My periods are usualy 24th each month (every month) since i had my son and they last 7 days, they are consistant and never messed me about lol.How ever in december my period came 3 days late so on 27th and lasted 5 day and so my next period would of been due 27th jan, oviously that didnt turn up but i didnt get a possitive preg test till i was 20 days late on 13th feb.They worked out my dates from my postive test and well my scan kinda backed them dates they said i may of ovulated late..But my question is is it possible that i didnt ovulate late and that my hormone levels were just very low at beggining and therfore my babys due date could be earlier (going from when period SHOULD of been due and if i got positive test at missed day 1.....27th jan) Has anyone had a very late postitive test and still had a due date that linked to their last missed period....Hope i havent confused anyone lol x