Lesbian couples TTC

Hey KelleyNJen,

Wow, what a good story! I loved that you kicked butt in court and won! Pays to be prepared! I went through court with the ex-husband nearly 5 years ago, and it was horrendous. The judge (a known masogynist tyrant) annhilated me in court and the dvo and child protection order was thrown out and was described as "the mother's supposed allegations against the father" then I had to give up breastfeeding my 6 month old and hand him and the other two over for 50% of the time to a man who had anger issues and then eventually to his girlfriend turn wife, whom I didn't know from a bar of soap. She then went about trying to take over my role, taking my daughter on school camps, foiling her hair at age 7, taking my 1 year old away with her friend to the coast for a few nights, alone. Sorry, I'm venting now. Um, yeah, it's tough. Right now my kids are getting fed up with the arrangement, and never want to leave our house to go there. He is not a bad father, but it's more stressful over there and they feel like they are walking on eggshells a lot, whereas we are more relaxed and fun I think (still with rules, though! haha). The kids are very very excited about a sibling (my daughter REALLY REALLY REALLY wants a sister) but they do express some sadness and perhaps envy that this child will not experience living between two houses, and my daughter who is nearly 12 says that the new baby is very lucky to live here fulltime. :(

The kids have settled into a routine, but it's getting harder now, the older they get, the more they just want to stay with us. And now there are highschool issues, as my daughter is approaching highschool next year. Her father is anti-private school and my daughter worked so hard to win a full scholarship for all 5 years at highschool (well, the highest they offer which is 50% of the fees) which she sat a big exam, met the principle, worked hard at school, organised a portfolio etc. It's a wonderful achievement and he refuses to allow her to go even though we have offered to pay the balance. I am going to have to organise mediation again, and possibly court. Ah... the joys of shared custody. The next person that says to me, "wow, you are so lucky have so much time to yourself when they are away! How do you fill in the time?!" will get a punch in the face. LOL. I didn't have kids to have them half the time.

Sorry, I'm rambling again. The kids are so excited and we are trying to include them in everything, so they don't feel "separate" from us because of going back and forth between houses. Little things like making sure we only ever have family photos with us ALL in them for example. I would hate for them to think they don't belong here. It breaks my heart that I can't just keep them fulltime with me.

Okay, that wraps it up! On another note, what do you think of my "lines"? :blush: Thank you KelleyNJen, for sharing your story with me, and I hope that we both get our little bfp soon! :D


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The photo is a little dark but I do see lines! Of course it is after midnight and I have been up since 5 am so I would probably see leprechauns if you told me you were there! Haha. One thing I did when my kids were young, since they have different fathers is I never allowed words like half sister or half brother to be used in my house. The do not see each other or refer to each other that way. They are siblings and that is all that mattered to them. If someone refers to my son as my daughters half brother she immediately corrects them. I think doing that never gave them a chance to feel different. On the other hand I was lucky enough to get two families that accepted both of my children as part of their family. The both went to each fathers parent house for holidays etc so there wasn't much separation for them, unfortunately I don't see that happening in your situation.

Hoping we both get a bfp this month!
Sunflower, I'm sorry but I can't make out any lines but like Kelly said it's a bit dark.

Not much to report here. DP says she has had some cramps and that they feel like AF is pending. She's still several days away from when AF id due so I am trying to remain hopeful. I told her she's just crampy because our little nugget is getting all snuggled in. Only time will tell I suppose. I can only say that this would be awesome we'd be able to confuse the heck out of people when we tell them we got pregnant on vacation! I'm just weird like that. I also like the idea of an April fools baby. Our EDD would be a bit off but close enough that I can dream at least. LOL! Plus having found the nursery set of my dreams on ebay at more than half-price....I need a nugget to get it for. LOL!!! Ok....now I am just being silly. Dust to all. Oh, I also pluged a made up temp into cd16 and bam.CH. I'm leaving it there. They make me feel better plus they landed exactly where I thought we ovulated. 7dpo we are!
Thanks girls. :) Trying to stay positive, although I'm feeling very disheartened today since the tests are neg this morning. :(

Leah, CONGRATS! On the CHs! That's awesome! About time! :)
Hello everyone! I'm new to posting here but have been lurking for a while now. My wife and I are just beginning the ttc process. As of today, things just got very real for me. We met with our KD and set up for our first delivery. I can hardly believe that it is almost here, that we are finally going to actually try versus just thinking about trying. As for now, I guess I'm just waiting to O! :)
Photo girl, Welcome!!!

Leah, my first was born on April fools day! The kicker is that after the sonogram they told me she was a boy! She fooled us all!

Sunflower, don't give up, it ain't over til AF shows!
Sunflower - hugs I have everything crossed xxx
Hi photogirl!!! It's so exciting starting TTC!!
Ah Kelley didyouhave lots of boy things? What did you do?
Sunflower - hugs I have everything crossed xxx
Hi photogirl!!! It's so exciting starting TTC!!
Ah Kelley didyouhave lots of boy things? What did you do?

Had tons of boy things, a boy name, a blue room, you name it. I named her after my mom and dressed her in a lot of blue with pink ribbons. Her favorite toy was a tonka truck :haha: but she is 110% girl. The funniest part was my mom. We had played so many April fools day jokes on her that she did not believe me and actually made the nurse take the diaper off to prove it was a girl! By the way she was due 3/2 but born 4/1
Sunflower - hugs I have everything crossed xxx
Hi photogirl!!! It's so exciting starting TTC!!
Ah Kelley didyouhave lots of boy things? What did you do?

Had tons of boy things, a boy name, a blue room, you name it. I named her after my mom and dressed her in a lot of blue with pink ribbons. Her favorite toy was a tonka truck :haha: but she is 110% girl. The funniest part was my mom. We had played so many April fools day jokes on her that she did not believe me and actually made the nurse take the diaper off to prove it was a girl! By the way she was due 3/2 but born 4/1
Photo girl, Welcome!!!

Leah, my first was born on April fools day! The kicker is that after the sonogram they told me she was a boy! She fooled us all!

Sunflower, don't give up, it ain't over til AF shows!

:thumbup: I love it! That is the best story. A month "past due" born on April Fools with the unexpected gender. Amazing. Truth told, I don't blame Grandma for wanting proof under those circumstances. It would have been a super prank. :haha:
Photo girl, Welcome!!!

Leah, my first was born on April fools day! The kicker is that after the sonogram they told me she was a boy! She fooled us all!

Sunflower, don't give up, it ain't over til AF shows!

:thumbup: I love it! That is the best story. A month "past due" born on April Fools with the unexpected gender. Amazing. Truth told, I don't blame Grandma for wanting proof under those circumstances. It would have been a super prank. :haha:

So 5 years later when I got pregnant with my son I thing we had 3 or 4 ultra sounds just to be sure! Had a back up girls name just in case. We always joke that she was holding out for strawberries. All I craved during my pregnancy was fresh strawberry pie and they were not in season. On march 28 there was a sign up at Marie Calendars "we now have frsh strawberry pie!". So I bought one, ate the whole thing and went in to labor the next day.
That is so stinking adorable. What a story. I totally would have verrified the sex a bazillion times over on my next pregnancy as well. I'm glad that strawberries finally came in season. You could've found youself WAY overdue. LOL!
KelleyNJen, that's such a cute story!!! I craved strawberries when pg with DD too! And cold grapes! (oh, and a bit of white wine too.... ahem.... I just took the odd swig here and there, that's all! haha!).

Leah, your chart is looking fantastic! Keep up the good work!! lol!

MummyPony, how is DW feeling? How are you going... doting over her tummy much? haha! I can only imagine.... :D
whaddaya reckon girls? took pic 3 minutes after peeing on it. :shrug:


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Sunflower - wife says she thinks there is a line!!!! Eeeee I hope so!

Wife is less emotional today! I spent about 15minutes talking to her tummy yesterday and I always stroke it as I walk past :)
thanks girls!!! I reckon there could be a line too! I hope there is a nice dark faint one tomorrow! lol :D

We just got back from a women's workwear launch that was created by a couple of women who started a women's only construction/renovation company. Pretty awesome chicks! Very inspirational! Finally there is now workwear for women!!! So you never have to walk around looking like you have a package "down there" and that your boobs are strapped! haha! They call it "crack n rack" friendly! hahahahaha! Had a glass of bubbly too. Hope hypothetical bubs doesn't mind! :D
Hiya Girls!
Nothing new to report here. Just thinking, and wishing, and hoping, and planning. Last night we went through the list of common newborn care lists like hep b vaccines, vit k injections, bathing etc that happen in a hospital birth. We are planning a homebirth but in case of transfer we want to be aware. It was kind of neat to learn about the bennefits of delayed cord clamping and all of those sorts of things that we never even knew about. We learned a lot and seemed to agree on the majority of the issues. I've probably learned more in this 2ww than I have in months of TTC. Whenever I get the "urge" to demand she POAS, I throw myself into research mode. It's kinda cool.

Buckets of babydust to all! Let's go get some more BFPs!
another bust this cycle. Despite the plethora of undeniable symptoms, bfn this morning. I blame the three c-sections I have had, scarring my uterus to the shithole, making no cosy spot to implant.:cry:

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