IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Haj ~ I see what you mean, that makes sense. For me it's all out of pocket so I pay around $8,000 - $9,000 per cycle so totally worth it for me.
Hi Lulu - My AMH was 18, which according to my info leaflet is high:
Below 1pmol/l - Poor response expected
1-5pmol/l - Reduced response expected
5-15pmol/l - Normal response expected
Over 15pmol/l - High response expected

So basically all normal people get put on the long protocol, down reg with nasal spray for 3 weeks (ish) then stims etc etc. But with the short protocol I miss out the down reg. Which is good, don't fancy sticking things up my nose anyway!!! I don't know what to do now, as today is day 1 not sure what day they would start stims etc. I've maybe missed the boat this cycle. Can't believe how active this thread has just become, can't wait til we're all on ER and ET! Eeeeeeeeek! :happydance:

Ali :flower:
Hi Lulu - My AMH was 18, which according to my info leaflet is high:
Below 1pmol/l - Poor response expected
1-5pmol/l - Reduced response expected
5-15pmol/l - Normal response expected
Over 15pmol/l - High response expected

So basically all normal people get put on the long protocol, down reg with nasal spray for 3 weeks (ish) then stims etc etc. But with the short protocol I miss out the down reg. Which is good, don't fancy sticking things up my nose anyway!!! I don't know what to do now, as today is day 1 not sure what day they would start stims etc. I've maybe missed the boat this cycle. Can't believe how active this thread has just become, can't wait til we're all on ER and ET! Eeeeeeeeek! :happydance:

Ali :flower:

nasal spray?
HAJ!!!! I am obviously late, but I am sooooo Happy for you!! I am also glad that the underdog prevailed... Prayers do work!!

Hi ladies, im starting my second round of IVF in may after my first round ended in an early miscarriage. I am waiting for my period at the moment, and am very excited to start another cycle in May! I should be due for egg collection around mid May.

Looking forward to sharing the journey with you all! :)

Welcome TTB- Sorry to hear of your miscarriage. I'm excited too!! :hugs:

Hey Ladies, I would like to join you as I am planning on IVF in May/June after 3 failed IUI's. I am actually terrified and excited at the same time.

Welcome oneof14- I am riding the same emotional rollercoaster! :hugs:

AMH level back!!! 18 - think that's normal. So fingers crossed start down reg 10th May. Today is day 1 (last cycle was 61 days so can't wait another whole cycle).

Woo Hoooooooo!

Ali xx

Hi Daisy...I don't mean to sound stupid, but what is down reg?

Hi all, can I join? We took the decision last month to go for ivf after 3 years of ttc, it's all moved very quickly since then and my egg collection is booked for 6th June!!
It's all happened so much quicker than I expected, we are very lucky in where we live, no waiting list for nhs treatment!
One thing that is concerning me, I've been given my programme of what to do when in terms if the meds, but it doesn't appear to account for my cycle, and I've just been told what date to start the buserelin, does this sound right, I'm guessing it's ok, but everyone else seems to be starting on a particular cycle date?

Welcome Smileykez!! Yes this sounds right, because they are controlling your cycle. My calendar shows an expected period date though?? :hugs:

Lulu- Yay!! We are cycle buddies, if all goes well exactly 1 day apart. We are lucky we don't have to do ICSI, the hubby really did have supersperm. 40 + million, 74% motility, 8% morph... But my RE and IVF nurse said that after retrieval, if there would be an issue with sperm, they would call ICSI at that time. You might want to see if this is an option.

I know I missed some things, so I will recheck and post later!!!

30+ ladies on this cycle, we are definitely growing ladies. (Just like our eggs to be):happydance: I am trying my hardest to keep up LOL!!
HAJ!!!! I am obviously late, but I am sooooo Happy for you!! I am also glad that the underdog prevailed... Prayers do work!!

Hi ladies, im starting my second round of IVF in may after my first round ended in an early miscarriage. I am waiting for my period at the moment, and am very excited to start another cycle in May! I should be due for egg collection around mid May.

Looking forward to sharing the journey with you all! :)

Welcome TTB- Sorry to hear of your miscarriage. I'm excited too!! :hugs:

Hey Ladies, I would like to join you as I am planning on IVF in May/June after 3 failed IUI's. I am actually terrified and excited at the same time.

Welcome oneof14- I am riding the same emotional rollercoaster! :hugs:

AMH level back!!! 18 - think that's normal. So fingers crossed start down reg 10th May. Today is day 1 (last cycle was 61 days so can't wait another whole cycle).

Woo Hoooooooo!

Ali xx

Hi Daisy...I don't mean to sound stupid, but what is down reg?

Hi all, can I join? We took the decision last month to go for ivf after 3 years of ttc, it's all moved very quickly since then and my egg collection is booked for 6th June!!
It's all happened so much quicker than I expected, we are very lucky in where we live, no waiting list for nhs treatment!
One thing that is concerning me, I've been given my programme of what to do when in terms if the meds, but it doesn't appear to account for my cycle, and I've just been told what date to start the buserelin, does this sound right, I'm guessing it's ok, but everyone else seems to be starting on a particular cycle date?

Welcome Smileykez!! Yes this sounds right, because they are controlling your cycle. My calendar shows an expected period date though?? :hugs:

Lulu- Yay!! We are cycle buddies, if all goes well exactly 1 day apart. We are lucky we don't have to do ICSI, the hubby really did have supersperm. 40 + million, 74% motility, 8% morph... But my RE and IVF nurse said that after retrieval, if there would be an issue with sperm, they would call ICSI at that time. You might want to see if this is an option.

I know I missed some things, so I will recheck and post later!!!

30+ ladies on this cycle, we are definitely growing ladies. (Just like our eggs to be):happydance: I am trying my hardest to keep up LOL!!

Thank you!!! I saw you started lupron yesterday. I start today!!!
lol i was just planting some seeds in my garden and it said 80 days to maturity (watermelon) and i was like yippie! when they are ready i will be having my ivf cycle! so thats exciting. i can watch my fruit and veggies grow while waiting to distract me :)
Daisy ~ My AMH is 35.33 Pmol/L. I'm really glad I'm on the short protocol otherwise I would drive myself crazy with all the waiting.

Alscreetch ~ My husband's motility is on the low side (23%) but his count is 198 million so if you do the math he's at around 45 million forward moving sperm. The only problem is that the movement is not as fast as they want it but hyperactivates well with the wash and almost 70% of those sperm start to move fast post wash. That's why I'm confused on whether we should do ICSI or not but my gut feeling tells me not to. I'd rather not mess with the egg if I don't have to. Nature usually lets the best sperm in but with ICSI they are picking one that might look good but that may not be the case after fertilization.

Mobaby ~ Lol that's cute!! It's good that you found something to stay a little busy with until IVF. It'll be here before you know it.
Hey ladies,

Is there anyone doing acupuncture to help with IVF? If so I have a few questions...

So I went in today and after my session she sat down and pretty much started making me a shopping list. Everything on there said organic which isn't something I have ever bought before. She also told me that I need to cut out cold drinks (cold water, milk, everything), no dairy, no cold cereal( :dohh: ), and tons of protein oh and fat. Has anyone heard this before or is this something she may just believe in? I know because I live in Oregon many people think we are all huge organic fans and what not. :haha: I just kinda wanted to see if anyone has been told this. Her reason for all of this is because I need to make my body "baby friendly" and cold things are not going to do that.
Hey Ladies, I would like to join you as I am planning on IVF in May/June after 3 failed IUI's. I am actually terrified and excited at the same time.

That's exactly how I feel!!! We are on the same schedule as you! Yea!
Ok ladies here goes another really long one. So much goes on during the day so I tend to fall behind. Thats a good thing though... with things going on it means that we are all busy and hanging in there.

Lulu and Alscreetch, it looks like I won't be that far behind you. I'm excited to see how things progress for you both!

I started bcp on April 11th, will start Lupron on the 19th, and then likely start follistim and menopur on the 29th. Retrieval will probably be around May 10th. What meds will you be taking I'm always interested in the differences. Do you have estiomated retrieval and transfer dates?

s08 I'm so glad that you have all your dates set and you are ready to go. I can't wait to get to that point!

Ok, so just got off the phone with Dr. Morris - here is the deal - she ideally doesnt want to do a lap, BUT because I have some pain, she is going to do a laprascopy ASAP (4 weeks or so from today, should have it scheduled by Thurs she says). Then she wants to move me immediately into an IVF cycle right after that prior to the lab closing in June for 4 weeks for vacation (they dont start any new IVf cycles starting on 6/23 for 4 weeks).
She set up an appt for May 3rd at 3:30 because she wants to go over IVF in person and wants to explain what protocol I will be on then and show me slides on it and stuff. She says discussing it over the phone is really complicated and she likes to review everyones protocol in person.
Excited to finally get a timeline - so looks like IVF in June and Lap in May. GET ME STARTED!!!

Sorry to hear about AF. I was really hoping the IUI would work for you. That is great that your Dr. wants to move things along for you and help you. Is there a reason she didn't want to do a lap before IVF? Sorry I know nothing about getting a lap done or anything like that.

Congrats to all the positive things happening to you ladies!!!
Jchic not that much more waiting.

As I'm writing this the tears are streaming down my face. The doctors office just called me back. They approved the IVF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm in complete shock right now. And today was the last day they can do it that I could start this cycle. So tomorrow I am going for my sono, my IVF class, and I am starting my Lupron. Does anyone know how long between lupron and retrieval? So ladies I will officially be doing my IVF in May!!!

Is anyone on the same cycle as me???

haj I'm so freakin exciting for you!!! I knew it would all come together but knowing that it officially did is amazing. :happydance: Sounds like you have a very busy day tomorrow but it will all be worth it. Again... I'm so happy and excited for you. I know how much stress this was putting on you guys.

Hey Everybody!!

We just made the decision to do IVF sooner rather than later since I will be finishing my Master's degree over the next two years. I will start BCP in about 3 weeks and IVF the following month. I am very happy to finally have a plan!! Anybody have any thoughts on whether or not you will do pre-genetic testing on the embryos? Anybody have any financial tips they have heard about while researching IVF? I learned about IVFmeds.com and my clinic will allow patient's to order some of their meds through them to save money. :happydance:

Yeah for all the BFPs we are all going to get!!

Welcome south! :hi: Sorry we have to meet again in this thread but it will lead us all to our BFP's! :thumbup: Do you have insurance coverage for the genetic testing? The reason I ask is because I know it can add a lot on to the cost. I think for us it is an extra $7,000 but then again we are fully out of pocket. As for the meds... I'm not really sure how my clinic works with that. All I know so far is that we sit down together and order the meds online. I was told that we will look for the cheapest way to go about it though. Maybe I should start doing some searching. :shrug:

Hi ladies, im starting my second round of IVF in may after my first round ended in an early miscarriage. I am waiting for my period at the moment, and am very excited to start another cycle in May! I should be due for egg collection around mid May.

Looking forward to sharing the journey with you all! :)

Welcome :hi: So sorry to hear about your miscarriage :hugs: I hope AF shows up soon for you so that you can get started in May.

Hey Ladies, I would like to join you as I am planning on IVF in May/June after 3 failed IUI's. I am actually terrified and excited at the same time.

Welcome :hi: There are many of us in here from another thread that is going on (IUI thread). Sorry to see us all moving this way... I wish the IUI's would have worked for all of us. Anyways, It's nice to see some familiar faces (names). We will all get our BFP's and move on to be bump buddies. I know I said that earlier in the thread but I think we all need to be reminded of it.

Lucie?? How are you doing? Just thought I would check in with you :hugs:

l8bloomer I hope things go well for your DH tomorrow. If theres anything important about the appointment please let me know since our DH's are having to go through the same thing. :flower:

I hope everyone else is doing well. If there is anything you would like me to add to the front page please let me know. I'm going to update what I know right now. EDIT** I think I got everyone and can you ladies believe it... there are 30+ in here now. I'm loving that we are all here to support each other and cheer each other on. Just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you. :hugs:

You have an amazing thread here. Thanks for all your hard work!! Our insurance covers absolutely nothing. I think it will be about an extra $3700 for genetic testing on up to 8 embryos. Still have to think about it but leaning towards doing it to put the embryos with the best chance in.
I haven't done a lot of research on online meds either. A girl I met at work just went through IVF and told me about ivfmeds.com.
lol i was just planting some seeds in my garden and it said 80 days to maturity (watermelon) and i was like yippie! when they are ready i will be having my ivf cycle! so thats exciting. i can watch my fruit and veggies grow while waiting to distract me :)

Just made my night...too cute!!!
MrsC ~ I have been doing acupuncture for a while. I am on a very similar diet. My acupuncturist is a very very good one and has very high success rates so I trust him 150%. He also has me on a no dairy (not even one drop) and no red meat diet. I have to always keep my feet warm and he said that cold drinks immediately make the uterus cold which is not good and increase the chance of miscarriage to about 80%. He also recommended that I do 60% veggies for each meal (but I don't follow that one too well.. Lol).
Hey ladies,

Is there anyone doing acupuncture to help with IVF? If so I have a few questions...

So I went in today and after my session she sat down and pretty much started making me a shopping list. Everything on there said organic which isn't something I have ever bought before. She also told me that I need to cut out cold drinks (cold water, milk, everything), no dairy, no cold cereal( :dohh: ), and tons of protein oh and fat. Has anyone heard this before or is this something she may just believe in? I know because I live in Oregon many people think we are all huge organic fans and what not. :haha: I just kinda wanted to see if anyone has been told this. Her reason for all of this is because I need to make my body "baby friendly" and cold things are not going to do that.

I did acupuncture for 3 months last fall and she didn't say anything about drastically changing my diet or organic vs non organic. I think its just key that we all eat healthy food and the right portions. :winkwink:
MrsC ~ I forgot to mention that he wasn't specific on organic food but just said to eat a lot of veggies. My friend went to him after 3 yrs of infertility (no pregnancies at all) and after 3 weeks she was pregnant. All she did was the acupuncture treatments and strictly follow the diet and herb capsules that he gave her.
My Acupuncturist told me the same thing about cold drinks. She recommended soups and tea which she said keeps the uterus warm.
Thank you all very much! I guess it's time for a change in my diet. I'm new to the whole acupuncture world and just thought this was a little strange but I will go for it. Maybe not everything but changing my diet will be a major thing. Now just to figure out what to do about drinking cold things... I feel like I always need something cold to drink. Thats going to be a hard one. :wacko:
Hi all, can I join? We took the decision last month to go for ivf after 3 years of ttc, it's all moved very quickly since then and my egg collection is booked for 6th June!!
It's all happened so much quicker than I expected, we are very lucky in where we live, no waiting list for nhs treatment!
One thing that is concerning me, I've been given my programme of what to do when in terms if the meds, but it doesn't appear to account for my cycle, and I've just been told what date to start the buserelin, does this sound right, I'm guessing it's ok, but everyone else seems to be starting on a particular cycle date?

Welcome :hi: to the crazy world of IVF. Sounds like thing are moving right along for you! Is the place you are going to putting you on BC?

Heyyyy ladies!!! Glad to see everthing is coming a long for everyone!!!

I went to the doctors this morning for our sonohystogram and everything came back good. He said the cysts is still there:dohh: but its so little he doesn't see it being a problem. Then we had our IVF class. DH and I learned how to do all the shots. All of my injectibles are being delivered today and we are picking up anything oral tonight. Soooo as of right now here are my following dates of things going on:

Today-Starting Lupron
4/22-Stop BC
4/26-Uterine Mapping
5/4-Baseline Sono and Bloodwork and possibly starting Stims if everything is a-ok.

They said we are looking for retrival somewhere around the 16/17/18 (Only a month away). Then they will decide on a 3-5 day transfer and then transfer and 2 weeks later I go in for my beta. So fingers crossed in a little over a month I'll be a mommy!!!:baby::baby::baby:

Only thing that was a little disheartening today was they said they were going to freeze the embryos and I wasnt aware how much that cost. Its another $1800...that I'm not sure we can cough up in a month. You don't have to have the embryos frozen do you?

I'm glad everything went well today. Sorry the cyst is still there but I'm glad thats it won't be a bother to you during IVF. Is there anyway to get the money together to freeze what you might have left over? Now that you mention it I don't think thats included in our price either... now I have to go do some reading of all the paper work to see how much extra that is.
Hi ladies! Mind if I join? I'm currently waiting for AF to show before starting my birth control round. I have PCOS so my cycles are really long. No idea when AF will be showing up. It is good though because hubby has azoospermia and had to have a TESE operation to see if they could find any sperm. We have some frozen to do ICSI but if they don't survive the defrost, they'll need to do another operation which can't be done until after 3 months which will put us at the end of June, early July. Hopefully AF plays nice and shows up with perfect timing! I'm excited to get started but nervous too!
Thank you all very much! I guess it's time for a change in my diet. I'm new to the whole acupuncture world and just thought this was a little strange but I will go for it. Maybe not everything but changing my diet will be a major thing. Now just to figure out what to do about drinking cold things... I feel like I always need something cold to drink. Thats going to be a hard one. :wacko:

I know it's hard to stay away from cold drinks but you'll get used to it in no time. The hardest part for me was the dairy (I love cheese) but I've been off of it for almost 9 months now and feel better than ever. Be sure to buy Rasberry Leaf tea, it helps with toning the uterus and preparing it for pregnancy.

This one from amazon is the one I use. It has the best reviews and it's organic


Raelynn ~ Welcome!! I hope the little guys make the defrost and you don't have to wait any longer. Praying that AF is a good to you this cycle.
Hi ladies! Mind if I join? I'm currently waiting for AF to show before starting my birth control round. I have PCOS so my cycles are really long. No idea when AF will be showing up. It is good though because hubby has azoospermia and had to have a TESE operation to see if they could find any sperm. We have some frozen to do ICSI but if they don't survive the defrost, they'll need to do another operation which can't be done until after 3 months which will put us at the end of June, early July. Hopefully AF plays nice and shows up with perfect timing! I'm excited to get started but nervous too!

Welcome raelynn :hi: I have seen you in the azoo thread (I think thats how it's written). I have only posted in there once :blush: I need to get back in there. We are having to do TESE as well. Our reason is because DH had a vasectomy before meeting me. He had it reversed but it healed up. :( We have nothing frozen so we have to go the full route on EC day. I hope AF shows for you soon so that you can get started. Just wanted to let you know there are others on here who are having to do IVF with TESE and also PESA. :flower:

Thank you all very much! I guess it's time for a change in my diet. I'm new to the whole acupuncture world and just thought this was a little strange but I will go for it. Maybe not everything but changing my diet will be a major thing. Now just to figure out what to do about drinking cold things... I feel like I always need something cold to drink. Thats going to be a hard one. :wacko:

I know it's hard to stay away from cold drinks but you'll get used to it in no time. The hardest part for me was the dairy (I love cheese) but I've been off of it for almost 9 months now and feel better than ever. Be sure to buy Rasberry Leaf tea, it helps with toning the uterus and preparing it for pregnancy.

This one from amazon is the one I use. It has the best reviews and it's organic


Raelynn ~ Welcome!! I hope the little guys make the defrost and you don't have to wait any longer. Praying that AF is a good to you this cycle.

I've just been thinking about what I could drink that isn't cold. I could always fill water bottles up and leave them out over night. There are ways around cold drinks. :thumbup: About the tea... I have actually had that before but mine was a different brand. I'm wondering if I should start drinking it on a regular basis now. Hmmm... maybe I could sneak a few questions in when I go in for blood work next week. This is the one I was buying but they sell it in a store here. Looks like it's cheaper on amazon though. :dohh: Thanks for sharing that! Oh and I will miss cheese too. :haha:

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