March Mummies!

I'm bored with it now and wish she would turn out ot be a February baby... LOL

I feel you! I wish I was due in Febuary its hard to believe I still have a month and a half left :( I already feel like a whale!
I have 2 months as my baby's due the last day of March. I'm also hoping nesting instinct will kick in soon because my energy level is too low to even do normal cleaning. I spend my day trying to think up things I can eat in the next 30 minutes, but there is so much to do. I haven't packed the hospital bag or done any cleaning, or finish buying things the baby needs.

Can't wait to have my baby ... full term of course hopefully, so there's still some time, but I can't wait until I can breath, eat, and roll out of bed like a normal human being again.

The one good news though is that my boobs look like they're working! I noticed some glistening droplets on the nipples yesterday so I guess I will be able to make colostrum for baby. I was a bit worried as my boobs have not grown in the slightest.
Im not ready for her now, im hoping when her Daddy comes home i will started getting excited. Feel like im doing everything on my own right now, and ive gone from weeks of insomnia, to feeling extremely tired so i cant win.

Too exhausted through lack of sleep and now i cant get enough!

Still - not long for us ladies. :D xxx
I have 2 months as my baby's due the last day of March. I'm also hoping nesting instinct will kick in soon because my energy level is too low to even do normal cleaning. I spend my day trying to think up things I can eat in the next 30 minutes, but there is so much to do. I haven't packed the hospital bag or done any cleaning, or finish buying things the baby needs.

Yes, this! If it involves me being somewhere other than the couch or our bed at the moment I just cannot be arsed to do it. So the house is a tip and we ate rubbish most of last week as I never managed to cook anything. Doing a bit better so far this week but I think that's because MIL is coming on Friday so I'm feeling the pressure! Still waiting for that magical energy boost to come...
I couldn't do anything until last week. Just lay on the sofa feeling whacked. Now my cleaning has started in earnest! Normally I hate cleaning and am crap at it but this week I'm unstoppable. bleached the kitchen sink 3 times! I've never done it before!!! Plus it's uncomfortable sitting down, I don't know if LO is shifting or what but it hurts. May as well clean.... ;)
Ladies i diffently feel your pain...i am extreamly tired at all times. The last couple of weeks though i have been going through the nesting stage...For some reason i have a thing about my floors..i'm vacumming and steaming them at least once a day if not more. Also i just had my baby shower about a week ago... i have already washed all the bedding and set up all LO crib bedding and having it all arranged! I can not wait till he gets here!! i'm 34 weeks this week and know he will be full term at 37 weeks. I cannot belive its only 3 weeks away. I can not wait to hold him
Tomorrow I will be 35 weeks which is only 2 weeks til full term - I certainly don't feel like this baby is about to come and yet I will be induced in just over 3 weeks time if she doesn't come early. I still have things to do in the nursery to get everything ready. I have someone who was coming to clean the house once a week and she will come back after an extended holiday tomorrow which will help a lot as this house is really big and I cannot get to everything.

Have been quite sore with the movements and also baby pressing on my cervix. Can't wait to meet her.
i soooo cant wait !! n each week just seems to drag lol, really just need it all over and done with now !! good luck everyone :))
I am starting to feel a bit uncomfortable at times, especially when getting up in the night to go to the toilet :( I'm suffering from a UTI which won't go away even after a course of antibiotics and it is really hurting :nope:

Then to top it all this morning I have to have an emergency blood test after being in contact with someone who has found out they have shingles at the weekend. I haven't had chicken pox and so am at risk of developing it so they need to check if I have any immunity to it in my blood stream. If I don't I will have to have an injection and hope that helps fit the virus - am feeling quite worried I don't want to be ill at this stage of my pregnancy :cry:

The tiredness is starting to creep in for me too - I finish work next Friday and I can't wait I'm totally demotivated and don't want to be there :nope:

Despite all that I'm looking forward to meeting our baby. We still need to do a lot of sorting out around the house but we have most of the things we need it's just getting a few last minute bits and bobs now and finding a place to put them all (which is a job in itself).

Wishing all the other March mummies a stress free last few weeks :hugs:
glad to hear everyone is doing well. Cant wait to start seeing some of our birth stories. ive been reading the ones on here like crazy. There so fascinating and I love seeing newborns!
I have to regulate myself when it comes to the birth stories, I get all pissy and/or depressed f I read them for too long. lol
Lol I do too. I was whining to hubby last night about how much I just wanna hold our baby girl so bad. Its driving me mad. Plus I feel huge and uncomfortable...
i cant believe i got 6 weeks to go!!! am SO unprepared... was thinking earlier that i couldnt believe that in 7 weeks time i'm gonna be someones mummy??!?! ! ARGHHHH...

on the other hand i cannot wait to hold her... serious mixed emotions but would like an ectra month to get house organised 1st!!!!

Wonder who will be the 1st official MARCH baby!!??
There are quite a few of us due March 9th! I've a suspicion I will go early but I also thought that with my daughter who was born at 40+3 after an induction. Little man gave me a bit of a scare yesterday. His HB was 170, normally 140 so I was sent for a Non Stress Test. But all was fine. They said just like our HB goes up when we are active, so does babies. And I have quite the active little man!
there are quite a few due early March however i suppose they could sneak into Feb couldnt they?? think your prob right think it will be one of the March 8th onwards that could come 1st if early... although it'll prob be a late feb baby .. maybe we should take bets on it!!!:haha:
Well I now have about 2.5 weeks to go til induction - I should get the date at my appointment on 11 February so while this baby is due 2nd March she will be a February baby. Am I ready - lol, not yet - tomorrow I will finish packing everything in the right place in the nursery and then I need to make sure DD is ready too and that everything is in place for her too.

I would love this baby to arrive by herself before the induction but feel like we are running out of time for that - I am getting far more BHs, sharp cervical pains, baby can only squirm now, I have less constipation and baby has dropped, but she isn't there yet.
when does baby normally drop? I cant wait to get some of this pressure off my lungs. After going up the stairs I sound like i just ran a marathon!
I'm due on the 11th but if they decide to induce me due to GD it will probably be around the 4th... scary!

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