IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Hi ladies,

Just back from clinic so scan showed lining and ovaries are great, bloods done and received my bag of goodies so injections start tomorrow OMG I cant believe its actually happening now.

Haj - that's no problem at all, glad I could help! London is great, I've been a few times but then it's not so far for me to go down - takes 6 hours on a train. London will be mad at the moment as it's the countdown to the olympics, can't go anywhere without seeing british flags everywhere!!!

Mrs C - Is it Quinoa berries she was trying to spell?? Thanks for the info sheet, that's really handy. Hopefully I'll get my information pack soon. I'l put it on here as well just to share the different advice this side of the pond.

DancingDiva - that's great news, keep us updated! :happydance:

Ali xx :flower:
Ok ladies I hope these work...

First one should be the list I was given from the acupuncturist yesterday about foods and what not. She used scratch paper and you can tell... hopefully you can still read it. The scanner made the backside of the paper come through. Oh and she couldn't figure out how to spell some things... maybe you ladies can help me out with this since I have no idea as to what she was trying to spell.

The second one is something I thought I would share. When we went in for our IVF consult I was given the big packet of info. Well this sheet (do's and don'ts) was included. I thought it was pretty interesting and very informative.

I hope they are big enough to be seen.

Which word didn't you understand on the paper? I really don't think you have to buy organic things. As long as you're eating enough veggies and try to eat gluten-free foods then you should be ok. My acupuncturist didn't tell me to just limit dairy, he said not even one drop of any type of dairy because even that throws things off. I also did the research on what dairy does to the body and it's really scary.

Lulu it's the part next to the "hot cereal-rice" she wasn't sure how to spell what she was writing so I have no idea what it is. I guess I could try to look it up though. Thanks for having a look. :flower:

Hi ladies,

Just back from clinic so scan showed lining and ovaries are great, bloods done and received my bag of goodies so injections start tomorrow OMG I cant believe its actually happening now.

Thats very exciting!! :happydance: I hope everything goes well tomorrow.
Daisy~ I think thats it. Thanks! I couldn't remember what she was trying to spell but that sounds right. :thumbup:
This is a really great thread, feels like I'm not going through this alone! :) I'm soooo nervous but soooo excited at the same time! Can't stop thinking about it, think I'm gonna try and eat really healthy once I start the mess to to get my body in the best position for EC and ET.

Am struggling with the 1 or 2 ET at te moment, what are all you lovely ladies thoughts on it?
This is a really great thread, feels like I'm not going through this alone! :) I'm soooo nervous but soooo excited at the same time! Can't stop thinking about it, think I'm gonna try and eat really healthy once I start the mess to to get my body in the best position for EC and ET.

Am struggling with the 1 or 2 ET at te moment, what are all you lovely ladies thoughts on it?

I am ABSOLUTELY going with 2. I just feel like if the 1 didnt take i wouldve always wondered if the second one wouldve and i mean of course you run the risk of twins but i also feel like at this point were struggling so much.
Hi ladies,

Just back from clinic so scan showed lining and ovaries are great, bloods done and received my bag of goodies so injections start tomorrow OMG I cant believe its actually happening now.

Yay for getting started :happydance:

Ok ladies I hope these work...

First one should be the list I was given from the acupuncturist yesterday about foods and what not. She used scratch paper and you can tell... hopefully you can still read it. The scanner made the backside of the paper come through. Oh and she couldn't figure out how to spell some things... maybe you ladies can help me out with this since I have no idea as to what she was trying to spell. :dohh:

The second one is something I thought I would share. When we went in for our IVF consult I was given the big packet of info. Well this sheet (do's and don'ts) was included. I thought it was pretty interesting and very informative.

I hope they are big enough to be seen. :flower:

Thanks Mrs. C - very interesting!
This is a really great thread, feels like I'm not going through this alone! :) I'm soooo nervous but soooo excited at the same time! Can't stop thinking about it, think I'm gonna try and eat really healthy once I start the mess to to get my body in the best position for EC and ET.

Am struggling with the 1 or 2 ET at te moment, what are all you lovely ladies thoughts on it?

We're struggling with this decision too. We're both OK with twins, but obviously its not ideal medically for babies or mama. If we get a really great embryo or blast, I think we will probably just do one. It may be a game-time decision, you know?

MrsC, thanks for posting that info...interesting. I feel a little dumb, but I hadn't thought about when we could and could not have sex. I suppose I might not feel up to it anyway.

AFM, I did my first lupron injection last night. No problem at all. I start stims on the 29th, so this is finally happening!
You know whats crazy??? I was thinking..right about a month from now I will be doing my transfer and could technically be 2 weeks pregnant already. Thats sooooo nuts!!!!
Who else is definitely doing IVF in May? If so did they give you posisble dates for retrival/transfer?
Hey Ladies!! I hope everyone is doing well!

tiffttc~ I'm a little confused.. did you get your BFP? The rest of your post doesn't suggest that you did. I'm praying that you got your BFP and don't have to go down the IVF route.

AFM~ I had my initial IVF appointment today. My RE explained everything about ivf and went over my history. He's confused as to why I haven't gotten pregnant since all the tests look so perfect. He did a sonohystogram today to make sure the uterine cavity looks normal with no fibroids or polyps. He said my uterus looks beautiful. Tomorrow is my last BC pill and then on sunday I start stims. I asked a lot of questions and have a better idea of the whole process. I can't believe I start stimming so soon. I am super nervous to say the least. I really hope it works the 1st time around. Wish me luck ladies and of course you all will be in my prayers as well.

Hey lulu07,, no i didnt get my :bfp: sorry if i confused anyone the BFP at the top was a mistake i dont no how that got there,,,,,,is this your first IVF??? and why did you have to start BC before stims??? iam really glad your starting soon i wish i was at stage now.......but i have to wait!! my appt. is 22nd of may its just like an intro day......but :witch: sould arrive bout a week after appt. hopefully anyway........
:dust: to you all xx
Who else is definitely doing IVF in May? If so did they give you posisble dates for retrival/transfer?

I should be as long as everything goes ok with my new insurance approving everything(I am switching May 1st). I posted a few pages back my possible schedule depending on when AF comes.

Just saw the info today about my new insurance. OMG - what a joke! Thank God they still cover IVF 100% but I think they have to b\c of NJ law. The rest is sooo bad. Everything else including Hospital (including maternity) only covered at 50% after $2500 deductable. :saywhat: That will bankrupt us...WTF

We used to have 2 options one covered 80% of most everything and was less expensive the ohter more expensive one which I was going to take coveed 100% of everthing with no deductable. Only like $30 copays. I am freaking out.

I am going to have to keep my DH's insurance as secondary but really can't afford to. Does anyone know what that works? Will my secondary pay 100% of what my primary does not cover or only a percentage? Or does it just depend on the specific policy?
Who else is definitely doing IVF in May? If so did they give you posisble dates for retrival/transfer?

I should be as long as everything goes ok with my new insurance approving everything(I am switching May 1st). I posted a few pages back my possible schedule depending on when AF comes.

Just saw the info today about my new insurance. OMG - what a joke! Thank God they still cover IVF 100% but I think they have to b\c of NJ law. The rest is sooo bad. Everything else including Hospital (including maternity) only covered at 50% after $2500 deductable. :saywhat: That will bankrupt us...WTF

We used to have 2 options one covered 80% of most everything and was less expensive the ohter more expensive one which I was going to take coveed 100% of everthing with no deductable. Only like $30 copays. I am freaking out.

I am going to have to keep my DH's insurance as secondary but really can't afford to. Does anyone know what that works? Will my secondary pay 100% of what my primary does not cover or only a percentage? Or does it just depend on the specific policy?

Have you started any BC or shots yet? Deep breath...please look at me as an insurance inspiration:thumbup: I was 110485855% convinced that the doctor was not going to get it approved especially after it was denied. So i have some makor faith that all of this insurance stuff will work out for you.
Who else is definitely doing IVF in May? If so did they give you posisble dates for retrival/transfer?

I should be as long as everything goes ok with my new insurance approving everything(I am switching May 1st). I posted a few pages back my possible schedule depending on when AF comes.

Just saw the info today about my new insurance. OMG - what a joke! Thank God they still cover IVF 100% but I think they have to b\c of NJ law. The rest is sooo bad. Everything else including Hospital (including maternity) only covered at 50% after $2500 deductable. :saywhat: That will bankrupt us...WTF

We used to have 2 options one covered 80% of most everything and was less expensive the ohter more expensive one which I was going to take coveed 100% of everthing with no deductable. Only like $30 copays. I am freaking out.

I am going to have to keep my DH's insurance as secondary but really can't afford to. Does anyone know what that works? Will my secondary pay 100% of what my primary does not cover or only a percentage? Or does it just depend on the specific policy?

Have you started any BC or shots yet? Deep breath...please look at me as an insurance inspiration:thumbup: I was 110485855% convinced that the doctor was not going to get it approved especially after it was denied. So i have some makor faith that all of this insurance stuff will work out for you.

I will start bcp's after AF shows up hopefully next week. I have to go in day 2 for bw and then I can start them. I am hopeful that my insurance will aprove everything (I hope) but can't change anything about what the actual coverage is so that really sucks.I am thankful though that it covers 100% of IVF except for egg preservation (but I don't think most cover that) I think i will just have to deliver at home in the bath tub or something :shrug:
Who else is definitely doing IVF in May? If so did they give you posisble dates for retrival/transfer?

I am! I already put this here, but I start stims the 29th, and my retreival is scheduled for May 8-12 with a transfer probably 5 days later. We'll all be preggo in no time!
I have to start after my period in May. I am going May 1st for class and sono, etc. I really dont even know which protocol Im doing.
Who else is definitely doing IVF in May? If so did they give you posisble dates for retrival/transfer?

I should be as long as everything goes ok with my new insurance approving everything(I am switching May 1st). I posted a few pages back my possible schedule depending on when AF comes.

Just saw the info today about my new insurance. OMG - what a joke! Thank God they still cover IVF 100% but I think they have to b\c of NJ law. The rest is sooo bad. Everything else including Hospital (including maternity) only covered at 50% after $2500 deductable. :saywhat: That will bankrupt us...WTF

We used to have 2 options one covered 80% of most everything and was less expensive the ohter more expensive one which I was going to take coveed 100% of everthing with no deductable. Only like $30 copays. I am freaking out.

I am going to have to keep my DH's insurance as secondary but really can't afford to. Does anyone know what that works? Will my secondary pay 100% of what my primary does not cover or only a percentage? Or does it just depend on the specific policy?

Have you started any BC or shots yet? Deep breath...please look at me as an insurance inspiration:thumbup: I was 110485855% convinced that the doctor was not going to get it approved especially after it was denied. So i have some makor faith that all of this insurance stuff will work out for you.

I will start bcp's after AF shows up hopefully next week. I have to go in day 2 for bw and then I can start them. I am hopeful that my insurance will aprove everything (I hope) but can't change anything about what the actual coverage is so that really sucks.I am thankful though that it covers 100% of IVF except for egg preservation (but I don't think most cover that) I think i will just have to deliver at home in the bath tub or something :shrug:
:rofl: you kill me. Well my fingers are crossed for AF to hurry up!!! Isnt it weird we have wanted her to stay away for so long and now we want her to come!!

Who else is definitely doing IVF in May? If so did they give you posisble dates for retrival/transfer?

I am! I already put this here, but I start stims the 29th, and my retreival is scheduled for May 8-12 with a transfer probably 5 days later. We'll all be preggo in no time!

Yes, I remeber!!! Our retrivals will be about a week apart. I start my stims on the 4th. Crazy your retrival is in 3 weeks (possibly less)!!! I'm so glad to have you ladies on this jouney!!!
I have to start after my period in May. I am going May 1st for class and sono, etc. I really dont even know which protocol Im doing.

When is AF supposed to show her face. I did long protocol due to my PCOS.
Probably May 19th, I have AF now after a failed IUI, but I wanted to give me body a little break before starting IVF.
Probably May 19th, I have AF now after a failed IUI, but I wanted to give me body a little break before starting IVF.

Yeah thats a good idea!!! Anddddd its only a month away!!!
Haj - ME! I start in May (short protocol), just need to wait on AF making an appearance. Last cycle was 61 days :growlmad: but my GP gave me norethisterone to take but didn't need it (AF started the day after I saw doc - typical). I think I'll take the norethisterone to make my cycle the normal 31 days (that's what it is when it behaves!), anyone else used norethisterone??? I'm not sure if I'm allowed to take it so I'll check with the clinic just incase.

Oneof14 - Looks like we could be IVF buddies, my AF should be around 18th or 19th May and on the short protocol so will start stims around then. How exciting!!! :happydance:

Smileykez - My dilemma exactly! My clinic REALLY wants me to only transfer one due to the risk of twins. But I also know that the HFEA want all clinics to reduce their multiple pregnancy rate significantly (££££££££). I'm completely torn, I know the risks of multiple pregnancies (it's my job!!) but feel like I'm willing to take the risk and if I get twins - JACKPOT! I'd be so happy but devastated if I put one in then was BFN.

Anyone else got views on the 1 or 2 question?? Or anyone transferring >2?

Ali xx
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