Looking good for home birth-few q's


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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So everything is looking good for a home birth now. Got scan on thurs to confirm baby is in good position, she is head down but legs all over the show!

Midwife is bringing the home birth bag on Monday- what's in this then?, just being nosey!
Otherwise what questions should be asking when she comes round?

We're either going to borrow the hospital pool or by one with everything included for ease and also get some waterproof sheeting. Other things we've sorted are
emptied the room we plan to use,
water and lucazade in fridge,
got myself a light tankini,
soft towels for baby and some old ones for mess and general spillage
Hypno birthing cd and computer set up to play it- got the rainbow relaxation and birth affirmations-anyone know any other good ones, these annoy me a bit!

What other big or little details do I need to consider? I'm a bit of reluctant home birther so really what a 5* experience as best as I can manage :haha:

I wish our midwives had pools we could borrow. I'd love one but can't find one cheap enough.

With regard to the homebirth bag, in mine that the midwife dropped off it has gauze pads, lots of pairs of rubber gloves, lots of lube :shock:, plastic aprons, dressings, blank labour/delivery notes for them to fill in, lots of postnatal info and some blood collection tube thingies (but no needles or anything sharp or dangerous).

She said they carry Entonox in their cars, along with resuscitation kits for baby.

I was told to have a changing mat with towel on it in one corner of the room for baby in case it's needed, some waterproof sheets (shower curtains are fine but hubby has some from new ones that he uses for work so we'll use those), I've got a couple of dark towels to put on top of the waterproof sheeting for my comfort and I'll be using my aromatherapy and natal hypnotherapy.

I've got the full natal hypnotherapy cd set which includes birth music (it's the backing tracks to the pregnancy relaxation and birth preparation tracks but without any talking) and I'll be using the birth music after I've listened to the birth prep track once at the start of early labour, just to remind myself.

Re the aromatherapy, I've been using lavender oil every time I've listened to a track during pregnancy, to associate the smell with the tracks and relaxation. I'm going to use a bled someone gave me that has clary sage, neroli, rose and frankincense once I'm in labour. If I don't like it I'll use the lavender on it's own.

We have dimmer switches in all our rooms so wherever I decide to labour I can have the lights low.

I think that's about it really!

Lots of luck to you!:flower:

Candles and oils to burn or scented candles. New fluffy pyjamas for after. Music other than hypno stuff- maybe something romantic or easy listening / chill out. Straws for drinking while in pool and maybe not in cup friendly position. Fav things to eat after.....Champagne on ice....I'm thinking 5* experience now!!
You sound very prepared but I would defintely find some relaxing music to go long with your hypnobirthing CDs. I found this guy Steven Halpern, apparently he's the guy who plays the plinky plonky music in the background for the rainbow relaxation. It works well to play "waterfall rainbows" after the relaxation as it flows from one to the other. I then continue to play any of the other tracks off his CD while I'm doing a relaxation until I feel like getting up. I personally like the Ocean Suite one, but I'm kinda partial to oceans :)

Oh! I would also stock up on some light snacks you may want during labour. You never know how long it could be and you would hate to be starving or having to cook a full on chicken dinner in the middle of anything you know?
Candles and oils to burn or scented candles. New fluffy pyjamas for after. Music other than hypno stuff- maybe something romantic or easy listening / chill out. Straws for drinking while in pool and maybe not in cup friendly position. Fav things to eat after.....Champagne on ice....I'm thinking 5* experience now!!

Oh YEAH Champagne!!! My DREAM birth! hahaha! I’m soooo going to do that this time - brilliant idea!

Nothing is really essential but, I'd just say the same things that everyone else has said and a couple more;
Kid bed wetting pads were useful for when your waters go. You can get them from boots.
I really wanted straws! but couldn't find any in the week upto my due date!
A bucket is a great idea. perhaps tmi, but to vomit into!
Snacks for MWs and for you!
Birth ball, pillows, or bean bags.
change or charge up camera batteries!
Make space for MWs they might like to have a table and chairs to make notes.
Torch, or positional lamp.
Mirror - not for your make-up, but for being able to see the babies head, and also to help MW's if you are in a funny but comfortable position.
Spray bottle - fill with water, and put it in the fridge.. that was bliss!
Hair Bands or Ties.. nothing more irritating that having your hair in your face¬!
Place for MW's to wash their hands with antibac soap
If things are taking a while, some DVD's to distract you in early labour.
Hot water bottle - great for your lower back in early labour!
Kitchen paper - useful for all sorts of things
Plenty to drink Tea, coffee, milk, plenty of squash for you and MWs

If you are having a pool - you might want a little table beside you, so you can get drinks, put the G&A mouth piece on it or water spray with leaning out, all without having to talk to anyone!
Chair for OH?
Bath robe and towels, for when you get out of the pool - you will need to be kept warm too!

A hospital tranfer bag - that you hopefully won't need!
Candles and oils to burn or scented candles. New fluffy pyjamas for after. Music other than hypno stuff- maybe something romantic or easy listening / chill out. Straws for drinking while in pool and maybe not in cup friendly position. Fav things to eat after.....Champagne on ice....I'm thinking 5* experience now!!

Oh YEAH Champagne!!! My DREAM birth! hahaha! I’m soooo going to do that this time - brilliant idea!

Oh yes! A must! DH and I have a bottle left over from our wedding that we always are saving for a special occasion, you know, the kind of occasion that never actually is special enough! haha Anyways we've decided we're popping it in the fridge when I'm full term and popping the cork on her birthday! :happydance:
We had champers for breakfast that day! :lol:

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