IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Congrats to all the positive things happening to you ladies!!!
Jchic not that much more waiting.

As I'm writing this the tears are streaming down my face. The doctors office just called me back. They approved the IVF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm in complete shock right now. And today was the last day they can do it that I could start this cycle. So tomorrow I am going for my sono, my IVF class, and I am starting my Lupron. Does anyone know how long between lupron and retrieval? So ladies I will officially be doing my IVF in May!!!

Is anyone on the same cycle as me???

WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! That's amazing news!!!! So thrilled for you!!! I will be starting down reg in May so ER probably June. :happydance:

Ali xx
Congrats to all the positive things happening to you ladies!!!
Jchic not that much more waiting.

As I'm writing this the tears are streaming down my face. The doctors office just called me back. They approved the IVF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm in complete shock right now. And today was the last day they can do it that I could start this cycle. So tomorrow I am going for my sono, my IVF class, and I am starting my Lupron. Does anyone know how long between lupron and retrieval? So ladies I will officially be doing my IVF in May!!!

Is anyone on the same cycle as me???

That is so exciting!!!!!! :happydance:
Congrats to all the positive things happening to you ladies!!!
Jchic not that much more waiting.

As I'm writing this the tears are streaming down my face. The doctors office just called me back. They approved the IVF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm in complete shock right now. And today was the last day they can do it that I could start this cycle. So tomorrow I am going for my sono, my IVF class, and I am starting my Lupron. Does anyone know how long between lupron and retrieval? So ladies I will officially be doing my IVF in May!!!

Is anyone on the same cycle as me???

I am! I start Lupron on April 19th, and my retrieval is scheduled May 8 and 12.
Thanks so much ladies for all the support you've given me.

So8-yayy how exciting. are you on long or short protocol?
Hey Everybody!!

We just made the decision to do IVF sooner rather than later since I will be finishing my Master's degree over the next two years. I will start BCP in about 3 weeks and IVF the following month. I am very happy to finally have a plan!! Anybody have any thoughts on whether or not you will do pre-genetic testing on the embryos? Anybody have any financial tips they have heard about while researching IVF? I learned about IVFmeds.com and my clinic will allow patient's to order some of their meds through them to save money. :happydance:

Yeah for all the BFPs we are all going to get!!

Welcome southaspen!

We are not planning on doing genetic testing. You?

Regarding financial tips, I don't have a whole lot. We are paying out of pocket, so it is quite expensive obviously. We are ordering our meds through MDE Pharmacy, as they were substantially cheaper than most places. We considered driving the three hours to Vancouver, BC because IVF would be about $5k less, but decided against the additional stress. We might do it if, god forbid, we have to have a second round.

Looking forward to going through this journey with you!
Haj! SUCH great news!!! Super super happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yippie haj!! Not long I think it was less than 3 weeks to egg collection after lupron in long protocol.
Hey Everybody!!

We just made the decision to do IVF sooner rather than later since I will be finishing my Master's degree over the next two years. I will start BCP in about 3 weeks and IVF the following month. I am very happy to finally have a plan!! Anybody have any thoughts on whether or not you will do pre-genetic testing on the embryos? Anybody have any financial tips they have heard about while researching IVF? I learned about IVFmeds.com and my clinic will allow patient's to order some of their meds through them to save money. :happydance:

Yeah for all the BFPs we are all going to get!!

Welcome southaspen!

We are not planning on doing genetic testing. You?

Regarding financial tips, I don't have a whole lot. We are paying out of pocket, so it is quite expensive obviously. We are ordering our meds through MDE Pharmacy, as they were substantially cheaper than most places. We considered driving the three hours to Vancouver, BC because IVF would be about $5k less, but decided against the additional stress. We might do it if, god forbid, we have to have a second round.

Looking forward to going through this journey with you!

I think we are going to do the genetic testing on the embryos. My sister went through IVF about 5 years ago and did the testing. She had 12 embryos and after the testing only 4 were considered "normal". As with most of us we have a limited number of times we can do this so we want to make sure we are picking the right embryos to give us the best chance. It really stinks that the majority of insurances do not cover IVF. Like any of us choose to do this!!
Good morning ladies! Sorry for forgetting some of you just had appointments. :dohh: I've been super busy but I will do better at keeping up with you all. Not much to report for me but just wanted to come in a reply to those who have updates.

That's ok MrsC... I don't even know how you keep up, but we appreciate you!!

Hey Ladies!! I hope everyone is doing well!

tiffttc~ I'm a little confused.. did you get your BFP? The rest of your post doesn't suggest that you did. I'm praying that you got your BFP and don't have to go down the IVF route.

AFM~ I had my initial IVF appointment today. My RE explained everything about ivf and went over my history. He's confused as to why I haven't gotten pregnant since all the tests look so perfect. He did a sonohystogram today to make sure the uterine cavity looks normal with no fibroids or polyps. He said my uterus looks beautiful. Tomorrow is my last BC pill and then on sunday I start stims. I asked a lot of questions and have a better idea of the whole process. I can't believe I start stimming so soon. I am super nervous to say the least. I really hope it works the 1st time around. Wish me luck ladies and of course you all will be in my prayers as well.

I'm glad your appointment went well. Yay for starting so soon!! :happydance: Good luck and I can't wait to here how everything goes for you.

I am excited but I am nervous too, but we can be a bundle of nerves together!!

Haj and Jchic - Hang in there girls I know it sucks having to wait another month but try to think of it as a month to get your body prepared for IVF. That is what I have done and it helps that I am trying to concentrate on that for the moment. Hey at least we will all be doing IVF around the same time :winkwink:

alscreetch - I found out the show will be airing on 4/26. It's on ABC and in NJ it airs ar 2pm. Not sure if it's the same time everywhere else.

Lulu and alscreetch - Good luck with starting stims! Yay you will be pupo before you know it :happydance:

Thanks Blue. I am dancing with you :happydance: What is the name of the show... I am the DVR queen... LOL

I have until end of June to wait! (that's when I will start stimms) waiting stinks!!!!

Yay Mobaby... June is going to be here before you know it, and you still might get the best birthday present of all!!! BFP

Daisy- I couldn't agree with you more!! I am very excited....

S08 & Aspen- We are all 3 very close with our dates- I am on the long lupron protocol. I started BCP on April 6th. I start Lupron today! I will be taking 225Follistim, 10 Low dose HCG, 5 Lupron starting 4/27. They will adjust based on Lab/Ultrasound results. I then trigger with Ovidrel. My ER is scheduled May 9th, the transfer on 12 or 15th. I then start the dreaded PIO shots and I take progesterone tab in AM and on TV (transvaginal) in the PM. Steriods and antibiotics too... Whew... What we go through ladies!!!

I feel really good about this thread. I am praying for all of us, and I cannot wait til we all start stimming and retrievals. I am extremely excited for all us!!
Hi ladies, im starting my second round of IVF in may after my first round ended in an early miscarriage. I am waiting for my period at the moment, and am very excited to start another cycle in May! I should be due for egg collection around mid May.

Looking forward to sharing the journey with you all! :)
Dancingdiva ~ Welcome!!

BlueStorm & MrsC ~ Thanks! I will be sure to fill you in on every little detail. I guess I could be the guinea pig :haha:

jchic ~ Good luck with your lap. I hope you get some answers soon.

Smiledreamer & Mobaby ~ I'm sorry you have to wait so long but time will pass before you know it.

haj ~ Yaaay!! So excited for you. I start stims on sunda but I'm on the shorter protocol.

alscreetch ~ Yay for being cycle buddies!! I am on the antagonist protocol. This one is shorter than the lupron protocol. I was given a schedule but it could slightly change depending on how I stimulate. My RE is being cautious because with my amh level (which is considered to be really good) I could hyperstimulate. Were you faced with having to make the decision to either do ICSI or natural fertilization? We're paying for everything out of pocket. ICSI is gonna cost $1500 more that we don't currently have, so I am leaning more towards natural fertilization but I'm just really concerned that the eggs won't fertilize naturally and cycle would be a bust.

S08 ~ We're gonna be close cycle buddies too. I will be doing ER and ET sooner though since I'm on the shorter protocol.

Southaspen ~ We ordered our meds through ivfmeds.com as well. I should be receiving them within a few days. through that pharmacy we ended up saving half the cost but just make sure you order early enough because their express shipping takes 3-5 business days since they are based in europe. I had to order my first dose of each medication through freedom because I have to start stims on sunday and my order with ivfmeds might not arrive until monday.

TTB ~ Welcome!! I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I hope this cycle brings a very sticky bean. Did you do ICSI on your 1st cycle or natural fertilization?

Daisy ~ Thanks for the positive attitude, we all need that. I hope we all get our bfp's really soon!

Fingers crossed we all get our BFP's this cycle!!
their prices are much cheaper! have you known someone to use them before? how donthey ship the refridgerated meds? i may look into this! it will save me about $700 or more. what does euro pack mean?
their prices are much cheaper! have you known someone to use them before? how donthey ship the refridgerated meds? i may look into this! it will save me about $700 or more. what does euro pack mean?

I actually googled them when I saw their prices. I didn't believe they could be so cheap but it turns out a lot of people have used them. When I told the RE's office where I was thinking of getting the meds, they said they had some patients who ordered from them and they stimulated just as well. The nurse said that the only reason they don't recommend them is because they are not FDA approved. I decided to go through with them because it's not like the FDA always approves the best things for us and they been tried with no problems whatsoever. As for the refrigerated meds, I believe if they are not refrigerated it makes their shelf life a little bit shorter which means you would have to use them within the next few cycles which you would be doing anyways. I am actually saving around at least $1500 by going through them.
Wow so much good stuff happening!

Alscreetch its called the revolution
Hey Ladies, I would like to join you as I am planning on IVF in May/June after 3 failed IUI's. I am actually terrified and excited at the same time.
Ok ladies here goes another really long one. So much goes on during the day so I tend to fall behind. Thats a good thing though... with things going on it means that we are all busy and hanging in there.

Lulu and Alscreetch, it looks like I won't be that far behind you. I'm excited to see how things progress for you both!

I started bcp on April 11th, will start Lupron on the 19th, and then likely start follistim and menopur on the 29th. Retrieval will probably be around May 10th. What meds will you be taking I'm always interested in the differences. Do you have estimated retrieval and transfer dates?

s08 I'm so glad that you have all your dates set and you are ready to go. I can't wait to get to that point!

Ok, so just got off the phone with Dr. Morris - here is the deal - she ideally doesnt want to do a lap, BUT because I have some pain, she is going to do a laprascopy ASAP (4 weeks or so from today, should have it scheduled by Thurs she says). Then she wants to move me immediately into an IVF cycle right after that prior to the lab closing in June for 4 weeks for vacation (they dont start any new IVf cycles starting on 6/23 for 4 weeks).
She set up an appt for May 3rd at 3:30 because she wants to go over IVF in person and wants to explain what protocol I will be on then and show me slides on it and stuff. She says discussing it over the phone is really complicated and she likes to review everyones protocol in person.
Excited to finally get a timeline - so looks like IVF in June and Lap in May. GET ME STARTED!!!

Sorry to hear about AF. I was really hoping the IUI would work for you. That is great that your Dr. wants to move things along for you and help you. Is there a reason she didn't want to do a lap before IVF? Sorry I know nothing about getting a lap done or anything like that.

Congrats to all the positive things happening to you ladies!!!
Jchic not that much more waiting.

As I'm writing this the tears are streaming down my face. The doctors office just called me back. They approved the IVF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm in complete shock right now. And today was the last day they can do it that I could start this cycle. So tomorrow I am going for my sono, my IVF class, and I am starting my Lupron. Does anyone know how long between lupron and retrieval? So ladies I will officially be doing my IVF in May!!!

Is anyone on the same cycle as me???

haj I'm so freakin exciting for you!!! I knew it would all come together but knowing that it officially did is amazing. :happydance: Sounds like you have a very busy day tomorrow but it will all be worth it. Again... I'm so happy and excited for you. I know how much stress this was putting on you guys.

Hey Everybody!!

We just made the decision to do IVF sooner rather than later since I will be finishing my Master's degree over the next two years. I will start BCP in about 3 weeks and IVF the following month. I am very happy to finally have a plan!! Anybody have any thoughts on whether or not you will do pre-genetic testing on the embryos? Anybody have any financial tips they have heard about while researching IVF? I learned about IVFmeds.com and my clinic will allow patient's to order some of their meds through them to save money. :happydance:

Yeah for all the BFPs we are all going to get!!

Welcome south! :hi: Sorry we have to meet again in this thread but it will lead us all to our BFP's! :thumbup: Do you have insurance coverage for the genetic testing? The reason I ask is because I know it can add a lot on to the cost. I think for us it is an extra $7,000 but then again we are fully out of pocket. As for the meds... I'm not really sure how my clinic works with that. All I know so far is that we sit down together and order the meds online. I was told that we will look for the cheapest way to go about it though. Maybe I should start doing some searching. :shrug:

Hi ladies, im starting my second round of IVF in may after my first round ended in an early miscarriage. I am waiting for my period at the moment, and am very excited to start another cycle in May! I should be due for egg collection around mid May.

Looking forward to sharing the journey with you all! :)

Welcome :hi: So sorry to hear about your miscarriage :hugs: I hope AF shows up soon for you so that you can get started in May.

Hey Ladies, I would like to join you as I am planning on IVF in May/June after 3 failed IUI's. I am actually terrified and excited at the same time.

Welcome :hi: There are many of us in here from another thread that is going on (IUI thread). Sorry to see us all moving this way... I wish the IUI's would have worked for all of us. Anyways, It's nice to see some familiar faces (names). We will all get our BFP's and move on to be bump buddies. I know I said that earlier in the thread but I think we all need to be reminded of it.

Lucie?? How are you doing? Just thought I would check in with you :hugs:

l8bloomer I hope things go well for your DH tomorrow. If theres anything important about the appointment please let me know since our DH's are having to go through the same thing. :flower:

I hope everyone else is doing well. If there is anything you would like me to add to the front page please let me know. I'm going to update what I know right now. EDIT** I think I got everyone and can you ladies believe it... there are 30+ in here now. I'm loving that we are all here to support each other and cheer each other on. Just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you. :hugs:
Thanks for the welcome ladies!

Lulu, we did ICSI as that is what our specialist recommended. My hubby's sperm was OK, but not great and the doc didn't want to take any chances. Although where I live we get pretty good rebates, so mine wasn't nearly as expensive as what you mentioned.
Hi Mrs! Is DH home yet? How are you doing?
My RE says that IVF bypasses all endo and unless you are in pain, she doesnt like to do surgery, but she is going to do it, which I think is GREAT. I am excited to finally get started!
Good morning ladies :flower:

TTB~ We will be doing ICSI as well. Although we have to do a TESE first and that is the reason for the ICSI. It does add a little bit to the costs. I can't remember how much exactly but everything together is about $16,000 :dohh:

jchic~ No hubby isn't home yet but... he will be here on Saturday :yipee: I'm so excited, this 6 weeks has gone by so slow!! I can understand your re not wanting to do surgery but if it will help you I think it's a good idea. :thumbup:
Ok so I have been having some anxiety about when everything will happen so I emailed my nurse to ask her for an aproximate breakdown of dates if my cycle starts when it is supposed to. Here is what she said, it also helped answer my question about how long I will be on bcp's for:

If you get your CD1 on 4/24, I would have you come in on 4/26 for blood work. I would call you that afternoon with results and instructions to start the birth control pills.

Approximate schedule is as follows:

Start bc pill on 4/26

Start Lupron on 5/7

Last pill on 5/11

No more pills on 5/12

Start Gonal F and low dose hcg injections on 5/18

Possible egg retrieval 5/27-5/31

Possible embryo transfer pending embryo development and uterine synchrony 6/2-6/6

Possible pregnancy test 6/16-6/20
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