March Testers :) Thread for Support, Chatting, and Peeing on sticks ;)

Well, the witch showed 3 days early, (spotting mostly now, but the cramping tells me heavy flow is just around the corner). Actually almost happy about as it means 3 less days of waiting now and I can get a jump on the next cycle, so yay for that I guess.

Hi Lynny, glad you got a good distraction. Hope the gyno calls soon for you!

TWINS! I'm secretly praying for them, DH is praying we don't have them!! I'll post more on the topic later, dinner is ready!
Good luck lynny.

Boo for AF twinkie! I'm sorry hon. Hoping this new cycle is the one :hugs:
Confuzion lol love that!

Twinkie- sorry af showed. Hopefully flow starts soon and you can get a head start on the new cycle. I usually spot a day or two early so I'm waiting for that to happen in a day or two.
Can't believe this thread! So many positives :) Congrats to all!! Was so excited to see bfps for those I've been following these last few months.

Has it been raining / snowing baby dust?? I hope so!!

Afm, I called the o date- ff ended up changing it. Also my temp pattern is looking totally different from my past months temping. Especially today with a dip. I kind of got excited- does it look like an implantation dip?

On the other side though, my sleeps been kinda wonky, day light savings, and maybe I didn't even ovulate? I had a sorta weird pre cycle too. Hoping my temp is really high tomorrow! Either way, idk.. Just have to wait and see.
Ladies thank you for your support thus far. I'm currently going through a difficult time as my mom just passed away. It has been difficult to be happy during this time and I worry about our growing baby. I may have to travel outside of the country. I'm ring to keep it together but I have been unsuccessful.
Ladies thank you for your support thus far. I'm currently going through a difficult time as my mom just passed away. It has been difficult to be happy during this time and I worry about our growing baby. I may have to travel outside of the country. I'm ring to keep it together but I have been unsuccessful.

Caro, I am so very sorry for your loss. Nothing will make this time easier or more comfortable for you, but know that we are all thinking of you and wishing you the very best. I'm sure your mother would want you to take care of you, but a loss is a loss and you do need to grieve to heal. And it is completely okay if you need to break down, don't feel bad about that. You have every right to lose it right now. Eat when you can, sleep when you and you and your little bean will be just fine. I'm sure you have a tough journey ahead of you, especially in the next few weeks, but take comfort in your memories and in knowing that you will soon have a wonderful little baby to snuggle. :hugs: You have my deepest sympathy.
Ladies thank you for your support thus far. I'm currently going through a difficult time as my mom just passed away. It has been difficult to be happy during this time and I worry about our growing baby. I may have to travel outside of the country. I'm ring to keep it together but I have been unsuccessful.

so sorry to hear this Caro. Our prays and hugs are with you. :hugs:
AF is due for me today ladies. All of your posts have kept me great company!
So AF is officially here, heavy spotting yesterday, but full flow today, so I am officially counting today as CD1. I fully intend to keep stalking this thread as I'm hoping to see tons more bfps as this really does seem to be a lucky one!

So I didn't get a chance to write last night about twins, but wanted to throw in my two cents on the matter. To start, I am no expert so please don't think this is a know all statement, just decided it'd be nice to share some knowledge on the topic.

First, I'm a twin! And I absolutely love it! I have an identical twin sister and we are considered "mirror twins". Identical twins are not considered hereditary, but actually a genetic mutation! There is no rhyme or reason (at least not yet explained) as to why this happens, it just does. Fraternal twins on the other hand, are considered to be hereditary :) Popular belief is twins on either side affects this, but supposedly this is untrue. If your mother's side has fraternal twins in it, then that is when you have increased chances. Obviously no twins in the family does not mean that you can't, just that those with twins have slightly greater chances. Think about, you read all these pregnancy articles that tell you to look to your mother, grandmother, sisters to get an idea of your own pregnancy, the same can be followed when it comes to ovulation. Some women are just more likely to release more than one egg when ovulating. Supposedly, the father's side has nothing to do with this, outside the sperm getting to the egg of course. Also, the paternal side of the mother is considered unrelated as well. ASM, I have twins on both sides of the family, particularly my father's side, but as this doesn't factor I try to ignore it. Huge HOWEVER, my identical twin sister has had fraternal twins. Being that we are so similar, and she has proven that she has released more than one egg at ovulation, my chances are slightly greater that I too could have fraternal twins. But of course, it all depends on timing and what not. It is also believed that the rise in multiples for women over the 35 age mark is because of increased hormones that promote the growth of more good follicles and end in the release of multiple eggs.

So that's what I know:thumbup: Just thought others may find it interesting. If you don't have twins in the family, don't be down about it, it can happen to anytime, double baby dust to anyone that is hoping for multiples!:twingirls:Personally, I'd love identical twin boys, but my chances at that are as good as anybody's. :twinboys:
Ladies, thank you for all of the support. Really appreciate it!

Caro, :hugs: I am sorry for your lost. Safe travel and take care of yourself and the baby.

Twinkie: good post on twins!! Sorry AF got you too :hugs:

Confuzion: that makes me laugh so hard! Luckily I am the only one in the office ahahhaha.

Zinnia and Cutieq: FX!!
Caro - I am so unbelievably sorry for your loss. I just can't even imagine. Take care of yourself and your little bean. Sending you :hugs: and support from NJ.
Zinnia and cutie - woot woot. Anxiously awaiting your updates!

Oh and twinkie - big thanks for that info. Weirdly enough, after our twin talk yesterday, I dreamt I was having identical twins :haha:
absolutely! What's the point of knowing and not sharing ;) Hope you get your identical twins!! Wouldn't that be wonderful?!
Twinkie- thanks for shedding light on the twins subject! I did a ton of research on twins a few years ago and I always get a little frustrated when I hear someone say "It skips a generation!" lol. It happens to skip a generation sometimes but that's just chance. Everything you said lines up with what I have also read.

Does you being a twin have something to do with your username Twinkie? :)
absolutely! What's the point of knowing and not sharing ;) Hope you get your identical twins!! Wouldn't that be wonderful?!

I would be overjoyed! But it's so rare that I doubt it :haha:. I'll still be happy with a singleton as long as they're healthy!
Hey ladies I am 10dpo and seeking advice! Af is due the 17th I had a period induced from provera started on feb 17th and lasted 6days. Anyways yesterday at 9dpo i had a TMI! huge glob of yellow ewcm along with a few cramping spells today at 10dpo I checked my cervix high and soft only thing that is worrying me is the wet feeling I have and usually have before AF shows and some lower back pain I really wanna test tomorrow any advice??
I know I don't post much, but I've always been lurking and all these BFP's have been so exciting! I myself am going a little crazy. I'm 9dpo right now. Since 5dpo, I've been having an increased amount of discharge, like I was shocked when I saw how much yesterday, as typically the week before my period I'm dry. Yesterday I started peeing a husband even made a comment about it. I've been sneezing at random times, but it never turns into a full blown cold. Over the past week, all I want is salsa. And not the chunks from salsa, but the sauce of the salsa...if that makes sense?? I've been having pinches behind my bellybutton all day and also have been having some lower abdominal cramping ever since ovulation. I'm thinking of testing tomorrow, but don't want to be dissapointed:-/ I just feel so different because I have a couple of actual tangible symptoms, instead of all the symptoms being completely in my head. After all, you can't dream up discharge and you can't dream up peeing a lot either. What do you ladies think? I swear if I implanted, it was on 5dpo because that's when all the discharge started. I know that's super early though.
mrsstrezy- Test tomorrow morning! Personally, the amount of discharge I get varies every cycle so I try not to look into it much. As for peeing a lot, nerves/anxiety can cause that, but so can pregnancy! It sucks because we can never really know what's going on, until we see that positive test. But at 10 dpo you have a chance of seeing a positive so I say, test! Good luck!!
Extremely bad headache and I'm feeling light headed, lotion-like CM. AF hasn't showed yet. I'm hoping this is my month!!
I'm out. I did a cervix check and came back with some brown. It's so disheartening. Seven failed cycles. So heartbreaking.

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