I know! I was so happy when he started sleeping through the night in May, but then it stopped at the end of June.......so when he started again, I was like thank god!!! Unfortunately, with him being sick right now, it's not like that at all. I keep having to wake up all night long cuz the poor guy is having trouble sleeping. I am still sick too, so it's not very fun. His temp came down though this morning, so I think he is on the mend. He never actually had a fever, but it was getting close so I kept a watch on it. He has been very happy all this time though, so I am very fortunate for that.
I barely slept at all last night though. Gord went out drinking and didn't come home until 9:30 this morning!! He was gone for 14 friggin hours!!! I am beyond pissed! He texted at 3:44 am saying he was going to be home soon....yeah, he has a broad meaning of what soon is! So between being up with Kash, having problems falling asleep, and texting the asshole, I had maybe 4 hours of broken sleep! Shitty thing is, I said I would volunteer to work the voting poll today from 4:00-7:00, so there is no napping for me. Kash went for a nap an hour ago, and so I jumped in the shower and now waiting for him to wake. And I have to leave in less then 3 hours. The asshole is finally sleeping, but now because he is hungover and sleeping, I have to take Kash with me.......I had also asked for his help today with Kash so that I could clean and get rid of all the sick germs in this place....well that's not happening either, so I am mad!
He asked me if I still loved him and I said no because I wasn't even thinking as to what he was saying. So when he came home, I was like yeah I do love you, but I do not like you at all right now. And I told him that he does this time after time, and if it continues, how does he expect me to put up with it, and it wears on a person to the point that they end up falling out of love with them. He apologized to me a lot in the texts, and I told him his sorry means nothing to me anymore, it's just a word. I said he tells me it every time, and then a week later he is doing it all over again. So I told him if he wants to prove it, then to prove it through actions from now on and not words!
He has to think too....this is the 4th weekend in a row that he has gone out drinking, and out of those weekends, it has been 7 days...so that's a whole week! All the money that has spent....all the nights of coming home whenever he pleases.....and on top of it, he isn't working!!!!!!! We have no f'ing money for this crap!!! And we have to go away at the end of the month for his surgery and he wants to stay out until after my surgery!! That all costs money, and I have bills to pay as well!
It's no wonder why I have a friggin headache and am still sick!