I guess different things work for diff people I lokoed up on crackers:
Deal with it
There are lots of ways to help keep morning sickness at bay. Every expectant mother will find their own method, but here are some popular methods. Just be sure to consult your midwife or healthcare provider if you're considering any of the following to be sure it's right for you:
Eat what you want, whenever you want it. However, try to stick to a balanced diet and avoid skipping meals when you're feeling grim, as food can often help to ease the nausea;
Steer clear of strong smells (as pregant women are often oversensitive to odours). When cooking, be sure to ventilate the room;
Avoid coffee and tea, or any caffeinated product. Peppermint tea is often said to ease morning sickness, as is food or drink containing ginger;
Eat before you get up in the morning, while you're still in bed (at least you've got the perfect excuse for brekkie in bed). Morning sickness sufferers recommned crackers or dry cereal;
Get plenty of rest, as some morning sickness sufferers find the condition is worse when they're tired.