Lesbian couples TTC

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, did I miss something here?????? KelleyNJen, I don't remember you guys getting a bfp?!?!?!?! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!
:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, did I miss something here?????? KelleyNJen, I don't remember you guys getting a bfp?!?!?!?! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!
:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep! Thanks!! I posted it on another thread, thought I had posted it here too. DW is due March 26, 2013. We are cautiosly optimistic.
wow, that is really terrific news! How is she feeling? How are YOU feeling? I understand about the caution.... I feel the same. Hey, if I'm pg this month, that is my due date too! yay for March bubbas! :D
wow, that is really terrific news! How is she feeling? How are YOU feeling? I understand about the caution.... I feel the same. Hey, if I'm pg this month, that is my due date too! yay for March bubbas! :D

She is feeling "ick" as she describes it . Different than last month with the chemical just bloated, tired and skin is breaking out. Kind of like AF. Our nurse was a tad bit short with her today and that made her emotional, but in general she is doing well.
I am excited. Trying to decide when to tell my kids that it worked. My son lives at home so he will figure it out in short order so I have to tell him soon. Will probably wait until the beta is back and then tell him.
I am crossing my fingers for you to get that :bfp: this month! The same due date that would be cool.
LesbianMystiq - Yay for being TWW buddies this month. It's nice to know i'm not alone in this :thumbup:

AFM: We did another insemination tonight. I was going to wait until tomorrow, but this morning, my body said I should do another one today- EWCM like crazy. I'm super happy we did though, because about an hour ago I got my 1st +OPK of the month. Timing is feeling pretty good. Any advice? Do we insem again tomorrow or wait for Thursday????

Yay TWW buddies!!! I'm soooo excited that I finally have a buddy :wink wink:

And it seems like you've covered all your bases. I've read that once you've gotten the +OPK you're set to Ov in the next 12-36 or 48 hours so maybe you want to consider inseminating on Wednesday.
LesbianMystiq - Yay for being TWW buddies this month. It's nice to know i'm not alone in this :thumbup:

AFM: We did another insemination tonight. I was going to wait until tomorrow, but this morning, my body said I should do another one today- EWCM like crazy. I'm super happy we did though, because about an hour ago I got my 1st +OPK of the month. Timing is feeling pretty good. Any advice? Do we insem again tomorrow or wait for Thursday????

I say there is no such thing as too much sperm in these circumstances. benefit of KD is unlim supply. The straight ladies on a forum I am on say "when in doubt hump it out" doesn't apply but the spirit remains. :haha:

When in doubt, hump it out!!! :haha: ...thanks for the morning chuckle!
wow, that is really terrific news! How is she feeling? How are YOU feeling? I understand about the caution.... I feel the same. Hey, if I'm pg this month, that is my due date too! yay for March bubbas! :D

She is feeling "ick" as she describes it . Different than last month with the chemical just bloated, tired and skin is breaking out. Kind of like AF. Our nurse was a tad bit short with her today and that made her emotional, but in general she is doing well.
I am excited. Trying to decide when to tell my kids that it worked. My son lives at home so he will figure it out in short order so I have to tell him soon. Will probably wait until the beta is back and then tell him.
I am crossing my fingers for you to get that :bfp: this month! The same due date that would be cool.

Congratulations Kelly!!!!! I just saw your ticker :happydance: I know you're on :cloud9: !!!!!
I did my last insemination last night so now I'm officially a first-time 2wwer!!!!!!! I felt Ov pains yesterday although my charts say I'm not scheduled until today to Ov, hopefully with 2 insems I'm covered.

It was a bit nerve wrecking the first night trying to get everything right since it was my first time :blush: but I think I got it. Now for my 2ww that actually isn't quite 2 weeks for me since my cycles are generally only 25 days long. My nerves and anxiety haven't taken hold yet, thank goodness but I'm sure they will in the next 7 days lol.

How's everyone else feeling?
I did my last insemination last night so now I'm officially a first-time 2wwer!!!!!!! I felt Ov pains yesterday although my charts say I'm not scheduled until today to Ov, hopefully with 2 insems I'm covered.

It was a bit nerve wrecking the first night trying to get everything right since it was my first time :blush: but I think I got it. Now for my 2ww that actually isn't quite 2 weeks for me since my cycles are generally only 25 days long. My nerves and anxiety haven't taken hold yet, thank goodness but I'm sure they will in the next 7 days lol.

How's everyone else feeling?

If I have learned anything in this process, it's that "scheduled" never happens. LOL! Some months I feel like DP ovaries are playing games with my emotions. We had one month where O was a week earlier than we thought it would be based on dates projected by her chart and then even though we got the smiley, she didn't actually O until almost a week later based on temps. :shrug: I still have PTSD from last cycle. we were so confused. :wacko: Moral of that story is to expect the unexpected.

Seeing as DP is holding her pee hostage (why did I give her back the power of her own urine?!?!?) I have only her chart to rely on for info. Temp dropped a bit today, it is still above coverline but this would be the point in her cycle we would see the slow decline in preperation for AF so it kinda bums me out. It is crazy how much 1/10 of a percentage in temp can play with your emotions so much. I sure do hope tomorrow it perks back up. She says she feels "out". I'm trying not to believe it. If thats what it is, then onward and upward. Next cycle we can SMEP properly and there won't be travel and such so we can stay on schedule. :thumbup:
I did my last insemination last night so now I'm officially a first-time 2wwer!!!!!!! I felt Ov pains yesterday although my charts say I'm not scheduled until today to Ov, hopefully with 2 insems I'm covered.

It was a bit nerve wrecking the first night trying to get everything right since it was my first time :blush: but I think I got it. Now for my 2ww that actually isn't quite 2 weeks for me since my cycles are generally only 25 days long. My nerves and anxiety haven't taken hold yet, thank goodness but I'm sure they will in the next 7 days lol.

How's everyone else feeling?

If I have learned anything in this process, it's that "scheduled" never happens. LOL! Some months I feel like DP ovaries are playing games with my emotions. We had one month where O was a week earlier than we thought it would be based on dates projected by her chart and then even though we got the smiley, she didn't actually O until almost a week later based on temps. :shrug: I still have PTSD from last cycle. we were so confused. :wacko: Moral of that story is to expect the unexpected.

Seeing as DP is holding her pee hostage (why did I give her back the power of her own urine?!?!?) I have only her chart to rely on for info. Temp dropped a bit today, it is still above coverline but this would be the point in her cycle we would see the slow decline in preperation for AF so it kinda bums me out. It is crazy how much 1/10 of a percentage in temp can play with your emotions so much. I sure do hope tomorrow it perks back up. She says she feels "out". I'm trying not to believe it. If thats what it is, then onward and upward. Next cycle we can SMEP properly and there won't be travel and such so we can stay on schedule. :thumbup:

You're so right! As you mentioned in a previous post, this entire process is trial and error. Have you tried using the OPKs that actually shows the smiley face as digital image?

Hahaha power over her own urine! Maybe it's good you don't have it, that way you don't get over anxious and lose hope. I'm keeping my FX for you! I'm not too verse in temping since I don't do it but from the little I do know you might be right. But we're going to keep hope alive and expect the best while keeping a positive attitude. :flower:
Awwww congratulations!!!!!!! Do u mind me asking which method you used?

Awwww congratulations!!!!!!! Do u mind me asking which method you used?


DW is 35 so we moved to fertility specialist on our 3rd month. This month we used Clomid days 5-9, ultrasound monitoring of the follicles (we had 3) HCG trigger on CD 16 when at least one follicle was over 22. IUI @ 33 hours post trigger. Oh and a lot of finger crossing.
LesbianMystiq - Yay for being TWW buddies this month. It's nice to know i'm not alone in this :thumbup:

AFM: We did another insemination tonight. I was going to wait until tomorrow, but this morning, my body said I should do another one today- EWCM like crazy. I'm super happy we did though, because about an hour ago I got my 1st +OPK of the month. Timing is feeling pretty good. Any advice? Do we insem again tomorrow or wait for Thursday????

Yay TWW buddies!!! I'm soooo excited that I finally have a buddy :wink wink:

And it seems like you've covered all your bases. I've read that once you've gotten the +OPK you're set to Ov in the next 12-36 or 48 hours so maybe you want to consider inseminating on Wednesday.

So, we're definitely trying again tonight, I'm taking everyone's advice. I got 2 more +OPK's today so I had to ask KD again. He knows that we might go once again tomorrow if needed but I think after tonight we are probably covered. I had weird cramps this morning kind of like the weird twinges I get before AF. Not real ones where they hurt, but odd ones where they let you know something is going on. So, hopefully that was me ovulating. hmmm...... guess we'll see.
Got our 14 DPO beta results today. 339! Woo Hoo! First appt aug 1:happydance:

Congratulations Kelley. We are due the same date :) feeling very paranoid as lots of cramps and pulls and niggles. Trying not to worry too much as af is due tomorrow.

Got everything crossed for you and after the last month with the chemical I'm glad you got a real positive sign :)
Hey girls, AF got me in the arse today! But I'm cool with it... had my meltdown on 13dpo. lol!

We might wait out the next cycle but trying again in 6 weeks. Will be in and out until then!!! Checking up on you all, of course!

KelleyNJen, that is an awesome Beta result!!! YAY! Why did you have to see a FS? 35 isn't too bad, is it? :blush: I'm nearly 35 too, but I guess I have had kids before and easily,too (but I was younger, thinner, and fitter then). Wondering if I should think about using an FS too now. Hm.........

So....... Leah........... what is happening with you girls? Pos hpt yet?!?!?!?

Good luck to all the ladies inseminating! It's so exciting!!! :)
Ack. Still waiting for AF. We broke (and by "we broke" I mean I harassed until I got my way) and took an IC this morning and it was BFN. So, I guess we are out for this cycle as well. We just talked to our KD who is on board for some formal SMEP action next month. No travel, he is on a schedule that will allow for bedtime insems and we are all doing everything we can this cycle. Our OB has given us this last cycle to try without any further testing but if we don't get a sticky one, DP is getting an HSG and KD is getting a SA. I'm kinda bummed that this wasnt our month but I guess when it's time, we will know.
Ack. Still waiting for AF. We broke (and by "we broke" I mean I harassed until I got my way) and took an IC this morning and it was BFN. So, I guess we are out for this cycle as well. We just talked to our KD who is on board for some formal SMEP action next month. No travel, he is on a schedule that will allow for bedtime insems and we are all doing everything we can this cycle. Our OB has given us this last cycle to try without any further testing but if we don't get a sticky one, DP is getting an HSG and KD is getting a SA. I'm kinda bummed that this wasnt our month but I guess when it's time, we will know.

Ah Leah hang in there babe. It will happen! How many months have you been trying? Have you considered swapping donors? There may be a compatibility issue and dh's body might be fighting it like an infection.
LesbianMystiq - Yay for being TWW buddies this month. It's nice to know i'm not alone in this :thumbup:

AFM: We did another insemination tonight. I was going to wait until tomorrow, but this morning, my body said I should do another one today- EWCM like crazy. I'm super happy we did though, because about an hour ago I got my 1st +OPK of the month. Timing is feeling pretty good. Any advice? Do we insem again tomorrow or wait for Thursday????

Yay TWW buddies!!! I'm soooo excited that I finally have a buddy :wink wink:

And it seems like you've covered all your bases. I've read that once you've gotten the +OPK you're set to Ov in the next 12-36 or 48 hours so maybe you want to consider inseminating on Wednesday.

So, we're definitely trying again tonight, I'm taking everyone's advice. I got 2 more +OPK's today so I had to ask KD again. He knows that we might go once again tomorrow if needed but I think after tonight we are probably covered. I had weird cramps this morning kind of like the weird twinges I get before AF. Not real ones where they hurt, but odd ones where they let you know something is going on. So, hopefully that was me ovulating. hmmm...... guess we'll see.

Yeah it definitely sounds like you were ovulating and it seems like you've thoroughly covered your bases. FXd for you and I hope your insems went well.
Ack. Still waiting for AF. We broke (and by "we broke" I mean I harassed until I got my way) and took an IC this morning and it was BFN. So, I guess we are out for this cycle as well. We just talked to our KD who is on board for some formal SMEP action next month. No travel, he is on a schedule that will allow for bedtime insems and we are all doing everything we can this cycle. Our OB has given us this last cycle to try without any further testing but if we don't get a sticky one, DP is getting an HSG and KD is getting a SA. I'm kinda bummed that this wasnt our month but I guess when it's time, we will know.

I know this process can make you a bit weary but it's good that you have a plan in place for next steps. Keep positive energy and like you said, when it's time you will know it. :hugs:

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