sorry about your break up, hope your okay?
I don't know about housing and such (as I still live with my parents) however I'm a single mum, I don't work ATM and I'm not in education of any sort and this is what I get benefit wise:
Income support: £52 per week. (you can claim once your 29 weeks pregnant)
Child Tax Credits: £60 per week.
Child Benefit: £20.30 per week.
Healthy Start Vouchers: £3.10 worth of vouchers per week. (you can claim these while pregnant aswell as when you have your baby)
And then I also got the Surestart Maternity Grant at 29 weeks (you get £500 to buy baby things)
Hope this helps you have an idea what your entitled to?
Here's a website incase your still unsure: https://m.direct.gov.uk/syndication...AndOtherSupport/Expectingorbringingupchildren
Good luck!
EDIT: also, there's child maintenance from the father, it's usually 15% of his wage if he earns over £100 a week, or if his earnings are less than £100 a week (or he's on benefits) then it's £5 a week.