I stopped taking my Yazmin at the very beginning of Aug. I didn't chart or anything until Oct to give my body a little time to adjust. Oct I charted and never ovulated and now Nov is here and I still didn't ovulate yet and don't think I'm going to because I'm having PMS and cramping. I've been sure to chart my BBT and use OPK's this month so I wouldn't miss it and nothing has happened and on my OPK test strips I get the same faint line every day. My cycles have been 26,33,22. With not ovulating the last two months for sure and my cycles being so irregular should I go to the doctor and get some blood work done or wait a few more cycles to let my body try and regulate its self? I have been on some form of birth contorl for almost 10 years. If I do go to the Dr. what should I make sure I ask to be checked out? I have hypothyroidism but I had that tested a few weeks ago and it was normal. Any tips you ladies have would be very much appreciated.