moms and moms to be, please reply


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Mar 1, 2010
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I'm doing research for my college English class. I'm writing about the depiction of teen moms in the MTV show "16 and Pregnant" which, if you haven't seen it, is about girls who are 16 and well, pregnant. Anyway, I have a list of questions that I want to ask all of you girls who are expecting and moms. Please answer as honestly and openly as possible. And thank you so much in advance for your help!! :hugs:
1) How old are you?
2) Where are you from?
3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception?
4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption?
5) Did you consider abortion?
6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who?
7) How did your peers/friends react to your news?
8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED?
9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child?
10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else?
11) Do you plan on marrying the father?
12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)?
13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant?
14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant?
15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options?
16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point?
1) How old are you?
19, will be 20 when baby arrives.
2) Where are you from?
3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception?
4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption?
5) Did you consider abortion?
6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who?
Early on I did as I had complications. Once we knew everything was okay we told people.
7) How did your peers/friends react to your news?
Very well, they were all happy.
8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED?
9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child?
Yes, we are still together and living together & are very happy.
10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else?
We live together.
11) Do you plan on marrying the father?
I would like to, but it's not a need for me.
12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)?
13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant?
Only things I have really given up is smoking and drinking, plus I'm eating healthier.
14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant?
Knowing I was going to be a mummy! & me and my boyfriend had created a life :)
15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options?
No, from as soon as they found out they have been incredibly supportive, They are so excited!
16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point?
I finished school already.

1) How old are you? 16
2) Where are you from? scotland
3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception? no - we were not trying but not preventing
4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption? i looked into it in great depth but couldnt do it after the scan
5) Did you consider abortion? had two seperate appointments but couldnt turn up to either
6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who? everyone until i decided i was keeping my baby
7) How did your peers/friends react to your news? apparently i'm gossip at my old school, not bothered though, those who matter are there for me
8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED? i was and left with 5 scottish highers
9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child? yes
10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else? we both live in uni halls of residence, one floor apart
11) Do you plan on marrying the father? i take relationships one day at a time
12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)? not given birth yet
13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant? honestly. spending absurdly
14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant? knowing im capable of loving someone more than anyone else in the world
15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options? not at first no, now they are
16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point? first year at university and intened to stay on
1) How old are you?
Im 18 now, i fell pregnant at 17
2) Where are you from?
London, UK
3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception?
Yep, I was on the pill and can honestly say i never missed a day
4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption?
We were given the leaflets by the midwife, put them in a plastic bag to carry home, never looked in the bag again and threw it in the bin.
5) Did you consider abortion?
I found out too late on to have it as an option but even it never would have been an iption even if i had found out early. My son is my son, i would never of wanted rid of him.
6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who?
Me and my partner kept it a secret from everyone until after my 18th (we found out around a week before)
7) How did your peers/friends react to your news?
Shock, quite a few ran out and tested themselves lol coz they knew we were very careful as i used to preach contraception to everyone :dohh: I dont see them very often now, partly because of them not being used to babys, partly because of a busy new schedule.
8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED?
I had already finished secondary school with 11 GCSEs/O levels, and had done half of my A level course
9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child?
Yep :)
10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else?
With my parents while we save up
11) Do you plan on marrying the father?
Yes :) not because of having our child, wed already discussed it for the future anyway.
12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)?
Pain lol, tho tbh i dont think hard is the right word. It wasnt fun was worth it and i knew that from when it started.
13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant?
Social life
14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant?
My little boy - hes perfect :cloud9:
15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options?
They were and are very supportive
16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point?
Im currently studying at a college with a creche and start a home learning degree in October so i dont have to leave my little boy :) xxxx
]1) How old are you? 18 when pregnant, 19 when he was born
2) Where are you from? canada
3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception? no
4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption? no
5) Did you consider abortion? yes
6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who? no
7) How did your peers/friends react to your news?
8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED? I haven't graduated yet but I will be going back
9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child? No, he wasn't involved with the pregnancy,and he never met my son
10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else?
11) Do you plan on marrying the father?

12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)?No, when I look back on it , it wasn't that bad, and the first time I saw my son was the most joy I have ever felt
13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant? I gave up everything of my old life, I have less friends , I never go out, I had to move out of my parents, and I'm single.
14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant? my son.
15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options? Everyone in my family didn't want me to have him, but I didn't listen and everyone now is so happy that he is here.
16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point? yes
1) How old are you?
21 now, I was 19 when I got pregnant and when she was born

2) Where are you from?
Washington, though I live in Utah

3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception?

4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption?

5) Did you consider abortion?

6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who?

7) How did your peers/friends react to your news?
Excited, upset, worried

8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED?
I was in college, still am

9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child?
Not at all

10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else?
Nope, I live with my parents

11) Do you plan on marrying the father?

12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)?
It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The worst part was I had pre clampsia so I couldn't get up and move around which actually helps the pain

13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant?
Sleeping in, doing pretty much what I want when I want.

14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant?
I was told when I was 14 I couldn't get pregnant

15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options?
Yeah, they were very supportive

16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point?
I missed only 3 days of school
1) How old are you?
I'm currently 18. I got pregnant with and had my son at 16, got pregnant with my daughter at 17 and had her at 18.
2) Where are you from?
I'm from Wisconsin in the US
3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception?
For our first, no. For our second, yes.
4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption?
5) Did you consider abortion?
Not at all
6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who?
I didn't hide the pregnancy from anyone. I live in a small town and secrets don't stay that way for long.
7) How did your peers/friends react to your news?
Most of my friends were happy for me, although they haven't stuck around since my son was born. Some other peers talked bad behind my back and others just didn't care.
8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED?
I finished my Junior year of high school and transfered to an alternative program my senior year. I graduated with my class with an HSED (like a GED but better, I guess)
9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child?
Very active. He's actually a stay at home dad right now.
10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else?
The father and I live together in our own apartment with our kids.
11) Do you plan on marrying the father?
Yes, but not because we have to. We have been engaged for a few months
12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)?
The birth wasn't harder than I expected, but it wasn't easy. The hardest part of it was thinking about what could happen, like the cord getting wrapped around the neck or something.
13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant?
With my first, it was my social life. After he was born I spent a lot of time alone or only with the father. With my second, a whole lot didn't change.
14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant?
Knowing I was going to be a mother.
15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options?
My parents were not happy when I got pregnant the first time, but everyone supported my decision to keep my son. When I got pregnant the second time, everyone knew where I stood and that I was going to keep my daughter, so everyone had no choice but to support my decision.
16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point?
I am actually in college full-time right now. I intend on going for four years.
1) How old are you?

2) Where are you from?

3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception?

4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption?

5) Did you consider abortion?

6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who?
My parents

7) How did your peers/friends react to your news?
My friends acted excited, but they don't really hang out with me anymore

8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED?
I'm atill in high school

9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child?

10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else?

11) Do you plan on marrying the father?

12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)?

13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant?
Competition cheerleading

14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant?
The idea of giving someone life

15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options?
They are supportive

16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point?
Yes, when school starts back in the fall
1) How old are you? 16 when i got pregnant, 17 now

2) Where are you from? UK

3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception? no

4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption? no

5) Did you consider abortion? crossed my mind i suppose, never was an actual consideration though

6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who? no

7) How did your peers/friends react to your news? really excited, not a bad word has been said to me. (not sure about behind my back :haha:)

8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED?

9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child? we are no longer together, but he is still involved yes

10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else? i live alone

11) Do you plan on marrying the father? no. lol

12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)?

13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant? social life, doing what i wanted, not having any responsibilities....

14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant? a direction in life, a reason to change/succeed etc. before getting pregnant i had zero motivation in life

15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options? they never pushed anything on me but they encouraged me to think thoroughly through my options. when i told them my decision they were fully supportive

16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point? yes, i plan on going back this september.
1) How old are you? 19
2) Where are you from? Georgia, USA
3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception? yes- first time around, no- the second time around.
4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption? no
5) Did you consider abortion? it went through my mind, but i NEVER considered it.
6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who? not really, more or less I just waited to tell people.
7) How did your peers/friends react to your news? everyone has been very supportive.
8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED? n/a already graduated.
9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child? yes!
10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else? I currently live with my parents, but we will be moving soon.
11) Do you plan on marrying the father? yes, in may.
12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)?
13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant? nothing.
14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant? knowing that this would change everything forever!
15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options? they are very supportive!
16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point? yes, once everything calms down. My fiance, who is the babys father, is joining the military so we will be moving around alot.
1) How old are you? 20 now. 18 when I got pregnant, 19 when I had her.

2) Where are you from? Canada

3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception? BCP- TriCyclen Lo

4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption?
Very briefly.. as in we stated our 3 options (keep, terminate, adoption)... once we talked together, we decided we'd only do an adoption if our families were willing to support us through that.

5) Did you consider abortion? Yeah. I had an early ultrasound to sort out how far along I was at a hospital where they did abortions actually. I asked to see a pregnancy counsellor and she asked me about what I was going to do and I was crying and I said I didn't know. She told me if her daughter was PG, she would want her to have an abortion. She told me she'd make me an appointment and I could show up or not. Obviously I didn't show up.

6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who? Yeah, I hid it from my parents for a few weeks while I got up the courage to tell them

7) How did your peers/friends react to your news? They were all pretty supportive. When OH told some of his friends/acquaintances they asked him why I wasn't having an abortion though which was frustrating. Said we were ruining our lives etc.

8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED? I had already graduated a year prior

9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child? Yes

10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else? No, we don't live together yet. I live with my parents, he lives with his.

11) Do you plan on marrying the father? Yeah, if we can ever afford a wedding!

12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)? No, it wasn't harder than I expected, labour was exactly what I thought, but I did NOT expect to have a c-section at all.. I thought about it and wondered how I was going to get a baby out but everyone assured me that was normal and my body would "do its thing". The worst parts were: 1) pain - back labour, 2) the nausea/vomitting, 3) nearly passing out, and 4) going in to have a c-section when I wasn't mentally prepared for how drastically it would affect the recovery

13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant? Partying definitely.. I led a bit of a wild lifestyle, smoked, used marijuana more than 1x per week, and drank at least 2x per week, of course didn't sleep enough or eat properly either.

14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant? I knew my OH would be behind me 100%, deep down I knew I was in it for the "long haul" with him, I could sense it, and since I got pregnant while I was on the pill it just felt meant to be

15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options? Encourage isn't quite the word for it, my dad told me I should terminate and that I wasn't ready to be a mom and I wouldn't do a good job daily until I was like 20 weeks, even though he knew I was past the point where I could really go with that option he'd say "you're only 10 weeks you can still do it" (when I was actually further than that).. he SAID he would support any choice I made and he helped with $$ but emotionally I don't feel like he supports me to this day, he seems to punish me for it still. But they love my daughter and treat her well.

16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point? I really want to. I just don't know how I'll be able to afford it.
1) How old are you? 17 now, 16 when I first fell pregnant

2) Where are you from? UK

3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception? Sometimes

4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption? No

5) Did you consider abortion? For a moment yes

6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who? I didn't tell my mum, not because I was hiding it, but because I never see her

7) How did your peers/friends react to your news? Some people didn't want to know me anymore, and old friends were suddenly there for me again

8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED? I had finished school

9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child? Yes

10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else? Somewhere else, but moving in with him soon

11) Do you plan on marrying the father? Yes

12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)? -

13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant? alcohol, but I don't care

14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant? That myself and FOB created a life

15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options? No they weren't supportive at first, but they didn't try to change my mind either, they just abandoned me for 7 months.

16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point? Yes, I will be returning in September
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1) How old are you? 19
2) Where are you from? Originally UK, but living in Oklahoma, US
3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception? Nope, we were TTC
4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption? No
5) Did you consider abortion? Never
6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? Nope
7) How did your peers/friends react to your news? They were generally happy for me, no big reactions positive or negative - the girls tend to be more excited than the guys though :lol:
8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED? I graduated in 2006
9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child? Yes
10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else? Live with 'im :)
11) Do you plan on marrying the father? Already am married, July 2009
12) N/A
13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant? No specific or important things; just having to consider what I was doing more - eg no alcohol (rarely drank anyway!) couldn't do certain things, such as participating in nothing important!
14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant? Telling my husband!! :lol:
15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options? Not particularly, I was already married and living in another country though, so there was nothing they could do to stop me. They weren't happy to start with, but knew we'd TTC, so never suggested alternative 'options'.
16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point? Probably not! I already did the important stuff!
1) How old are you? 20, was 19 when got pregnant
2) Where are you from? New Zealand
3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception? Yes - I was on the combined pill but it failed due to anti-biotics
4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption? No
5) Did you consider abortion? No, though partner suggested it
6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who? Only when appropriate - we told all the family members as soon as we found out though
7) How did your peers/friends react to your news? They were all very supportive and excited
8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED? N/A
9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child? Yes
10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else? Yes, been living together for just over a year now
11) Do you plan on marrying the father? Yes, at some point
12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)? N/A
13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant? Nothing in particular, had gotten most of the partying and mucking around I wanted to do out of the way already
14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant? Knowing I'd be bringing a new life into the world
15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options? Both were very supportive, my dad in particular was very excited
16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point? Finished at school, but may take a course from home at some stage while at home with baby
1) How old are you?
18, I was 17 when I conceived, 18 when I gave birth.
2) Where are you from?
Essex, UK
3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception?
4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption?
5) Did you consider abortion?
6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who?
Nope, i told my parents and OH's parents straight away. We did wait about a month to tell everyone else though.
7) How did your peers/friends react to your news?
Generally supportive
8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED?
Had left high school before I conceived.
9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child?
10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else?
We live together
11) Do you plan on marrying the father?
That's the plan eventually, if things keep going similar
12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)?
Not really, I was always aware it was going to be extremely difficult. It was peculiar not being in charge of your body, i.e with contractions in labour, that was very uncomfortable and strange. The labour was definately the most difficult, when it came to the birth, determination just took over pain.
13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant?
I'd get tired alot, so staying up till the early hours was no longer possible, I used to smoke occasionally, and drink the odd time. Both totally stopped as soon as I found out I was expecting. Haven't touched either since, other than maybe one drink at a special occasion. Other than that, there weren't huge changes to be made.
14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant?
I was going to be a mum :) and OH a dad.
15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options?
OH's parents were very happy for us. My parents were not supportive, insisting I was ruining my life and pushing me towards abortion. However that only lasted a day as I said I'd made my mind up and walked out. After that they were very supportive, and now they love her.
16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point?
Had already left before conceiving.
1) How old are you?
19 Years Old
2) Where are you from?
Northern Ireland
3) Were you and/or your partner using protection at the time of conception?
Yes I was on the pill.
4) When you found out you were pregnant did you consider adoption?
5) Did you consider abortion?
It goes against my morals and beliefs.
6) Did you hide your pregnancy from anyone? If yes, from who?
I kept it quite quiet because I was in the last two months of School when I found out and had exams and did not want any hassle or grief from anyone.
7) How did your peers/friends react to your news?
My closest friends were very supportive and nice.
8) If you were in high school, did you graduate/get your GED?
I was doing my A levels and Yes I still done the exams and passed them all with very good grades which im proud of because I nearly didn't make the exams due to extreme morning sickness.
9) Is the baby's father actively involved in your pregnancy/raising your child?
No - and he wont be.
10) If yes, do you live with the father or somewhere else?
I live at home with my family temporarily.
11) Do you plan on marrying the father?
No and I never will.
12) Moms: was giving birth harder than you expected? What was the hardest aspect of giving birth (pain, father not around, no family support, ect)?
There was a few complications during the pushing stage which was horrible and terrifying, but right up until then I was fine contractions were painful but they were manageable. I was happy and nervous at the same time!
13) What was the biggest aspect of your former life you had to give up when you found out you were pregnant?
Its something I found quite hard.....I had to give up my dreams of going away to Uni to do a teaching degree, what made it worse was the fact that I actually got in with my grades and I had to turn them down.
14) What was the best thing about finding out you were pregnant?
Knowing that I was going to be a mummy
15) Were your parents supportive of your choice to have your baby? Did they try to encourage other options?
I can remember being petrified having to tell my mum. I was suppossed to be going to Uni in a few months time and I had to tell her that wasn't happening anymore. But she was brilliant. She was soo supportive and has been since.
16) Do you plan on going back to school at any point?
Most definately! I'll be going to University in either 2011 or 2012. Just a lot closer to home rather than in a different Country!

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