Hi ladies, Im looking for some advice and moral support. Im 35 with a ds who is now 5. Ive been wanting to try for another since ds was 1. Dh agreed at first but then after few months into trying he said he wasnt keen, its too stressful and he doesnt think he wants another. I was devastated by this as have always wanted more than 1 and its a very important life dream of mine. Anyway there have been another 1 or 2 times since then when when we have agreed a ttc date and hes done the same thing.
The latest is that we would start this year (didnt actually agree a month). We have been using the pull out method the last couple of years. One day at the start of the year he said before we Dtd he would stay in at the end, so I thought great maybe hes sticking to it this time. But now hes saying he doesnt want to rush and justs wants to wait a wee bit longer. I said ok as long as I know its coming, I suggested in the meantime maybe he sometimes stays in and sometimes pulls out.
What do you think of all this? Do you think he is fobbing me off? Im just looking for honest opinions, I really dont think Ill cope if he says no again. We dtds cycle days 6 and 11 when he stayed in so this is a small chance this month but I doubt it.
Sorry for long lost
The latest is that we would start this year (didnt actually agree a month). We have been using the pull out method the last couple of years. One day at the start of the year he said before we Dtd he would stay in at the end, so I thought great maybe hes sticking to it this time. But now hes saying he doesnt want to rush and justs wants to wait a wee bit longer. I said ok as long as I know its coming, I suggested in the meantime maybe he sometimes stays in and sometimes pulls out.
What do you think of all this? Do you think he is fobbing me off? Im just looking for honest opinions, I really dont think Ill cope if he says no again. We dtds cycle days 6 and 11 when he stayed in so this is a small chance this month but I doubt it.
Sorry for long lost