The only experience I have to offer is with my daughters brain tumour.
I'm not in ANYWAY saying anything about your daughters health, just information I've been told that you may find useful.
Quick version - Bubzy had a brain tumour with water on the brain, which made her head swell quite rapidly (literally a couple of
days, maybe weeks) hinting that it either grew suddenly or was there since birth and grew slower, then speeded up.
Has your daughter had checks due to her head circumference? I'm going to guess she has. If there's nothing inherently wrong (soft spot is soft, balance is good, eating + drinking fine, showing no signs of illness such as tummy problems, headaches etc) then most likely she's got a big brain and has a lot of smarts
lol what I mean is she'll more than likely grow into it.
I will, however leave you with this.
The one of many things I've learnt is if you're not happy about something,
anything, take her to see the doctor. A part of me wishes I'd acted quicker with my daughter, it's something I have to live with, she's healthy and happy now but you always want to do what's best for your kids.
I really hope I haven't offended you in anyway, I've read this like 1000 times to make sure! If I have I'm truly sorry.
Your daughter is gorgeous, by the way