New baby tips and tricks


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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Thought I'd start this and see what you guys have in the way of tips and tricks for new babies to make life easier,

I can only think of two at the moment but I'm sure I'll add others as I think of them later my 'tips' are

When your baby has just been born before you put on their nappy slather their little bum in Vaseline, it will stop that first poo sticking to their skin and make it wipe straight off!!

My second tip may sound a little strange and I don't quite know how to word it I usually just show people lol but here goes, to check if your baby has wind I hold baby under their arms and one hand under their bum and gently wiggle their bum side to side if you hear a 'knocking' sort of noise it's wind rattling about in there and they need more burping! I hope that made sense lol
Never knew about the Vaseline one and I have 2 kids lol so I'll deffo be doing that to this baby

Tbh don't really have any tips tbf lol
That is such a good tip about the Vaseline! That first poo was almost impossible to clean off!
I love this. I love baby tips. The butt wiggle is gonna be on my list.
Great! This tip may be geared more towards ftms but please I'm begging you, have an extra top and bottom in the car for you! :haha: I'll never forget one of the first times I was out meeting a friend for coffee with my first baby and she had a complete blowout!!! Do not underestimate the size of the blowouts lol, my little 6lb 12 oz baby managed to not only ruin her whole outfit but to my complete embarrassment, my outfit as well and I dint have any extra clothes on me so I had to cut our coffee date early :blush: also this one isn't as gross but it's still gross to me, the dreaded cradle cap, coconut oil will be your best friend for this, if you don't treat it early, you might notice your baby's hair coming out in clumps along with the cradle cap!
Great! This tip may be geared more towards ftms but please I'm begging you, have an extra top and bottom in the car for you! :haha: I'll never forget one of the first times I was out meeting a friend for coffee with my first baby and she had a complete blowout!!! Do not underestimate the size of the blowouts lol, my little 6lb 12 oz baby managed to not only ruin her whole outfit but to my complete embarrassment, my outfit as well and I dint have any extra clothes on me so I had to cut our coffee date early :blush: also this one isn't as gross but it's still gross to me, the dreaded cradle cap, coconut oil will be your best friend for this, if you don't treat it early, you might notice your baby's hair coming out in clumps along with the cradle cap!

This is my 4th baby and iv never thought of taking spare clothes for myself! I think I will make sure I do in future now though! Reminded me of the birth of my third baby, after she was born my OH held her and she pooped all down him lol luckily for him in my labour case I'd packed one of his shirts for me to wear home as it would be baggy so he pinched that and brought me up a new top when he come to take us home from the hospital lol!
Oh I also found out this.....

I found it way too late to use it for my first baby but hopefully it will help people. The shoulders are like that so you can easily remove it downwards when the baby has a nappy blowout and roll it all the way down so that you don't have to mess around lifting a poopy vest over the baby's head. I wish I knew this earlier!

Great! This tip may be geared more towards ftms but please I'm begging you, have an extra top and bottom in the car for you! :haha: I'll never forget one of the first times I was out meeting a friend for coffee with my first baby and she had a complete blowout!!! Do not underestimate the size of the blowouts lol, my little 6lb 12 oz baby managed to not only ruin her whole outfit but to my complete embarrassment, my outfit as well and I dint have any extra clothes on me so I had to cut our coffee date early :blush: also this one isn't as gross but it's still gross to me, the dreaded cradle cap, coconut oil will be your best friend for this, if you don't treat it early, you might notice your baby's hair coming out in clumps along with the cradle cap!

This is my 4th baby and iv never thought of taking spare clothes for myself! I think I will make sure I do in future now though! Reminded me of the birth of my third baby, after she was born my OH held her and she pooped all down him lol luckily for him in my labour case I'd packed one of his shirts for me to wear home as it would be baggy so he pinched that and brought me up a new top when he come to take us home from the hospital lol!

Oh no! Too funny lol!!!
I love this thread all ready!

Mine is concerning over due babies. If your baby is over due... like verging on a week+ most of their vernix will have been reabsorbed and their skin will start to peel, especially around the folds of their wrists and feet. Massage olive oil into these areas when ever feeding and it will help to ease the shedding of skin and also prevent the areas from becoming sore.
oh all of these are much appreciated for this soon to be first time mommy!!
Thought I'd start this and see what you guys have in the way of tips and tricks for new babies to make life easier,

When your baby has just been born before you put on their nappy slather their little bum in Vaseline, it will stop that first poo sticking to their skin and make it wipe straight off!!

Yes, my hospital had me do this with my DD. It just makes sense, right! My brother was warning me about how sticky her first poop would be since he already had 2 with 1 on the way and I told him that we were putting Vaseline on her and he just goes, Oh! That's a good idea we'll have to try that. I just thought that was what you do, go figure.
Nice tips!

My tip would be to try using slightly warmer water if your baby doesn't seem to enjoy bathtime. We are sometimes a little too careful and wind up with "room temperature" water when really, it needs to be somewhat warm!
I've heard coconut oil is another good option instead of vaseline! I plan on giving it a try.

Great tips! I am taking notes! :D
Thanks for the thread! Totally forgot craddle cap! I used almond oil last time, and the doc told me to use it on dd's overdue wrinkly skin. Today DH reminded me of sth. A bacteria on breastmilk sometimes causes a fungus that's like a White crust on the tongue. It's painful for baby and sometimes they don't feed because of it. Last time, we asked MiL about it and she Said not to pay attention to it and it ended up getting quite big. So if you see a tiny White blob that doesnt go away, ask the doctor.
Great thread! I'll try and think of's hard though, the newborn phase was such a blur!
A tip I give everybody is to seriously just take loads of pictures, even if you don't have newborn photos done. You forget SO QUICKLY how tiny they were as newborns, and between the feeding and poop and sleep deprivation, it passes in a blur. Take pictures, lots of pictures... you'll look back and treasure them someday <3
The best tip I have is for getting a new baby to sleep easily. Wrap them up tightly in a swaddle, and jiggle them slightly and gently while going "Shhhh" in their ear. It does seem and sound sort of odd at first, but all this mimics their life in the womb.

I've also noticed a lot of new babies like to sleep with their heads and upper body slightly elevated rather than flat on their backs, so I put a wedge underneath their mattress the lift their upper bodies up at a slight angle higher than the rest of the mattress.

Also for anyone who plans on breastfeeding, the best way to get sleep in the early days is have baby in a bassinet or co sleeper right near you, when they wake up all that is needed is to whip out boob, lay on your side, and let baby latch on as you both are laying on the mattress. Usually I fall back asleep and so does baby, so I make sure baby is towards the middle of the mattress so there's no chance of them falling off. Many times baby will wake up and latch on again without even disturbing my sleep.

And whether you are on your 1st or 5th, baby wear your baby everywhere around the house! It's the best way to keep baby happy and close to you all while getting chores done.
Love this thread!! Sorry I've no tips to add I can't think of any at the moment but I will be sure to add them here if I do x

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