies !! I am now 6 days since my IUI (second try) and feeling a bit crampy, hoping to GOD that it is not that wretched Aunty Flow. She is NOT WELCOME HERE !!!! xoxoxoxo
Vkj I agree with kindmumma that you probably won't have too much of a risk of multiples, they occur in a very small percentage of girls who do iui with clomid. But of course there's always a chance. 3 follicles is great though! Hope this cycle works for you. Did u do your iui yet?

Kimgurule and kindmumma good luck to you both this cycle! Hopefully the cramping is a good sign.

Flinstones welcome! I think that 12 dpo or dpiui (should be one in the same since u usually O the same day as you have the iui) is when tests are generally reliable but a lot of girls test sooner. Just make sure if they give u a trigger shot to not test before 8 or 9 days as that will give u a false positive.

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