..~:: IUI & Clomid ::~.. anyone?

Flinstone I'm so sorry that this cycle didn't work for you. There is nothing more depressing than reading a negative pg test. Try to enjoy this weekend the best you can and keep your mind off of it. I forget was this your first one? If so, and if your infertility is completely unexplained I would def recommend doing one or 2 more. They could try doing different drugs or different timing. Also have they done every test they could have done? Thyroid levels and everything? Did u do clomid with this iui and if so how many follies were mature? Also one of the things they tested us for when we were first diagnosed with "unexplained" is my DHs DNA fragmentation and also antibodies. For me I just wanted to know what it was and once we found out it was DH it made things make more sense to me and I understand why it isn't happening for us and why we may need ivf.

Just some things to think about. Sorry again it didn't work :(
Thanks so much, I appreciate it. I know we're all going through the same craziness and some people many more cycles than me. It just feels like we've been trying forever. This was our first assisted cycle. I was on Clomid and injectibles, plus trigger. It gave me two good follies. DHs counts are normal. He got 6M post wash. They did full b/w on me to start and found nothing so they have absolutely no idea what the problem is. The one time I got a BFP on my own it ended in an ectopic and I've never been preggo since. The only things they "think" may be factors are one of my tubes isn't totally clear (but clear enough, RE isn't concerned at all), and when they gave me the clomid an U/S revealed a cyst on one side he said could be "acting as birth control." But then they went back in after I was off the clomid a couple days and he couldn't even find the thing again. If he sees it next time he said we'll have to do surgery to remove it. Yippee. We'll probably do at least one more cycle before we move on. One is too few to feel like we really gave it a fair try.
Oculi how great! Your beta number could mean TWINs right??

Missy thats great that your follies and lining are growing! Can you believe that ER is next week already? Time flies. You said you're def doing all icsi this time right? I think I remember us talking about that. How are you feeling otherwise? Any pain or other weird stuff going on?

Flinstones vkj and kindmumma all in your tww how are you feeling? Any symptoms?

AFM I had my baseline sono today and all looked good so I start clomid tonight and go for monitoring a week from today likely iui next weekend. I told them I want to so it 36 hrs after the trigger this time and they said that as long as my follies cooperate that should be fine.

I'm so trying not to symptom spot this time around. As with each cycle, I read into everything: "Maybe that cramp is a sign" or "Maybe no sign is a sign" it's crazy making. So this time, even though I"m feeling some of the same symptoms as last time (i.e. lower back aches, slight twinges, etc), I'm trying to be "zen":flower:
Missy thats great that your follies and lining are growing! Can you believe that ER is next week already? Time flies. You said you're def doing all icsi this time right? I think I remember us talking about that. How are you feeling otherwise? Any pain or other weird stuff going on?

AFM I had my baseline sono today and all looked good so I start clomid tonight and go for monitoring a week from today likely iui next weekend. I told them I want to so it 36 hrs after the trigger this time and they said that as long as my follies cooperate that should be fine.

Thanks! Time is weird when it comes to these things...the last retrieval seems like so long ago, but this also seems so soon. This time we are doing icsi from the start since last time it didnt seem to take naturally at all. And other than a little pain at the injection sites Im feeling fine, just a little tired and who knows what that's from. :wacko:

Congrats to you on a good baseline and starting again. Good luck on everything going smoothly!
Strawberry, I have no idea. I was 17dpo on the day of my beta. So, maybe the embryo(s) just implanted early and had more time to produce hcg. I'll find out in 2 weeks.
Lots of baby dust for this new cycle!

Flintstones, I'm sorry to hear it didn't work. :hugs:

Missy, lol! Thanks! I'll need that! I'm trying not to obsess and think of everything that might go wrong.
Good morning just checking in with you all how is everyone doing?? Any updates?? Well im finally on 8dpiui longest two weeks of my life but I feel really good was having weird cramping after iui to about 6dpiui no more cramping but very sore boobs and nipples I always get the sore boobs before AF but not the nipples but who knows I did not take anything other then clomid days 3-7 my fingers are crossed that we get lucky first time [-o< going to try and make it until 12dpiui we will see how that goes LOL good luck to you all!!!
Good luck kmgurule and vkj! Symptoms sound good.. I also get sore bbs before AF so I'm always trying to gage like, is this more sore than usual? Lol but either way sore bbs is a good sign so hopefully you'll feel more symptoms this week!

Missy thinking about you as you are heading into your ER this week.

Flinstones did you decide if you are going to try another cycle again?
Good luck kmgurule and vkj! Symptoms sound good.. I also get sore bbs before AF so I'm always trying to gage like, is this more sore than usual? Lol but either way sore bbs is a good sign so hopefully you'll feel more symptoms this week!

Missy thinking about you as you are heading into your ER this week.

Flinstones did you decide if you are going to try another cycle again?
We're waiting for the official results of my b/w this morning. We both took a half day, me b/c I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it together at the office and DH to deal with my meltdown. My nurse isn't there on Mondays so I'm just hoping it's another nurse I know. We were just discussing that we'll probably do one more IUI cycle and then move to IVF. Our high deductible plan rolls over this month so it's going to be financially brutal no matter which way we go. And of course we also had to get new roof this week-when it rains it pours...literally!
I hesitate to move away from IUI too quickly, but I don't want to go through too many cycles since I just saw on my REs site that chances decrease 2-3% each cycle. Which, since we're "unexplained" and my chances weren't too hot to begin with, drills me down to the "not worth it" category pretty soon.

I hope everyone having symptoms is having symptoms of the good variety! Dust to everyone waiting!
hi gals,
i'm 6dpiui. all my symptoms (i.e. lower back aches and some twinges)seem the same as the last two cycles,
so that makes me think it didn't happen this time.

no sore boobs, no nausea, etc.

we shall see.

Keep the faith vjk. Its still very early for any symptoms.

Flinstones I'm sorry you're feeling down. It will get better I promise. It seems like each cycle I get down at the very beginning when it first doesn't work but then before you know it the dr is calling you, setting up appointments, sonos, and meds and you're on your way to the next one. It does get old, but try to keep a glimmer of faith.
Well today im 9dpiui I took a test dumb I know lol its was neg of course but I just couldnt help it so im going to start testing everyday in the mornings starting tomorrow until I either get BFP or :af: sends lots of good vibes this way please!!!! I will keep you all updated :)
Hey all

Just wanted to share...Retrieval Friday :)

Good luck everyone!
Kmgurule, good luck! Hope to hear good news soon! :)

Missy, yay for ER on Friday! :hugs:

Lucinda, my dear! I'm so so so happy for you!!! :D now we can be bump buddies.
Hope all of you ladies will join us soon! :D

AFM, I won't have any more betas. So, since on Friday my beta was 570 and knowing that it should double every second day, I used a clearblue digital test on Tuesday. When I tested on Fri it said 2-3 weeks (hcg 200 - 2000). So, I figured by Tuesday it should be over 2000 and when I tested I got a 3+! Yay! Just needed that to calm my nerves.
So Oculi I guess I should first update everyone and let them know that I got a super faint positive at 5dp5dt yest and so this am I decided to test on a digital and got my BFP!!!!! My beta is tom so I will keep u guys posted.
Oculi I also did a Clearblue digital but the ones I found just said pregnant or not pregnant...I think the ones you used were super cool :) so for today I took the day off work and will be enjoying that beautiful test on my bathroom counter :) also I want to clarify and say that these embies came from my first Retrival back in March and not from my fail fresh transfer cycle I did in May. I had done a Mini IVF (minimal drugs with the goal of fewer but better quality embies)... So I had 2 frozen embies and got my BFP from one of those 2!!!!
Oculi that is great news!! So just waiting for your 6 week scan then?

Lucinda when is your test date? Any symptoms yet??

Missy yayyyy and good luck at your retrieval on Friday only 2 days eek you must be so pumped!

Kmgurule so sorry about your bfn. Hopefully it was just too early to test. Sending hugs.
Lucinda we must've posted at the same time! A huge congrats to you! Take these few days and enjoy every minute of it with your hubby you guys deserve it. :)
Lucinda we must've posted at the same time! A huge congrats to you! Take these few days and enjoy every minute of it with your hubby you guys deserve it. :)

Lol I guess we posted at the same time...thanks for the well wishes as Oculi knows how long we have been doing these infertility treatments...started in Oct and after IUI didn't worked I went to IVF and failed with a fresh cycle and decided to try frozen transfer!
Well ladies today was 11dpiui and tested this morning still a BFN starting to lose hope but I guess its still a little early I just feel like if it was my month I would have got a postive by now I guess we will see ](*,)

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