Hi there ! Im sure this has probably been discussed before so Im sorry if I am repeating a topic but I am looking for opinions of tracking BBT orally vs. vaginally. I have been tracking my BBT orally, I noticed a definite thermal shift after ovulation but then received a dip at about 6dpo below my coverline with increases the following two days but then another dip this morning at 9dpo(36.4 C). I was confused about todays dip so immediately after I decided to test vaginally and it read
37.3 C ...... I am concerned that I my oral temps maybe misleading me or that perhaps I sleep with my mouth open which may be giving me a lower temp or maybe I have low progesterone and need to be tested.
Has anyone else experienced something similar with suspicious low LP temps ?
37.3 C ...... I am concerned that I my oral temps maybe misleading me or that perhaps I sleep with my mouth open which may be giving me a lower temp or maybe I have low progesterone and need to be tested.
Has anyone else experienced something similar with suspicious low LP temps ?