*vent alert*
So just got a call back from HROB....apparently I am not "high risk" enough to go there according to the ER records. OMFG!! According to the high risk OB doc, lyme disease is not enough to make me high risk. Ok, so ummm.....A disease, that is IN MY BLOOD that is TRANSFERABLE TO THE FETUS, is not high risk enough when it is know to cause MISCARRIAGE AND PRETERM LABOUR and I have a HISTORY OF BOTH!!!!!????? I just started bawling on the phone with my husband. The lady that I was dealing with is really nice though, she really is going above and beyond to help me get in, but her hands are tied bc it is the doctor's call...not hers. So basically, what I have to do now is call some random OB, LIE and say I have no pre-existing problems when I call for the appointment, get into appointment, then tell them. OYE VEY! Why should I lie to get treatment?!?!?! According to the high risk OB, lyme disease is not chronic. I said yes, there is such a thing as chronic lyme. I have it. I said I have been through 2 - 1 month cycles of heavy duty antibiotics and anti-nausea medications and it is still in my bloodstream. Since I was not diagnosed until years after the tic bite, the SYMPTOMS which were caused by late stage lyme are CHRONIC, which makes this CHRONIC LYME. ARRRGHHHH!!!!!!!She then said, yes, you are right...how do you know so much...I said well, when you have something that the CDC says doesn't exist and most doctors know NOTHING about, you have to educate yourself. I am so aggravated right now. I wish it was something as simple as being diagnosed with lupus or MS (which have identical symptoms) bc then I would be taken seriously.
Can I please scream, cry, and punch things now? Do I have the right to freak out? Please????
*vent over*
Sorry, had to get that out...