IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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MrsC - Nice to see another azoo IVF-er (although azoo isn't something I'd wish on anyone). We were planning on just doing TESE at time of IVF but our insurance won't cover any of it if we use donor sperm so we didn't want to risk not finding anything and not having a backup. So, we had the TESE ahead of time and froze the findings. We're thrilled that the urologist found some to freeze, especially since we opted for the more affordable TESE instead of the micro TESE. Hopefully yours goes well too!

Everything is down to timing for us now because we have a cruise booked at the end of July. So, we need to have ER done late June/ Early July otherwise we'll have to put everything off until my next cycle, which could be several months based on my long cycles. Really, really hoping we make it in on this one so we don't have even more waiting to do. I'm sure we're all going crazy with the waiting by now.
raelynn~ It is nice to see other who can relate. Although like you said it's nothing I would want anyone to have to deal with. MJ has joined this thread as well. I understand the fear of not finding anything on the day of ER. Thats another huge stress for me but I just have to believe it will all work out. Either way though insurance doesn't cover anything. We will know more after DH goes in for his appointment at the end of the month. Where is your cruise going to? We have been on one and it was tons of fun! We would love to go again but that will have to wait. Having AF show soon would really fall into place with your plans. Fx for you.
Have you ladies ever heard of maca? It's supposed to help with sperm issues.I don't know if it helps in your case but maybe you guys could look into it. My DH took it a couple years back. In his first sperm analysis (not detailed one) his count was 204 million but his motility was only 30% and after he took maca for a couple months, his count was 197 million but this time it was 80% motility. I'm not sure if it was the maca that helped or other factors but I believe it did something. These numbers are from regular sperm analysis though. The recent strict sperm analysis shows his motility at 24% but he hasn't taken maca in the past year. So maybe the maca was helping after all.
Hi all, can I join? We took the decision last month to go for ivf after 3 years of ttc, it's all moved very quickly since then and my egg collection is booked for 6th June!!
It's all happened so much quicker than I expected, we are very lucky in where we live, no waiting list for nhs treatment!
One thing that is concerning me, I've been given my programme of what to do when in terms if the meds, but it doesn't appear to account for my cycle, and I've just been told what date to start the buserelin, does this sound right, I'm guessing it's ok, but everyone else seems to be starting on a particular cycle date?

Welcome :hi: to the crazy world of IVF. Sounds like thing are moving right along for you! Is the place you are going to putting you on BC?

Heyyyy ladies!!! Glad to see everthing is coming a long for everyone!!!

I went to the doctors this morning for our sonohystogram and everything came back good. He said the cysts is still there:dohh: but its so little he doesn't see it being a problem. Then we had our IVF class. DH and I learned how to do all the shots. All of my injectibles are being delivered today and we are picking up anything oral tonight. Soooo as of right now here are my following dates of things going on:

Today-Starting Lupron
4/22-Stop BC
4/26-Uterine Mapping
5/4-Baseline Sono and Bloodwork and possibly starting Stims if everything is a-ok.

They said we are looking for retrival somewhere around the 16/17/18 (Only a month away). Then they will decide on a 3-5 day transfer and then transfer and 2 weeks later I go in for my beta. So fingers crossed in a little over a month I'll be a mommy!!!:baby::baby::baby:

Only thing that was a little disheartening today was they said they were going to freeze the embryos and I wasnt aware how much that cost. Its another $1800...that I'm not sure we can cough up in a month. You don't have to have the embryos frozen do you?

I'm glad everything went well today. Sorry the cyst is still there but I'm glad thats it won't be a bother to you during IVF. Is there anyway to get the money together to freeze what you might have left over? Now that you mention it I don't think thats included in our price either... now I have to go do some reading of all the paper work to see how much extra that is.

Thanks for your reply, sorry i dont know how to only quote one part of your message! :)
Im not sure what bc is (sorry) so im guessing they arent! Theyve given me the buserelin and told me what day to start taking it. They didnt ask about my cycle, i have periods but they can be a little irregular due to my mild pcos!
welcome raelynn :flower:

Mrs. C- Could you write what your acupunturist said your diet should be, I might try this too. I called to inquire about acupunture again yesterday but I don't think we can swing it financially. I'm hoping that my new insurance will cover some of it, I am not hopeful, but it would be nice!
Lulu~ I'm not sure if were referring to me and raelynn about the macs or not. If so nothing will work for my DH. He has no sperm at all so adding a vitamin wouldn't help anything. To get my DH's sperm they have to go in with a needle and pull some out. It's a nice thought though. Thank you for thinking of it. :flower: If you were asking all the ladies, I do think there are some things out there that can help their DH and get the numbers up higher.

Smiley~ No worries about the quote. BC stands for birth control. I know some ladies are taking it or have taken it so that their cycle is on the clinics schedule. What dy are you suppose to start buserelin?

Blue~ I will copy what she wrote down. It's pretty much a shopping list and a few do and do not. I will have to add it later on this evening. It would be great if your new insurance covers acupuncture! I hear so many great things about it with IVF.
MrsC ~ I was actually referring to you and Raelynn. I'm sorry that there's nothing that can help naturally for you guys. I hope you get good sperm numbers on the day of retrieval.

BlueStorm ~ I'm glad you're thinking of trying the diet. Even if you can't do the acupuncture, the diet will help tremendously.
Ladies, I have a question/confession. Please don't judge me and also be honest with me. Last Friday I was pretty down and out about all of the insurance stuff and I was so sure IVF wasn't happening right now. So I was out with my friend having a drink and she was like you need to calm yourself down, youre going to drive yourself nuts blah blah blah. So we had gone back to her apt and she was like here and she handed me a vaporizer with weed in it she said take a few hits you'll feel so much better. Now, I'm not going to lie when I was in college I smoked but not really since then. She said to me a vaporizer is so much better then smoking it because a vaporizer takes out the toxins (which i ended up researching last night and its true.) So I had taken maybe like 3 hits from this thing. Now I feel completely awful. I've been so good with doing the right thing and keeping myself healthy and now I did this. I know weed can effect your egg quality. Now I am totally panicing that I screw up my eggs for IVF in May. That one part of me is having a heart attack and the other part of me is like you did it once, it wasnt a lot and you'll never do it again. Am I totally freaking out over nothing or do you think I couldve done some damage. Again please dont judge me, I made a very stupid decision :dohh:
MrsC ~ I was actually referring to you and Raelynn. I'm sorry that there's nothing that can help naturally for you guys. I hope you get good sperm numbers on the day of retrieval.

BlueStorm ~ I'm glad you're thinking of trying the diet. Even if you can't do the acupuncture, the diet will help tremendously.

Thanks hun :hugs: It's not the best situation but thats why we were saying we wouldn't wish it upon anyone. It is what it is though. Thanks again for thinking of us.

Ladies, I have a question/confession. Please don't judge me and also be honest with me. Last Friday I was pretty down and out about all of the insurance stuff and I was so sure IVF wasn't happening right now. So I was out with my friend having a drink and she was like you need to calm yourself down, youre going to drive yourself nuts blah blah blah. So we had gone back to her apt and she was like here and she handed me a vaporizer with weed in it she said take a few hits you'll feel so much better. Now, I'm not going to lie when I was in college I smoked but not really since then. She said to me a vaporizer is so much better then smoking it because a vaporizer takes out the toxins (which i ended up researching last night and its true.) So I had taken maybe like 3 hits from this thing. Now I feel completely awful. I've been so good with doing the right thing and keeping myself healthy and now I did this. I know weed can effect your egg quality. Now I am totally panicing that I screw up my eggs for IVF in May. That one part of me is having a heart attack and the other part of me is like you did it once, it wasnt a lot and you'll never do it again. Am I totally freaking out over nothing or do you think I couldve done some damage. Again please dont judge me, I made a very stupid decision :dohh:

haj, don't beat yourself up. Just make sure you don't do it again. I think you are brave for even asking about it. You should be ok and I don't think you ruined your eggs. Like you said, you did it once. Now had you been doing it this whole time and continue to do it I think there would be some issues. I truly believe everything will be ok. :flower:

I start the buserelin on the 2nd May! Eek!

Thats exciting!!
Haj ~ We're not here to judge, we're only here to support each other :hugs: . We all make mistakes, don't come down too hard on yourself. Hopefully since it's only one time, it won't effect anything. Just be careful with diet and what you allow into your body from now on and you should be ok.

Smiley ~ Good luck!! You must be very excited. I start stims on Sunday so I'm very excited but nervous at the same time.
MrsC ~ I was actually referring to you and Raelynn. I'm sorry that there's nothing that can help naturally for you guys. I hope you get good sperm numbers on the day of retrieval.

BlueStorm ~ I'm glad you're thinking of trying the diet. Even if you can't do the acupuncture, the diet will help tremendously.

Thanks hun :hugs: It's not the best situation but thats why we were saying we wouldn't wish it upon anyone. It is what it is though. Thanks again for thinking of us.

Ladies, I have a question/confession. Please don't judge me and also be honest with me. Last Friday I was pretty down and out about all of the insurance stuff and I was so sure IVF wasn't happening right now. So I was out with my friend having a drink and she was like you need to calm yourself down, youre going to drive yourself nuts blah blah blah. So we had gone back to her apt and she was like here and she handed me a vaporizer with weed in it she said take a few hits you'll feel so much better. Now, I'm not going to lie when I was in college I smoked but not really since then. She said to me a vaporizer is so much better then smoking it because a vaporizer takes out the toxins (which i ended up researching last night and its true.) So I had taken maybe like 3 hits from this thing. Now I feel completely awful. I've been so good with doing the right thing and keeping myself healthy and now I did this. I know weed can effect your egg quality. Now I am totally panicing that I screw up my eggs for IVF in May. That one part of me is having a heart attack and the other part of me is like you did it once, it wasnt a lot and you'll never do it again. Am I totally freaking out over nothing or do you think I couldve done some damage. Again please dont judge me, I made a very stupid decision :dohh:

haj, don't beat yourself up. Just make sure you don't do it again. I think you are brave for even asking about it. You should be ok and I don't think you ruined your eggs. Like you said, you did it once. Now had you been doing it this whole time and continue to do it I think there would be some issues. I truly believe everything will be ok. :flower:

I start the buserelin on the 2nd May! Eek!

Thats exciting!!

I'm sure most of the people in this group want to kick my butt right now for even doing that. heck i do!!! especially thinking about how much were struggling. No No, not at all have i been doing it and i honestly will NEVER do it again. I've just been driving myself crazy since last night.
Haj ~ We're not here to judge, we're only here to support each other :hugs: . We all make mistakes, don't come down too hard on yourself. Hopefully since it's only one time, it won't effect anything. Just be careful with diet and what you allow into your body from now on and you should be ok.

Smiley ~ Good luck!! You must be very excited. I start stims on Sunday so I'm very excited but nervous at the same time.

I think its more I'm judging myself right now. Because in my adult life (since college lol) I don't do this stuff. I have NEVER smoke a cigarette, I rarely drink, and I can't believe I just did something so stupid.
honestly i just want to sit here and cry right now. it was so stupid and even though you ladies have said youre not judging me i feel like such an ass for even telling anyone.
Haj ~ Take a deep breath and relax. Stressing yourself out right now could end up causing more damage. One time is not going to harm anything. Just focus on being as stress free as possible right now.
haj it's ok :hugs: It's not like you have been smoking cigarettes or anything like that. I think in a way you want to punish yourself but there is no need for that. You did it once and you said it's not something you normally do. Now if it was closer to your cycle date I think things would be a little different but you still have a little while. Like I said... it's ok and you didn't mess anything up.
I totally agree with the others don't beat yourself up about it and look forward to the journey you have ahead of you.

Well ladies AF arrived I'm back at clinic tomorrow for scan,bloods and injections can't believe it's finally here.
Thanks for the help and answers ladies. i really do need to learn how to be stress free...im sooo bad at it
I totally agree with the others don't beat yourself up about it and look forward to the journey you have ahead of you.

Well ladies AF arrived I'm back at clinic tomorrow for scan,bloods and injections can't believe it's finally here.

Thank you and good luck tomorrow!!!
Ladies, I have a question/confession. Please don't judge me and also be honest with me. Last Friday I was pretty down and out about all of the insurance stuff and I was so sure IVF wasn't happening right now. So I was out with my friend having a drink and she was like you need to calm yourself down, youre going to drive yourself nuts blah blah blah. So we had gone back to her apt and she was like here and she handed me a vaporizer with weed in it she said take a few hits you'll feel so much better. Now, I'm not going to lie when I was in college I smoked but not really since then. She said to me a vaporizer is so much better then smoking it because a vaporizer takes out the toxins (which i ended up researching last night and its true.) So I had taken maybe like 3 hits from this thing. Now I feel completely awful. I've been so good with doing the right thing and keeping myself healthy and now I did this. I know weed can effect your egg quality. Now I am totally panicing that I screw up my eggs for IVF in May. That one part of me is having a heart attack and the other part of me is like you did it once, it wasnt a lot and you'll never do it again. Am I totally freaking out over nothing or do you think I couldve done some damage. Again please dont judge me, I made a very stupid decision :dohh:

HAJ- There are women in this world that smoked weed, drank alcohol, & smoked cigarettes before finding out they are pregnant. You are going to be absolutely fine! No judgment here :hugs:

I totally agree with the others don't beat yourself up about it and look forward to the journey you have ahead of you.

Well ladies AF arrived I'm back at clinic tomorrow for scan,bloods and injections can't believe it's finally here.

Yay... for AF!! :happydance:

AFM- I gave myself my first injection yesterday (hubby did the first one) I was having a proud moment. I actually enjoyed it (kinda demented.. I know) I am sick of pills though. I am so happy that Saturday marks the last day of BCP... and ughhh MY Protocol includes Doxy, this blue pill makes me and my hubby sooooo nauseous! Anyone else taking an antibiotic as a precaution?

Side note vent: I am having a hard time concentrating and I am lo-key suffering from insomnia. Am I the only one?? LOL!!!
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