Kids "earning" money around the house??


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2008
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Im just wondering if anyone has done or does this.

My little girl is 5 in June, and i think its time she knew that money, although id love it to, does not grow on trees.
She said she would help do housework to "earn" some money.
So i agreed.

In the last week, she has helped take plates to the kitchen every night, and brings her dirty washing down every morning, and her other job is to help feed the dog.
She loves it...:wacko: :lol:

And its nice to have some time with just me and her :thumbup:

I give her 50p a day, as it comes out of the penny pot. (that way, it isnt missed)
I think its a bit stingy, but i also think that she learns that she has to work towards buying torn.

Is 50p enough???
I think 50p is plenty, i mean she is only 4.. What could she be buying! haha
I do the same kind of thing as you, i give the girls pocket money at the end of the week if they keep their bedrooms tidy during the week! I give them about 3 euro each. They are 5 and 8.. Thay do be delighted with that.. All they buy is ice-cream off the ice-cream van when it comes around. :haha:
I think it's a great idea and 50p a day is very generous!

My LO is 7 this week and he still gets £1 a week! So I think I'm the stingy one..?!

He does jobs around the house.. he loves it too, and gets a feeling of responsibility. We give him £1 on a saturday and he puts in in his money box. Then when we go shopping, he will sometimes raid it and buy himself a small toy.

He gets money randomly from his generous grandparents and puts that in too so he's not too hard-done-by! :flower:
I think 50c is perfectly fine for her age. Even less would be fine really, at such a young age. They can buy themselves little treaties or earn a few bucks over the course of a few weeks and be able to go to the euro shop or whatever and buy themselves a toy. In practice it is a brilliant thing.

The only thing I would comment is different in my situation is that I don't pay my son (7 years) to do the things that I deem his responsibilities and chores around the house. He sets the table for us for dinner each night, squashes the recycling bottles and bins them, and throws bread bits out for the birds, and just a couple other very little things. I think it's important for everyone in the house to know that there's some things they do for the sake of working together as a team to keep the household running and isn't subject to pay. However, I do think up and give him *extra* jobs to do to earn for money, but they're not a daily thing really. More like once or twice a week, but then I'll give him like a euro each time, so he has a couple bucks by week's end. I think that's plenty for his age. :)
I think certain jobs are ok to be rewarded with money but not all tbh, As when they get older they will expect money for it still .

Tbh i wouldn't pay a child to do these as i think these are basic things ANY child should do without being rewarded..(of course feeding an animal you would be supervising).
Feed an animal
Tidy bedroom
Take own plate in kitchen
Put washing in basket or downstairs

But things like washing up, hoovering, cleaning/polishing then ok yes reward. (obv depends on age for doing these) .

50p a day sounds fine to me though.

Josh doesn't even get spending money of any sorts of me as i buy him enough as it is, But his uncle (family friend) gives him £2 twice a week which he buys his own gogos magazine he's collecting.

I'll be starting him on spending money when he leaves nursery & starts at " big school ".
50p a days allot! lol.

My mum lives with my little sis .. shes 17 years old and ive never lived with her .. she doesn't lift a finger, she does Nothing! not even clear up her own mess.
She gets everything she wants bought for her tho :dohh:

I didn't want mine to be like that,
When they're young they're so keen to help out bless them,

Mine all have certain Jobs (except Jamie lol)

They all make their own beds, fold their own clothes, Pack their own school bags,
They take it in turns to wash up,
They dust the conservatory and my 6 year old can hover.

I really encourage team work between them to help out around the house.

They all get £1 a week for helping their mum :cloud9:
You think you are mean, I think overly generous! My son gets 5p for doing jobs and he does the things you mention as normal, he doesnt get money for them.
Things he does get money for are 'extras' like helping putting the dishes away out the dishwasher, cleaning the car, helping sort out the washing (I give him the socks to pair up!) sweeping the floors (laminate) mopping the kitchen floor (he doesnt manage to do it 'properly' but he likes doing it and asks all the time so I let him anyway!)
he gets 5p for each thing and usually he gets 50p a week total. He is saving up at the moment to buy a Wii apparently!!!! He is six in June.
He does sometimes get £1 from his great grandma, he keeps hold of them so that when we go to car boot sales he can take his collecting of pound coins and look for star wars figures in their boxes which is his latest thing. Last Sunday we went and he found one and took upon himself to start haggling with the bloke on the stall without any help at all, the guys face was a picture when my son said "Its a bit too much because the box has been opened" ROFL!!! Child has been following me and OH round boot sales for too long!
My kids get paid pocket money

jake washes up every night
katie puts all the clean clothes away
My step daughter (5) stays with us every weekend and she has a star chart with the things she has to do on it. She gets a star for every item completed. Once she has 3 stars for one thing she gets a gold stamp. Once she has 3 gold stamps she can choose
1) Mc Donnalds for dinner (she always asks and we refuse as would rather her eat a home cooked meal)
2) a visit to the ball pool
3) £3 to spend in a shop

It does take her a month of doing over 50% of her items to gather enough for the reward but she does nothing at home and is forever in trouble so it can be hard to get her to do anything.
Shes 4. Im not going to ask her to do too much when school is still making her tired.
She does do things just to help out like she will help make her lunchbox up for the next day, and she'll pick up her room and her toys....thats her contribution to the house work.

anothersquish, he sounds like a gem!! i alwyas haggle too, my OH tells me i should pay the price they ask....pfft! I think your son could teach him a thing or two!! :lol:
I think its good for them to earn pocket money!

Gemma, gets £10 a week for whatever she wants to do with it, then another £10 per month for toiletries (sanitary towels , deodorant etc)

She earns this by washing dishes a few nights a week, sometimes cleaning the bathroom or kitchen (i usually have to go over them again but thats not the point I'm trying to get across to her!)

Oh she is 14 btw so £3.50 per week is plenty for your LO's age!
I think it is enough. Sounds like she likes helping anyways! I sometimes give my children money when they help out. Obviously the teenagers just have some chores, but if they help out with a big job (like the garden) they get some money. They are always happy with it, but I think they would have helped without it too!
I think it is good to show children that money has to be earned. Mummy and daddy have to work for money!!
I think it's a great idea, I do it with my kids using their maintence, doesn't always work with them though, my lot have decided that unless they actually want something it's mummy's job to do everything for them. I tried to stand my ground with their mess but it has now got to the point where i am itching to sort it out lol
mine have jobs too take it turns to wash,dry,put away (the older ones anyway 15yrs n 14 yrs old) they tidy & hoover but thier rooms are theirs i dont pay them to clean up their own mess in them lol they get pocket money the older ones also get top ups for their mobiles once a month my 6 yr old loves sweeping n goes round with a dustpan n brush n loves helping out in the garden so thats how she earns hers i think its good for them to earn what they spend
i think its a great idea ellie and 50p is enough. we do the same thing with nicole. x
i do that with kacy she has a chart with things she has to do on it.

Make her bed

put clean washing away (that is when thier is some and that is vest, socks tights, and underwear and pj's)

getting dressed herself (she goes thru fases when she doesn't want to go dressed she wants me to do it the morning)

putting her coat and shoes on nicely (also another fase)

So some of them are chores and some of them aint, she gets a pound a week, but if she doesn't do that and kicks up a fuss when asked do to them she loses a star and a 20p

but if she does extra jobs to help me round the house she will earn another 20p like taking clean washing up stairs and putting it on the bed, putting the table and chairs back after tea.

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