May's Munchkins 2015

Well it's my due date! So much for everyone telling me I'll be early! No significant niggles yet! Oh well bubs will arrive when their ready!!
Though I have a strech and sweep booked for Wednesday so we'll see if that has any luck!

Meagan hope it's not too bad a walk for you - could someone help you get down the corridor with a wheelchair or something?
Glad Oliver is doing well Ruby! Hope you get to go home soon!!

I ate a lot of pineapple last time because it was summer and I love pineapple. Don't know if it really did anything to help soften my cervix but I like to eat it so no harm!

I think your mucus plug (without blood) can come out in bits pretty much any time and not realllllly mean anything or it could be the start of something. If you're losing plug that bloody, that's more indicative of labor. I never lost any plug until about 20 minutes before I started pushing and lost the whole thing all at once (and it was quite bloody!).
Glad to hear rubysmom. I come! I bet you are so ready.
Omfg I hate early labour.

CONSTANT braxton hicks, only way to stop em is to stand up which causes pain. So it's pain or hicks lol. Excellent choices huh? Lol

Woke up this am with epic cramps and back pain, that's the second morning in the last few days I've woken up like that. Back problems stopped fairly quickly, the cramps took awhile and the use of my heating pad. If this all isn't signs that she's coming soon I give up! I really don't want to go to my Dr tomorrow, but the curiosity of more dilation is getting the best of me lol.

I don't remember who asked, but no I don't have any way to really get help to my Dr's office from the door. I'd have to bring someone with me and I don't have anyone who can go. My mom is taking me and hanging with the kids in the car and hubby just had a week off with bronchitis so he doesn't want to ask for a part of his morning off the second day he's back at work.
I think I'll just have to hope my support belt is enough to keep it manageable, but I'll probably be in agony afterwards and the next day :/
Ooooo pineapple sounds good! Think I will pick some up today!

I have been cleaning like a mad woman the past few days! Feels good to have the house almost clean, but boy am I tired!!!
Hi everyone!

It's so crazy this journey we've been on together! It seems like only yesterday we were all congratulating one another on finding out we were pregnant and now babies are arriving any day now.

How does everyone feel? I'm so excited and feel and prepared as I possibly could! I'm just hoping to not go into labor before I finish work. My last day is the 8th and then a week of PTO and then May 18th is the due date.

Any one know percentage of first time mom's and the weeks they normally go until? I know everyone is different, etc etc, but just curious!
I don't know percentages but it's fairly common for FTMs to go at least until their due date if not later. I try to assume I won't go before my EDD but still prepare in the event that I do go sooner.
I went into labour day of my due date with my first, I was early with my second :)
Dr appointment today! went well, BP was high there but hasn't been high at home all week. No protein in urine. She scheduled me for a quick growth scan at my next appointment. I had originally planned to decline vaginal checks, but they aren't so bad with her and I'll probably have one next time if she offers.

She said she really hopes I go into labor NEXT WEEK. Since they have me almost a week ahead, I'm hoping she means IN TWO WEEKS. lol.

It's just a delicate balance between keeping DD in there for her development, and getting her out before my hypertension turns to pre-e again. I'd rather have her a few weeks early and not have the mag sulfate in labor, which caused DS feeding issues for days after his birth and was probably the reason I had a EMCS.
Kristin, I was induced at 37 weeks with my first, so I don't count. Nothing was happening dilation, contraction, or effacement wise though. I think I would have at least gone to my due date though.

Congrats Misspriss! 2 weeks will fly! What was the mag sulfate for? I haven't heard of that.

Today I am super crampy! Not sure if it means anything or not. I was on my feet cleaning all day so could just be from overdoing it and not resting. Hoping hubby with give me a foot rub tonight!

Mrsmandy, when's your next apt? Are you going to ask for induction or wait it out?
Baby Collin made his appearance this morning 4/27 at 118 am after starting pitocin at 930am weighing in at 6lbs 4oz 18 Inches. I ended up getting an epidural as I couldn't handle my contractions with thepitocin at 1130 the epidural started wearing off as my bag was empty I was at 99 cm so instead of giving me a new bag the anesthesiologist just administered a single dose into it, we'll that dose never worked and so I asked for another got that one at 12 and it never helped by 1230 I was a 10 and felt the urge to push. He still wasn't fully engaged though so they wanted me to try and wait it out so that he could take his time and slowly move out and at 1245 I told the nurse I couldn't keep him in anymore and to tell my OB to come to the hospital because he was coming she checked me and looked extremely shocked at where his head was (+2/+3 when just 15 minutes before he was a -1/0) she called the OB and she said she would be there as soon as this point I was feeling every contraction and the urge to push was so strong, the nurse looked at me and I had my legs spread apart and she was like we're just going to do this till the OB gets here. And she closed my legs together. Finally after feeling like an eternity of waiting she got there at 110 and 8 minutes (3 contractions) later he was born! He had meniconium inside of me and they told me that when they broke my water and to be warned that he would be monitored right away after I had him, my OB knew I really wanted some skin to skin as soon as possible so she asked me if I still wanted it I said yes and she immediately put him on me after he came out. DH cut the cord and Collin pee'd all over me (I didn't even noticeI was juse so happy he was here safe an sound then they took him to be weighed cleaned off and monitored. With so many interventions and complications during my labor at one ppoint I broke down In tears and thought for sure it would end in a section.. epidural at 4 cm broke my water right after and then stretched me out to a 5 I was then stuck at 5 cm for almost 6 hours and then his HR started dropping with every contraction so they put me on oxygen and told me they were gping to cut the amount of pitocin I was getting in half to see if it would help his HR get back to normal and stop dropping at this point they also switched me to internal monitoring because my contractions looked really wonky. With the oxygen internal monitoring his heart rate dropping and not having dilated any more in 6 hours with my water broken and meniconium in my waters I started freaking out and all I could think was tthis is going rto end in a section. Well after cutting my pitocin level in half my contractions evened out and started looking normal his heart rate went back to normal and they told me I could come off the oxygen I asked the nurse to be up front with me and tell me what my odds were of a section because I just needed to either be prepared or reassured. She said she hadn't talked about it at all with my doctor yet as they weren't very concerned honestly. After all of this and them cutting my pitocin back I started dilating again! After I got to a 7 it went by very quickly! He is in every way perfect and healthy, he has his father's hair and eyes but he did get my nose and lips! He's nursing very well now and seems to be very tired from his long journey.

Will add photos when we get home!

atx614, magnesium sulfate is given to women in labor with pre-eclampsia, as it is the best thing they have to prevent you from having seizures. It is also a powerful muscle relaxant which is also used to stop preterm labor, so it makes it very hard to give birth on it, especially when the odds are already against you (being induced early, baby not in position, etc)
Congrats Lisa!!

Atx why were you induced at 37 weeks last time?
Congrats Lisa! Sounds like a wonderful birthing experience!

I had my last ultrasound today. All looks well. Baby is head down and facing the right way. They estimated that he is about 7 pounds. I will be 36 weeks tomorrow and honestly, I think I am going to go into labor before my section on May 19th. We will see though! 3 weeks from tomorrow. I cannot wait!
Mrsmandy, when's your next apt? Are you going to ask for induction or wait it out?

Atx, I have my next midwife appointment tomorrow morning and she already said at my last one that she'll do a stretch and sweep then if I want ( I'm taking it! )
They dont tend to induce if you go over until around 2 weeks past date unless there's complications in the UK. I dont think I could request it just as I'm a couple days over. But in my notes they have me down to be induced at 40 + 12 if I haven't gone naturally. I'm really hoping to avoid induction though! But at least there is a definite end in sight!

We tried everything yesterday! Had lunch out so had a spicy pasta ( my mouth was on fire but I kept going!! Though this kid seems to like spicy food, I've never eaten so much of it as i have through this pregnancy!) Had a walk round town till my back was agony and stomach was cramping, came home and bounced on my ball very vigorously, even hubby 'took one for the team' :winkwink:
Spent the evening with period like cramps and achy back - but alas this morning, nothing!! :(
Hubby keeps talking to bump and saying its time to get out now!!!! :haha:

Good luck to anyone who has appointments today!
Between being pregnant and having a teething toddler, I haven't slept really in a couple days. So. Tired. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through my work day..

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