May's Munchkins 2015

Oh god I hope this is a good sign of things to start soon.
I woke up this morning with ridiculous cramps and back pain. They seem to be going back and forth between each other on which hurts. I also woke up to a rather noticeable amount of discharge.
And my spd is pretty gnarly today.

Part of me would like to run to the hospital and get looked at but I know I'll get sent home.

Probably hit the bath soon as the heating pad isn't working at all. :(
Not sure about the trace protein.

My DH has been great recently about my baby to do list. He asks me to prioritize and then he goes and does a few things. He knows how stressed I am about getting things done and that I'm often too tired to do things myself.

I'm also quite excited about birth. I'm a bit strange like that. I'm anxious to see how it'll all go this time. I had such a good experience last time so I hope I don't have too high expectations this time!!
Trace protein is just that, trace. I don't think they worry unless it is +1 (or whatever comes after trace) they may want to check it again sooner rather than later though.
Oh goodness kiss, I am jealous! If my hubby did one thing on my list today I would be sooooo happy. I called him after my apt and I think he was a little shocked to hear 4 cm. so maybe he will step up today!
I went to Dr. I'm still 2cm but cervix is soft. She said baby needs to come down some more. So all in all still waiting! We will see. Hope she appears this weekend!
I hope you get good news mrskcbrown!!!
Part of me is starting to panic a little to be honest. I can't believe I'm going to have a newborn again... it's been almost 5 years and this time I don't have family around to help if I need it. Though I will have a lot of family visiting in the first month I'm nervous how my first will be with the baby (I know he'll be good but he's been an only child for so long) it's DH's first, though he's been around since ds was one, I still worry I can't lie... I'm wondering how he'll be. I know he's excited but I just had such a bad experience with DS1's father... he wouldn't do anything and eventually just stopped coming over.
Oh Lisa, I can speak on this and itll work out. My daughter is 14 and not from my hubby . My son was my DH's first too. She and my son are 10 years apart and it has worked out just well. Just make sure to give them both lots of attention and hubby too, even tho the other child isnt his. The transition will be new at first but itll be fun seeing them grow and learn together. Now my 4 year old wants to go and do everything his big sis does:haha:. Ill be praying that all works out for you!!:hugs:

BTW, Ive been against induction but if she offers it today, I just might jump on it!!

Thank you for the reassurance! He's so excited to be a big brother and keeps talking about how he's going to teach him his abc's and how to play with legos!
Also, hope your appointment went well, honestly I've been secretly hoping for it the whole time but only because I've been afraid of A the unknown (I'm a tad ocd :haha:) and B not having my OB deliver... they are on a rotating schedule so whoever is on call when you go in is who you deliver with unless it's during the day on a monday-thursday. Not gonna lie I chose a woman for a reason and I've gotten close with her over the last 5 months! (Switched my OB at 20w)
Just noticed your update after posting this! I hope you get lucky and you get to meet baby this weekend! :)
Oh goodness kiss, I am jealous! If my hubby did one thing on my list today I would be sooooo happy. I called him after my apt and I think he was a little shocked to hear 4 cm. so maybe he will step up today!

4cm! I'm totally jealous!!
I *think* I'm losing my plug. Last couple mornings I've gotten up to a glob of discharge that's clearish yellow. No blood or anything, but it was quite noticeable. Fingers crossed things are happening soon!
That's good news Meagan! Fxed it happens soon!! We are going out on a date tonight, probably the last time in a while, so I am pretty excited.

On another note I am really nervous, though I think everything is ok. Our local ice cream, blue bell recalled ALL of their products Monday. We had some Sunday nd last week from two different cartons. Both were just vanilla and there havent been any listeria outbreaks from vanilla that I have heard of so that's good. What scares me, is that I just read about listeria and even if I have it I might not no, but would pass it to baby and it could cause still birth, serious illness, or death. Wtf!?!
I *think* I'm losing my plug. Last couple mornings I've gotten up to a glob of discharge that's clearish yellow. No blood or anything, but it was quite noticeable. Fingers crossed things are happening soon!

I e had the exact same thing! I'm hoping its a good sign my body is getting itsekf ready. I wondered if you could lose part if the plug and it not have blood in it. I had two huge globs (tmi I know). I actually had similar about 10/days ago too but today seems more. So hoping I go into labor naturally!!
I'm pretty sure DD has moved down a bit, over in the bumps thread someone said it looks like I have dropped some (you can see it in the pictures!) and I haven't been having the same pains in my hoo-ha, but I have had new pain in my hips and lower back, feels like I'm stretching out or something... Hope it's her moving the right way!
I always thought the plug had to have some blood in it but a friend described it as snot like to me. Well that definitely is close to what came out of me, looked like a blew my nose but it didn't come out of my nose!

I've also ate 2 pineapples in the last 3 days lol the braxton hicks those produce are no joke lol
I just had a ton more eewww. I am convinced child birth although beautiful but also so gross at times. Haha I always thought it had to have blood in it too but now I'm convinced it doesn't.

I had no idea.pinneapple could help. I just happened to buy one today. Maybe ill eat it all tomorrow!

We are all so close ladies. Next Friday is less than one month for everyone! I'm so excited.
I'm getting so bored at home and going stir crazy, that I went out to karaoke last night with hubby and few friends! I was hoping singing Let It Go at the top of my voice with the girls would get things goin! :haha: it was just what I needed, though I'm feeling a bit sick this morning! I'm hoping. It's a sign of the pre labour clear out I keep hearing about!
I've also been losing bits of plug over the week or 2 - definitely snot like! Loads of a weird 'streched ' feeling down below everytime I go to the loo so hoping that's a good sign of things dilating too!
Hope your all getting some relief from various aches and pains and it's not too much longer for any of us!!
I hope all your signs mean labor is very near! I'm so excited to see everyone's babies!

Oliver is doing great! He is basically healthy enough to come home, but we are working on breastfeeding at the moment. I'm spending the night in the nicu so I can nurse on demand. It's slightly stressful and frustrating though! They have a nursing protocol that means he has to eat 10 mins at a time in a 3 hour period, otherwise they will feed him through the ng tube. He was snacking all day and got down to the last part of the 3 hours and only nursed for 6 mins.... The nurse was awesome and gave us extra time and he latched on soon after and nursed for 20 more minutes. But he has to go a minimum of 24 hours without an ng feed, have wet diapers and gain weight in order to come home. If he keeps doing what he's doing, we should be heading home tomorrow!! I'm so excited to have my baby home with our dd. The hardest part of the past 10 days was leaving Ruby with my sister or mom all the time. She misses her mommy. Luckily she has daddy tonight and hopefully it's our last separation for a while.
That's great that he's doing so well! I love stories of early babies who blow all the Dr's away and come out champs :)
Hope your little girl feels better soon, being away from mom always blows!

I'm so grateful my kids have never been attached to me so much so that it was ever difficult to leave them overnight. My oldest is a total grandma hog and was more than happy to be woken up at 2am to go to grandma's when her sister was coming. Now they're both old enough I don't think I'll have issues :)

Hoping for him to come home tomorrow for ya!! Good luck!
Afm, my spd is at its worst. I've tried using the support belt but I don't think I'm active enough for it to really help. It's too uncomfortable to sit in for long periods of time so I never wear it at home, which is where I always am.
I think I just have to live with it, and for the most part when I'm just at home it's not the end of the worst just painful. However I go to my Dr on Tuesday and I am dreading it. The walk from the front doors to the elevator to her office is a bit epic. I'll probably be in agony after.
I considered cancelling, but I want to know if I'm more than 2cm or still at 2 lol.

I want this baby out so bad, I'm so sick of this sitting around scared to get up thing. :cry:
Yay! That's awesome rubysmom! I get ruby is glad to have her daddy home. Is she till cosleeping? If so, how did she sleep with y'all gone? Our dd still cosleeps and I told my mom to just come sleep at our house in our bed with dd. last night hubby and I went in a date and dd was asleep in our bed when we got back. So that made me feel a lot better that she will go to sleep without me.

Almost there Meagan!! I have been losing bits of my plug too! Today a big glob, tmi, but no blood in mine either.

Today we finished washing and folding all baby clothes, towels, blankets, carries, carseat cover, swing cover, etc and made up his bed and cleaned the rocknplay. Now I finally feel ready for him to be here!!!
Ruby so glad Oliver is doing so well!! Go on little man get big and strong so you can finally get home and meet your big sister!! 😄

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