IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Hey Ladies!! I did my first injection (menopur) this morning. I took me a few minutes to be able to poke myself but didn't feel the poke once I finally did it. The medication burned a little but nothing too bad. I'm looking forward to my second injection (weird.. right?). I'm really excited for Wednesday's appointment to see how the follies are doing.

DancingDiva and Alscreetch ~ It's really exciting that we're all on the stims already. I think it'll go a little quicker from this point on.

Hey Lulu,

It is weird how you get excited about injecting yourself however I think if it was for anything else it would bother you but because we know it is for something worth while we would do anything.

My appointment is tomorrow morning to see how my follies are doing so fingers crossed.
ok i just want to go away for the next couple of months. this wait is killing me! in 3 wks i start bcp but have to take them for 42 days! this feels like an eternity. all i do is think about ivf my next cycle and is it going to work, etc.. i put a countdown on my phone which helps some. im going to ask if i can be moved up 1 wk so ec is 1st wk instead of 2nd wk in july. how can i get my mind off all this? lulu how u doing w/menopur? that stuff burns!did you down reg with anything or straight to stims after bcp?

oh i wanted to add: this is my last chance week to have natural bfp....scheduled to ovuate thursday/friday....i am praying it will happen but also know i cant be disappointed if it doesnt. so here goes nothing :) miracles can happen, right? it only takes 1!

July will be here before you know it. Take this time to your advantage. Maybe you can work on getting your body in better shape whether it be exercise or eating healthier or both. I really pray that you get a natural BFP!!
As for the menopur, it does burn but it's not horrible. I injected the medication slowly so maybe it helped a little. I still felt the burning but it's very bearable. Regarding the stims, I did BC for 10 days and then stopped it for 5 days and went straight to stims after the 5 days. I'm doing the antagonist protocol, I think it's the shortest of all protocols (Thank God).[/QUOTE]

i cant really work on better shape/diet cuz im already in shape and have a decent diet :) i will be cutting out caffeine when instart bcp though..i waited until stimming last time but i want to do it earlier..im doing a short protocol also but not as short as yours. i like the short ones. my last 2 were long! good luck lulu and dancing! hope follies are doing awesome!
Sorry I haven't been on lately, we've been going through a really tough time with waiting to find out if DH has cancer; we will find out for sure in 3 weeks tomorrow, but the urologist didn't sound too hopeful.

But I just had to pop in & say YAY for Mrs C's DH coming home :happydance:

Sending everyone loads of :dust: I have been thinking of you all, but it's just been too painful to be on here, when we don't know if we will even get to do another cycle at all. Believe me, if DH gets the all clear I'll be back on here with all you beautiful, amazing, inspiring women.
Hey ladies first injection done and it was fine didnt feel a thing I have another one tonight then I will be a professional at it lol
I feel the same!! I'm 5 days in.

I will be transfering 2 embryo's. I am completely fine with twins. (2 for 1 is priceless, when IVF is the only option, at least for me)

How are your hubby's handling this process. Mine has just been so cute. He has turned into the 9:00 injection police. It's hilarious... then yesterday he comes home with two bags of celery with a big bottle of ranch. I looked at him like wtf... he said I read it helps with sperm production. I laughed so hard, but was tickled at the same time!!

haha thats great!!! Thankfully dh has been awesome too!!

Well ladies today is the day hubby comes home!!!! :cloud9: Please excuse me if I go MIA for a day or so. I will catch up as soon as I can but I need to make up for lost time with him. :blush:

AHHH!!! How exciting!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: Honestly you would be crazy if you didnt disappear for a few days!!

Hey Ladies!! I'm sorry I had a reply for each one of you but I had typed up the really long reply 3 times and it would get deleted before I posted it because my ipad decided to be stupid. I gave up on trying to type it up again! :nope:

Well, I received my meds today.. I am super excited!!!!! I start the injections tomorrow and then I have an appointment on wednesday to check on the follies (hopefully lots of them). :happydance:

Thats soooo exciting!! Good Luck!!!

ok i just want to go away for the next couple of months. this wait is killing me! in 3 wks i start bcp but have to take them for 42 days! this feels like an eternity. all i do is think about ivf my next cycle and is it going to work, etc.. i put a countdown on my phone which helps some. im going to ask if i can be moved up 1 wk so ec is 1st wk instead of 2nd wk in july. how can i get my mind off all this? lulu how u doing w/menopur? that stuff burns!did you down reg with anything or straight to stims after bcp?

oh i wanted to add: this is my last chance week to have natural bfp....scheduled to ovuate thursday/friday....i am praying it will happen but also know i cant be disappointed if it doesnt. so here goes nothing :) miracles can happen, right? it only takes 1!

Your wait will be over before you know. And if anyone knows what you're going through all of us do!!!

Sorry I haven't been on lately, we've been going through a really tough time with waiting to find out if DH has cancer; we will find out for sure in 3 weeks tomorrow, but the urologist didn't sound too hopeful.

But I just had to pop in & say YAY for Mrs C's DH coming home :happydance:

Sending everyone loads of :dust: I have been thinking of you all, but it's just been too painful to be on here, when we don't know if we will even get to do another cycle at all. Believe me, if DH gets the all clear I'll be back on here with all you beautiful, amazing, inspiring women.

My thoughts and prayers are with you guys!!!:flower:
Goooood morning ladies!!! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Last night I finished my BC. woohoo!!! Dh got up bright and early and went in to the hospital where we are having our retrival and transfer done and had his men :spermy: frozen just in case he couldn't perform on the day of retrival. And tomorrow I head in for my uterine mapping at 12:30. Hopefully they will find nice like nooks for my little eggies!!!:thumbup:
Hi Ladies!

Wow it's been a little while since I've had time to catch up on here. I feel completely out of the loop, so much is going on.

Welcome to all the new ladies :wave: Southaspen,TTB, Dancingdiva, Oneof14, SmileyKez, Raelynn, and Mrs Stru. Sorry to hear about all of your struggles, best of luck in this journey I really hope we all move on to be bump buddies really soon!!

Congrats to all the ladies that are on their way to their :bfp: I am excited to follow all of your journey's to help me prepare for mine.

Haj so happy that you conquered the insurance company, and that's awesome news that you can do three fresh cycles as well as three FET's.

s08, LuLu, Daisy83, SmileyKez, Alscreech, Dancingdiva, hope you all are doing well with your cycles and that you are going to be the first of many BFP's for this group.

Blue that is great that you have a timeline now! You will be transferring in no time. Also very excited to watch that show..... three more days till you're a superstar!!!

Jchic sorry your last IUI wasn't successful, happy that you are on your way with your IVF..... Sending positive thoughts your way!!

Mrs C yeah that hubby is home!!! Put your computer away and enjoy this time you have.

MJ73 so sorry for what you are going through! I am sending positive vibes your way!! FX that your hubby's results come back ok.
Hi All!

Haj, so glad all is moving along :) Any time now!
Mrs - YAY for hubby! Go enjoy him!
MJ - hugs honey :(
Jenn - how are you? What is new?

Blue - WOOHOO!!!!!

AFM - have surgery scheduled to remove endo on May 21st, then right into IVF when I get AF after that, so right around June 10th or so!
Hi All!

Haj, so glad all is moving along :) Any time now!
Mrs - YAY for hubby! Go enjoy him!
MJ - hugs honey :(
Jenn - how are you? What is new?

Blue - WOOHOO!!!!!

AFM - have surgery scheduled to remove endo on May 21st, then right into IVF when I get AF after that, so right around June 10th or so!

Thanks hun!! Thats so soon less then a month away!!! You'll be on the IVF trail before you know it!!!
Well ladies today is the day hubby comes home!!!! :cloud9: Please excuse me if I go MIA for a day or so. I will catch up as soon as I can but I need to make up for lost time with him. :blush:

Yay for hubby coming home!!! "completely" understand!! LOL

Hey Ladies!! I'm sorry I had a reply for each one of you but I had typed up the really long reply 3 times and it would get deleted before I posted it because my ipad decided to be stupid. I gave up on trying to type it up again! :nope:

Well, I received my meds today.. I am super excited!!!!! I start the injections tomorrow and then I have an appointment on wednesday to check on the follies (hopefully lots of them). :happydance:

DancingDiva and Alscreetch ~ It's really exciting that we're all on the stims already. I think it'll go a little quicker from this point on.

I hate it when that happens! I am excited for you too. My apt is Friday, and I am super excited as well!!!

ok i just want to go away for the next couple of months. this wait is killing me! in 3 wks i start bcp but have to take them for 42 days! this feels like an eternity. all i do is think about ivf my next cycle and is it going to work, etc.. i put a countdown on my phone which helps some. im going to ask if i can be moved up 1 wk so ec is 1st wk instead of 2nd wk in july. how can i get my mind off all this? lulu how u doing w/menopur? that stuff burns!did you down reg with anything or straight to stims after bcp?

oh i wanted to add: this is my last chance week to have natural bfp....scheduled to ovuate thursday/friday....i am praying it will happen but also know i cant be disappointed if it doesnt. so here goes nothing :) miracles can happen, right? it only takes 1!

I believe in miracles!! Praying for au'natural!!

Hey Ladies!! I did my first injection (menopur) this morning. I took me a few minutes to be able to poke myself but didn't feel the poke once I finally did it. The medication burned a little but nothing too bad. I'm looking forward to my second injection (weird.. right?). I'm really excited for Wednesday's appointment to see how the follies are doing.

DancingDiva and Alscreetch ~ It's really exciting that we're all on the stims already. I think it'll go a little quicker from this point on.

Hey Lulu,

It is weird how you get excited about injecting yourself however I think if it was for anything else it would bother you but because we know it is for something worth while we would do anything.

My appointment is tomorrow morning to see how my follies are doing so fingers crossed.

I get excited too, I guess I am weird too... :wacko: Praying for lots of follies!!!

Sorry I haven't been on lately, we've been going through a really tough time with waiting to find out if DH has cancer; we will find out for sure in 3 weeks tomorrow, but the urologist didn't sound too hopeful.

But I just had to pop in & say YAY for Mrs C's DH coming home :happydance:

Sending everyone loads of :dust: I have been thinking of you all, but it's just been too painful to be on here, when we don't know if we will even get to do another cycle at all. Believe me, if DH gets the all clear I'll be back on here with all you beautiful, amazing, inspiring women.

I am sorry and I hope that isn't the outcome. Please keep us posted, and you & your hubby will be in our prayers!!
Hi ladies! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I had kind of a funny moment in the dressing room while shopping yesterday. I really wanted to buy this expensive pair of skinny jeans and was just about to pull the trigger when I had a revelation. I thought to myself, "I'm going to be preggo in a month and won't fit into these for very long, so I shouldn't buy them." (I'm really trying to have a positve attitude...this WILL work!) I put them back and have never been so thrilled not to buy a cute pair of jeans!
Hi ladies! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I had kind of a funny moment in the dressing room while shopping yesterday. I really wanted to buy this expensive pair of skinny jeans and was just about to pull the trigger when I had a revelation. I thought to myself, "I'm going to be preggo in a month and won't fit into these for very long, so I shouldn't buy them." (I'm really trying to have a positve attitude...this WILL work!) I put them back and have never been so thrilled not to buy a cute pair of jeans!

Thats great!! I'm trying to do the same thing. My family is going on vacation to disney in october...and my husband and i were making dinner reservations last night for a night we're doing just him and I and this seafood resturatn looked awesome and then I was like I really cant eat seafood when I''m preggo so lets find somewhere else. And then I was like wow, we would know if we're having a little boy or girl by then :) **Wishful Thinking**
Hey ladies, hope you all had a good weekend. I am trying to catch up now on what I missed from this weekend :wacko:
Hey ladies, just back from my scan everything looking good right ovary has 6 follies 1 @ 11mm, 3 @ 10mm and 2 @ 9mm on left ovary I have 2@ 9mm and 1@ 8mm so back up on Friday to check on progress and maybe doing tigger shot on saturday if all goes well.
Hey ladies, just back from my scan everything looking good right ovary has 6 follies 1 @ 11mm, 3 @ 10mm and 2 @ 9mm on left ovary I have 2@ 9mm and 1@ 8mm so back up on Friday to check on progress and maybe doing tigger shot on saturday if all goes well.

Yayyy thats so exciting!!!
Good Morning Ladies!! Hope everyone is doing well. I'm heading in for my uterine mapping today during my lunch. Has anyone had that yet? If so, what is it like?
It's a little uncomfortable over quickly. Some cramping but goes away. I had a small amount of spotting. I get to do it again in may. They make you repet every 6 months . Good luck!
That is awesome & right around the corner... Go follies go follies!!!
Hi ladies! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I had kind of a funny moment in the dressing room while shopping yesterday. I really wanted to buy this expensive pair of skinny jeans and was just about to pull the trigger when I had a revelation. I thought to myself, "I'm going to be preggo in a month and won't fit into these for very long, so I shouldn't buy them." (I'm really trying to have a positve attitude...this WILL work!) I put them back and have never been so thrilled not to buy a cute pair of jeans!

No need for them skinny jeans girl.... I look forward to being fat & happily pregnant!!! :haha:
Back from my uterine mapping!!! Obviously them doing the mapping and taking measurements didnt really hurt too much but them taking the biopsy definitely wasn't comfortable. Aside from that the worst part was having my bladder full. I thought I might die lol:dohh: So now I play the waiting game for ten days till my next doctor appt on May 4th. On the 4th we do my baseline sono and bloodwork and then as long as I get the A-Ok, I start stims that night. Until then I just keep up with my lupron shots and they said I should get my period within the next few days...hopefully its the last one for 9 months:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Back from my uterine mapping!!! Obviously them doing the mapping and taking measurements didnt really hurt too much but them taking the biopsy definitely wasn't comfortable. Aside from that the worst part was having my bladder full. I thought I might die lol:dohh: So now I play the waiting game for ten days till my next doctor appt on May 4th. On the 4th we do my baseline sono and bloodwork and then as long as I get the A-Ok, I start stims that night. Until then I just keep up with my lupron shots and they said I should get my period within the next few days...hopefully its the last one for 9 months:happydance::happydance::happydance:

So exciting! It's all happening :flower:
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