Measuring massive for dates!!


Active Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Hi everyone.New to the forum and just wondered if anyone else has been diagnosed with polyhydramnios and is measuring much too large for their dates?? I am pregnant with my 4th child and currently 35 weeks.Fundal height is measuring at 47cm!! Doc is concerned and I've been on bedrest since 24 weeks...also baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead on ultrasound and is now full engaged.Anyone else out there have the same problem? Anyone have similar stories they could share?I've been told baby will weigh approximately 10 lbs at birth..He's 6 lbs 9 oz right now.I'm not taking that seriously though because I have heard they can be off by a pound either way.I'm in so much pain and just wondered if there is anyone else out there who is in the same boat??

Much appreciated :)
I had a scan at 36 weeks and they estimated baby already weighed 6lb10 and no one was concerned in the slightest. The midwife said the baby usually puts on 1/2 lb per week til due date so that would be 8lb10 for me at due date and weight gain tends to ease a little after 40 weeks apparently. Plus the measurements are not that accurate.
I don't think you are having a 10lb baby!

They told me that and I had a ten lb baby.. Measured 40 wks at 35.. Delivered naturally (no c-section)
Hi there,

You poor thing!! I feel your pain, although my situation is a little different. After measuring perfectly at about 19 weeks things went crazy very quickly for me and I suddenly started to measure up much, much larger (I will say massive like you too- scary!). I went from people not noticing I was pregnant if they weren't observant to looking close to full term. This was my second child and I went to the docs and she measured my fundal height. I was 20.5 weeks and measuring 26 weeks. 5 and a half weeks ahead. I knew i had a big baby too as at my scan 2 weeks earlier he was around two weeks ahead. When the doc measured me up she was concerned (I was sooo uncomfortable), and i was sent for the diabetes screener which i passed. She asked me to come back in two weeks, but I am assuming I continued to grow and a week later my membranes ruptured and I started to leak amniotic fluid. The docs did a scan and I was way, way over the top of the bell curve lines even after 2 full days of leaking. Most women would have lost all their fluid by this time, but I had so much. I was extremely lucky to only have a leak and not a full rupture and to maintain my fluid levels. I resealed and the polyhydramnios began again. It lasted for a few weeks and then settled down for me (luckily), but I am still big. I am not sure if there is still a slight leak that I don't notice or whether the situation has just normalised. Both situations are not good, but they have kind of helped each other a little and I have been lucky not to go into labour.

What have the doctors said they can do for you? I was told that they would consider an amnioreduction (where they do an amnio and remove the fluid) if my AFI went above 40. Luckily, things settled for me and it hasn't been necessary. I was very uncomfortable though, so I imagine that it must be torture for you as I know full term isn't comfortable at the best of times, let alone with excess fluid.

Have you been tested for gestational diabetes? Have they run any tests on bubs to make sure he/she is okay? Most often there is no reason, but they usually run the tests as it can indicate a problem. I think I will have more tests after bub is born (not sure now), but so far they have no reason for the polyhydramnios and everything looks okay.

Have they talked about early delivery at all? I know often you naturally deliver early or sometimes doctors decide to induce. Whatever happens, you are doing wonderful to hang in there for so long. I was dreading having poly in the later stages of pregnancy and am so glad that things seem more normal for me now. I really hope they can find some way to help you get some relief, but if not, think of that bubba that will be here soon!

Take care
By the way, if you search above (there is a search bare in the top right) for polyhydramnios or too much amniotic fluid you might see some previous posts. Some were helpful to me.
Hi hun. I'm not sure why they're trying to scare you! I was carrying twins who each measured 3wks and 2wks ahead of singletons at the same gestation. The bigger baby was nearly 7Ibs at 35wks on ultrasound. My consultant was unconcerned because I have a history of larger babies and this was in keeping with that history.

The boys were underestimated on scan, and turned out to be 9 and 7Ibs 4 at 38wks - big for twins, but completely normal for me. On that basis, your LO will be around the 8/9Ib mark at 38wks too, only a touch above average. This is your 4th child too, and generally speaking babies are a little bigger each time round. Relax hun, you have a healthy bub on board xxx
Thank you everyone! I appreciate ur support very much.I have been tested for gestational as well and it's come back negative.I have also had multiple scans and baby looks completely healthy and normal.They don't really know what is causing the polyhydramnios but at my last scan the afi was at 38.I was offered an amnioreduction but I refused after doing some research on the procedure.I'm basically leaving it all in god's hands and also the baby.He comes when he's ready..there's nothing anyone can do.The amnioreduction also increases my risk for preterm labour and infection.I know the risks either way and I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that he stays in at least another 2 weeks.This has been the scariest pregnancy thus far but at least we have been able to get alot of baby pics :) I just can't wait for all of this to be over with and I can finally hold him in my arms and stop all the worrying.As for an early they have'nt mentioned anything about it but I'm sure we will discuss those options at my next appointment.My OB knows how uncomfortable and painfull this is for me and I think she may just be waiting for him to be full term. *fingers crossed*
Good on you for giving your little one the best chance you can. I know how uncomfortable it feels to have such high fluid levels and a large baby. mentally and physically it is tough, but you are doing the best for your little one. I had a brief read into the amnioreduction, but would only consider it if things were really bad.

The preterm labour and infection part I am dealing with now, but have been extremely lucky. Things just went crazy at about 20 weeks and since my waters broke at 22 weeks I have had so many tests and scans. You are brave and doing a fantastic job- and almost there!

I have definitely settled down now (thank goodness) but still big. A man said to me recently, "have you got days or hours?". I was only 30 weeks and it was interesting telling him I still had months! I am doing pretty well comfort wise now. I feel similar to what I did near full term (I went to 38+2 when my waters broke with my daughter and she was born). I am about the same size now (at 31 weeks), but this one isn't sitting as low on everything yet even though he has dropped.

Hope all goes well in those final few weeks to full term. due to my water's breaking, i had to see a neonatologist at 24 weeks who explained a lot to us. We were aiming for 30 weeks as the outcomes are so good and we made it! Now we are aiming for further and further.

Nearly there, hang in there!
Thank u :) I am glad we are almost there as well.It has been extremely uncomfortable for me, but I keep telling myself that in the end it will all be worth it.I have another scan and NST on Tuesday to check fluid levels and growth again.They told me baby was measuring 2 weeks ahead so to expect big baby.My doc said that if he is measuring 2 weeks ahead still on next scan that she will be moving my due date sooner.I will let u know once I have the results from the scan.Thanks for ur support everyone
I know this is an old thread, I've been searching through my posts for something.
I did end up having a 10lb 3oz baby at 41+2 ... What were your outcomes?

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