March Testers :) Thread for Support, Chatting, and Peeing on sticks ;)

I feel like my ic picked it up way better than the frer!


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Oh my gosh you guys!!!!! BFP!! I've been awake since 3am just waiting to test. My entire body was and is shaking. I am beyond excited but also very scared after my two losses in the last 8 months. Really hoping that line is dark enough for 14dpo...
Raye!!!! I see it on both! We're going to be bump buddies ;)
Hi guys

was wondering if you could help me? I keep seeing people talk about a frer? what is this? and also i'm not currently temping, but I am using opk's, i got my first positive on CD16-CD18 (Still showing a positive) do i count my LP from DC18 till the day AF arrives? help lol


Hi frer is first response early test. Altho obviously i'v gt the last word wrong lol And i'm also nt sure about whr to count Lp as i don't temp & only use opks & go by ewcm. I'l stalk to see wat others say x

Hi hun

Thanks for that. This is what i'm trying to figure out because i got my first positive on CB opk on CD16 and I kept using the strip tests (cus im crazy) and still had a positive up until CD18 . CD19 still had 2 lines on it but not a postive and I saw EWCM on CD18 (i had to investigate to find it - sorry tmi) so I don't know when I O! going to try and take temp next cycle. Worrying my LP is now too short , worrying I have O, worrying about everything. I have had a mmc in Nov 2012 but that's all!

Sorry for going on !

Baby :dust: to you sweetness :hugs:


Sorry about ur mc hun i too had one in Nov & this is first cycle trying after it. Also due af on Saturday lol i'm also teying to figure out my Lp but only going by opks so i thnk i'm on 12dpo today. I thnk i read on here anything above 10 days LP is considered ok? Correct me ladies if i'm wrong. Anyway good luck hun & lots of baby dust. I'm just waiting for af BFN again tday but its ok i'm excited t try again x

KEl what great lines!!!! I'm dying with excitement! I knew you weren't out.

Oh my gosh you guys!!!!! BFP!! I've been awake since 3am just waiting to test. My entire body was and is shaking. I am beyond excited but also very scared after my two losses in the last 8 months. Really hoping that line is dark enough for 14dpo...

Congrats!!wishing uh&h 9 months hun & praying u get a sticky x
Kelwanger!!! Congrats!!!! I think the line looks great for 14 DPO! Super happy for you!

Rayeanne! congrats to you too!! I can see it better on IC also! many BFPs in this thread! :D

Lynny Hi! :wave:
Raye-I see it way better on the IC too!!

Kel!!! I knew you had it this cycle, your symptoms sounded so great and I think your line is perfect! No worries :)

H&H 9 months to both of you!!! I really think this is a lucky thread, yay for more BFPs!

ILT-how are you doing? what dpo are you?
OMG KEI I am so excited for you!!! When I saw your first temp post this morning I said a little prayer for you! So good to see you get that bfp!

Raye I see it on both as well! Congrats!

Twinkie how are you doing? Hope the 2ww isn't getting to you!

Confuzion hows the trip going? Hopefully it's taking your mind of symptom spotting.

ILT so great to see you!! Saying a little prayer for your cycle as well!

I'm 4 dpo today still way too early in the wait for anything so I enjoy a coffee and get caught up on BnB:)
Hi lynny! It's rough. I just want it so bad (I know we all do). All these bfps are making me want to test but 6dpo is way to early. I'm hoping I can at least wait til 9dpo, I wanted to hold out til closer to af which would 3/15, but I already know I won't make it because I'm so anxious. I feel like I'm stressing way more this cycle than any other so far :( I've had mild cramping, pulling sensations for the past 2 days now, but thinking maybe it's just gas? I don't know and I've been going to the bathroom alot (and not just to pee, sorry!) I haven't changed any foods that I'm eating, but I think its too early for symptoms still isn't it? Also, I started temping since 2 days after O in hopes to see an implantation dip or that af is coming. My temp has always been around the 97 mark for as long as I can remember and I've been holding pretty steady at 97.5 for the last few days so I guess we'll see if the next few days indicate anything.

Are you having any symptoms? I hope you're doing better than me! (I got a couple hours of work in 2.5 or so, better than the other days...good thing my boss can't fire me since I work for myself! On the plus side, the house has been extra clean this week!)

Does anyone that has had BFP's actually get symptoms prior to 8 or 9 dpo??
Twinkie!!! I am 12 DPO today and been crampy since 10 DPO. I have a feeling that this month is not my month. Such a wonky cycle for me. AF should arrive on Saturday but no sore BBs. Oh well...I am just waiting right now :coffee:

How are you doing? 6 DPO!! Almost half way there. Any other symptoms so far beside vivid dreams? Btw, I think diarrhea is considered one of the "symptoms" :p. Something about your uterus is stretching and pushing your bowel to make room that in return created D! hahahaha.

Lynny, thank you! I am just waiting for AF to arrive :). 4 DPO is a good place to be. I am usually still pretty calm until 10 DPO.
Thank you everyone! I am so happy and excited and nervous. Really really nervous. After two losses it seems too good to be true that I would make it through the whole pregnancy. But I am hopeful! I hope that line is okay. I keep comparing it to other people's at 14dpo and it's darker than some and lighter than others. Most stop comparing! Hopefully tomorrow's test will be darker too.

I feel like I'm in a dream! For everyone else, this seems like the month for bfps so I'm hoping everyone gets one :)
Hi ladies,

I've not been on the site for a while as I started to find the whole TTC a bit stressful.

So this cycle (#7) I ditched the OPK's, BD'd when I wanted to and didn't worry about position, joined slimming world and started yoga to take my mind off TTC and to help me relax a bit.

I do not know when I O'd or when AF is due but it was hard not to notice my CM and I had lots of EWCM between 18-23rd Feb so guess I O'd sometime around then which would mean AF is due sometime this weekend as I have a 13-14 day LP.

Anyway I have had a tiny bit of pinkish/brown spotting this morning (it was kind of stringy looking) along with dull cramping this afternoon. I sometimes get pre-AF spotting so it could be that, but I'm secretly praying its IB!

Anyway I'll be testing on Monday if not AF before then!

GL ladies and lots of :dust:

Sounds good Bing!
I ended up pregnant with my dd the first cycle I ditched everything and just enjoyed myself!
Hope this is it for you!
Congrats raye and Kel!! So happy for you ladies. Happy and healthy 9 months.

Hi bing! Good luck.

Lynny - you're getting closer! There's no symptoms for me to spot lol. This cycle is a bust for me I just know it.
Bottom is my ic with SMU

Getting darker! No need for tweaks!


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Ugh why is my phone flipping them?


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