My birth story - not as planned


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2010
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Wee heres my birth story - I have a beautiful baby boy out of it but the birth was a bit of a nightmare. It has really sshaken my faith in the NHS etc - which was shaky anyway. But I(m thankful that my OH is a very very strong supporter in how I wanted my birth to go. Anyway here it is....

As many of you know I had planned a home birth and went over due. Was monitored everyday had water depth scans etc - everything healthy.

I was to be induced at 40+14. My contractions started 5 hours before we were due to go into hosp.
So went in at 7am and was 3 cms. Was told I could give birth in teh pool as long as I only had ARM but no drip etc. So i said ok - this was by the consultant. Used TENS etc. Delivery ward was busy so kept on labour ward til 8pm. Dilated a bit more but was ok. Dr came in to break waters at 8pm - checked he had read details from consultant etc. So went ahead with ARM - then they changed my care plan - nightmare.
Consultant was called - said he wasn't goign to let me use pool etc despite what he wrote in my handheld notes.
Resigned myself to having a dry birth - was hooked up to every monitor so couldn't move.
Kept going with just gas and air but was so tired - midwife said that an epi would help because the labour was going on so long. Had epi at 12pm - he couldn't get it into the right section. Then when he did it didn't work - Dr was called back but was going to theatre. Now in labour for 24 hrs.
Had Peth to take the edge off- and was very sick.
So things progressed through the night and started pushing at 8.45.
At 10.30 still no baby so was getting distressed. Baby was fine on monitor.
Midwife went to notify doc to do forcepts or ventouse at 10.45.
10.40 she left the room to get Dr to come right away and at 10.41 he was born naturally - well without further interference from the hosp.
My mum and OH were there to deliver him and it was over.

The placenta then wouldn't come out. They wanted to send me to theater to remove it. I refused and kept trying. Got it out with help from the injection - but the placenta had 2 clots behind it -- both the same size as the placenta.
It could have been because he was 15 days over but they weren't sure.

So thats my birth story - after 37 hours hes here and amazing and worth every thing in the world. The best bit was obviously the healthy baby at the end but also the 4 hours I spent labouring in the bath.
Maybe it just wasn't for me this time.
I will eventually be applying for my med notes - just not yet as Im still building up to it.

I wish you all the best and hope you have the births you want. And if not I hope you have the best possible outcome!
Love K
So sorry you didnt get the natural birth you'd hoped for :(

Congratulations and well done to you!:flower: And welcome to your little one:baby:

I'm sorry you didn't get the labour and birth you wanted, but how lovely that your DH and mum delivered him:flower:

oh my goodness, it sounds horrible, I'm so sorry they put you through this.
i hope the moment your mum and OH delivered your baby was intimate and beautiful though, you surely deserve it.
congratulations on your healthy baby though..!!
Oh Keava :hugs: I'm so sorry about all the crap you had to go through with the consultants and the midwives. It sounds like even through the experience you were still doing amazing and you and your DH were keeping as well informed as you could. I especially loved the ending. I love how after everything that didn't exactly go to plan the midwife just happens to leave at the exact moment to allow you and your family one precious time of real intimacy. Also shows us how much we should really trust our bodies to birth our babies out without needing all that stuff. So happy for you that in the end it was as natural as possible. Given the circumstances I could easily see that moving to an EMCS. But your and your OH were amazing to get what you really wanted. :hugs:
Thanks for all your replies girls.
We were lucky even though it didn't go to plan. Our son is fantastic and nothing could spoil it!
K xx
Oh Keava :hugs: It sounds quite similar to my story with my boy two years ago but well done for getting your LO out before the nasty medics could return with instruments! After 35 hours I was sadly begging for a ventouse, primarily caused from the failed epidural. If I were you, knowing what I went through, I'd feel really proud for defeating the epidural!

It sounds very odd that your care plan was changed and sounds like were really trying to hurry you through the labour. I think it's a good idea to get your notes and see why that was. Give yourself some time to adjust though.

Huge congratulations on your LO! Well done!
Congrats darling, I'm sorry about how you were treated but you have done very well xx
Huge congratualtions on the arrival of your lo - can't wait to see pics!

I have a question.. why did you go in? Where you told the MWs wouldn't come out to you or did you feel better going in. I'm curious as you started labouring at home?
awww sorry you didnt get the birth you had hoped for xx
sorry u didnt gey the birth u wanted but congrats on ur lo xx
Hi Sorry I haven't answered sooner Bourne free - I went in because we didn't want to go too far past against medical advice. My cousin had a still born after a home birth - and I think that was playing on our minds to a certain extent. We were told about the increased risks and felt that it wasn't worth it - we gave it our best shot. Also we live on a private rd up a slight hill - the snow was getting worse and trying to get teh midwife here never mind an ambulence here was increasingly difficult.
Myexperience with the consultant and doctors was very poor but the midwives were fantastic.
K x

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