My very quick 2nd homebirth story


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
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Mon 22nd Nov

I stupidly decided to drink a pint of water before bed because I was so thirsty. Got in bed after bouncing on my birthing ball most of the evening and thought “oh I am goin to be peein ALL night”

Tues 23rd Nov
12:03am (I always look at the clock when I wake)
Woke up to a trickle n thought “OH CRAP I’m peein the bed” but then realised I had no control over it. Stood up and there was a gush which kept going al the way to the bathroom. Pretty sure by now that my waters had just broken but still thought I may have lost control of my bladder because of the water I drank lol. Returned to the bedroom to bounce on the ball – more trickles & gushes. A few niggles and a bit of backache made me phone the hospital & text my midwife who was off duty. Todd had got out of bed by now and was washing up and tidying the kitchen to try and calm himself lol.

1am Aimee woke up crying and I couldn’t settle her so I had Mum in law come over to take her to their house.

A community midwife was sent to me and after a chat asked if I wanted to be examined. She could feel water in front of the baby’s head so thought if anything it was hind waters that had gone but I was only 1-2cm with a high and slightly posterior cervix. She did a sweep the best she could then told me to sit on a white towel for a moment – she was pretty sure that it was my waters after seeing the towel so told me to rest while she sat downstairs for an hour to make sure the sweep didn’t make things start quickly.

Anne left and I tried to rest but was getting twinges and just couldn’t get comfy. I bounced on the ball and somehow the night flew by.

Fay (my midwife) text to say she’d call at 8. By now everything had gone quiet and not even any regular twinges. Just the odd period like cramp but nothing that would signify labour.

Fay arrived and talked through the possibility of having to go into hospital if baby didn’t make a move before midnight. Queue floods of tears from me and a “I’m NOT going anywhere” she checked me over and then left and told me to call if anything happened.

Nothing happened all morning, just irregular twinges and water kept trickling. I went for a walk round the block with Mum in law and got a few pains but every time I thought things were picking up, they stopped. Lots of floor pacing and even going out into the back alley to walk up and down didn’t make things happen. I even tried relaxing and massaging my bump with some labour oil (from Spuggies which is FAB btw)

Fay called at lunch time to see how things were, we arranged for her to call early afternoon to check on progression.

Fay came back and I agreed to be examined. I was still only 1-2 but the cervix had thinned and she could stretch me to around 4cm so she said this was actually progress and gave me another sweep to see if we could get things on the move.

Mum in law had to go to work so she brought Aimee home, nothing exciting was happening so we agreed to go for a walk with Aimee in her pram. Whilst out walking I did start getting a few stronger pains and I had to stop a few times and breathe through them (great fun when all the kids were leaving school) I got a few odd looks lol.

Vicky arranged to come round so that Todd could take Aimee down to Tesco and get some things.

Fay phoned to check in on me and I was only getting a few pains so she went home and told me to call when things got more regular or she’d call me at 6, whichever came 1st.

Things started picking up and pains started getting more regular and definitely “ouchie” enough for me to think that things had really started.

I started being unable to sit through contractions and had to walk around, hanging onto door frames n leaning on kitchen worktops.

Fay phoned and agreed she thought it was time to come back and contact the student midwife who was going to be here too. Todd got home from Tesco to find that things had really picked up

Fay and Nicola arrived and started unloading Fays car, I think just by looking at me she knew I wasn’t in early labour anymore.

Mum in law came to get Aimee and Vic said she’d stay for a bit longer just incase Todd needed a break

(times will be all squiffy now because things picked up and I kinda lost track of time)

I came upstairs with Fay to be examined – I was now 4-5cm but babys HB was very high, I was told to lay for 5mins ad try to relax to see if baby calmed down. Luckily he did so I went back downstairs and continued to pace while Nicola and Fay set things up and monitored me and baby every 15mins. Everyone was in a fab mood and there was lots of laughter in the house.

Thing began to get painful and I decided I wanted to be upstairs, Fay and Nicola left us alone until they needed to check me and baby so me and Todd got some lovely personal time together (while the midwives washed up n had a brew lol)
Fay & Nicola joined us upstairs and told us Vic had gone home.
I ended up pacing the bedroom and kneeling on the floor next to the bed as I had been walkin nearly ALL day and my back was killing me. Todd came to join me and gave me a lovely back massage with the labour oil, it was BLISS! Quite funny that we were all kneeling round the bed, even Fay. We had a lovely conversation about the labour oil (stopping off a few times to breathe through contractions) and then I think I went into “my zone” because I don’t recall any proper conversation after this. I just kept sayin “oooh this hurts” and “oooh I dont like this now”
I started to get a bit panicky and worried (which I actually told myself over and over it was transition) so I got on the bed to listen to my hypnotherapy tracks. Todd sat next to me holding my hand and stroking my hair. He was bloody fantastic!!
Whilst lay there I got two almighty contractions that made me physically shake but still managed to drift off in between them. I knew we were coming close to the end and managed to keep myself calm.

Fay asked me to go to the loo and do a wee because she didn’t want to have to drain my bladder like she did with Aimee, sitting on the loo was agony so I stood up through a contraction and then she urged me to try again. I did the deed and then came back to the bedroom. Fay examined me and I was more or less fully dilated (just a small lip left) and the babys head was “right there” so I got up and tried to keep moving. I kept saying that I needed something to really “grip” – so I went for the computer desk, not good enough…so with the next ctx I grabbed the door handle and was practically swinging off the door and my body was urging me to push. I had a moment of not knowing what to do with myself because nothing felt right. I told Todd to go and have a breather but he didn’t make it far. Fay had nipped out to the loo and said if I got any big urges to push to shout her. I don’t think she’d been gone a minute when I climbed on the bed and my body did the biggest unexpected push ever. Fay came running back and I was on hands and knees on the bed doing my first big push. I ended up getting cramp so I stretched one leg up towards the wall, but ended up with a pillow stuck between my legs. Fay couldn’t see a thing and was trying to get me to either move away from the wall or roll onto my side. I physically couldn’t move, the cramp was as bad as the contractions and I could feel the burning in my foof – I was so shocked because I expected to be pushing for a loooong time like with Aimee. I remember thinking “surely not, he CANT be here yet” Fay and Nicola managed to get me to move slightly and Fay was telling me to slow the pushing down and do small ones. His head was born at 9:59pm. I rolled onto my side and delivered my boy. Todd actually saw him being born, with Aimee he was hiding behind the door. 10pm on the dot our little man shot into the world. I couldn’t believe the speed he arrived, so perfect and looking just like his big sister. We checked that “he” was definitely a he and we all couldn’t believe how much like Aimee he was.

I still cant believe I had a 5 minute second stage of labour, amazing!!

The placenta came out with no problems – but the contractions were a bit strange as I didn’t have that 1st time round. I was left to cuddle my boy and get some skin to skin and feed him while Fay and Nicola tidied up.
I gave him to Daddy for cuddles while I went for a quick shower and then I got into my own bed – heaven!!

He was weighed 3.330kg – 7lb 5oz :cloud9:

Everyone left around midnight, Todd made us both a cheese sandwich LOL and we just sat starin at our son!

I want to do it all over again already!!
Wow hun - you sound as though you were so CALM all the way through! Amazing. Your pics are fab too.

Mizze xx
what an amazing birth story, congrats hunny xxx
Many congratulations Nikki-Lou! Fabulous birth story - our bodies are amazing aren't they!! xx
Ooh you have an Alexander too :)

Our bodies are amazing! I'm such a birth junkie coz I love how everything works!! I wish I could have babies once a year or somethin :)
congratulations that's amazing!!!! what a fab birth xx
Brilliant birth story Nikki!! Fab piccies too x
beautiful birth story! Hope my homebirth is as wonderful as yours sounds.
Congrats! Sounds like a beautiful labour and birth, beautiful little boy
Home really is best isn't it!
Lol i don't think I could relax at home I'd be worried about the cat getting in the way or the mess :haha:
Lol my cat disappeared outside & there is surprisingly no mess! Midwife even washed up for me :haha:
That is an absolutely brilliant birth story - well done mummy! :thumbup:

You've got me all emotional!... such a quick second stage.. amazing! I really hope my second home labour and birth is like yours. Holding on through that transition is hard and finding a comfy spot, brought back all my memories..

I think it is so lovely you had all your family around you, and your little girl could be with you too.:happydance:

.. an inspirational story! :hugs:
Brilliant story!!! Makes me wanna do it all over again too :D xx

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