Newbie TTC after miscarriage


3rd Tri after 4 mc's
Sep 24, 2009
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Hi Everyone,

I have just joined this site after serching the internet for answers, reassurance and information!!! but I think best way to describe my reason for ending up here is my obsession with getting pregnant, I know you can relate to me already right !!

I am 34 years old and 6 weeks ago I had a missed mc at 12+6 at my dating scan. I had my erpc the next day and although physically I seem to have recovered and had my AF already. I am struggling to deal with a whole new world of emotion that comes over me. I am anxious, tearful, angry, resentful and just wonder how on earth I will get through another 12 weeks if I am even lucky to conceive again so easily. I feel really low right now.

After reading many posts on here before I joined. I am so relieved to see there is a whole community of people giving advice and support to each other and I hope I can give back support to others out there!

Ok, I must stop babbling on and look forward to chatting to lots of you in the near future!

Hey Stardust - so sorry about your loss - it is so painful and makes ttc so much more poignant - a lot of your emotions that are wrapped up in the loss of your baby will be involved in your ttc too.

Also - the emotions you're feeling are entirely natural - have felt ans still do very much the same.

Wishing you all the best for your bfp - baby dust to you! :)

Hi, I am in the same boat, had MMC 8th Feb, opted for medical management (things went a bit "wrong" - very traumatic, to say the least). I am still off work -Doc says need rest anameic and traumatised. I have good days and bad days - last night a friend visited - I talked about it and cried.

I can understand where you are coming from, but don't be too hard yourself, you are grieving, you lost your baby at the end of the day, that is going to take time to come to terms with, aside from that, like me all your dreams, for/about that child have gone too.
Obviously I don't want to remember the pain, but I don't want to forget my baby, I am mummy to two children - just didn't get to meet the one.

You sound like me, but as my doc said to me, one step at a time, stop putting the cart before the horse! I am going to wait for my AF, before we consider trying again. I know it is going to be hard, probably twelve weeks of knicker checking, the scan itself will be sooo stressful, but I think we need to cross that bridge when we come to it. I realise it is hard but Doc says to avoid obsessing about being pregnant as that is not good for you, and again is putting pressure on yourself. I am sure we will get pregnant again, when the time is right for us. There is no reason why this happened, but there is no reason either that it will happen again.

That has taken me a while to get my head around and sorry if I sound like I am lecturing you, I don't mean to! But you have had your AF, allow yourself to cry, you will know when the time is right, to pick yourself up, dust yourself down and GO FOR IT and thoughyou will never forget this sad time, i am sure there will be a very happy ending xx
Hi Stardust, I had exactly the same as you hun only I was 9wks, still very shocking and I was beside myself. i took a month off and only just got my AF. I am on cD5 today, I am the same age as you and trying for my first child too. If you wanted a buddy to help you along the way, please feel free to PM me. I have exactly the same feelings as you, some days are good some get me down. I look back at what we've been through and I cannot believe we got through it to be honest. Sometimes I find myself moving and then I stop in shock OMG I lost our baby. People say it never goes we just learn to live with it, so welcome to this website I have found it a huge help and comfort before and after my ERPC. Good luck with your TTC journey hun, wishing you lots of baby :dust: dust xxx
I know how you feel, I am currently TTC after 3 losses. It is hard to not worry about every little thing. I am just trying to stay positive and have faith that It will happen when its supposed to :) I had all the bood tests done that they do after 2 or more mc, and I tested positive for ANA's in my blood, so with my next pregnancy I have to be on heparin and baby aspirin.
Stardust I am so sorry for your loss.. everything you are feeling is totally normal. Good Luck on getting your BFP soon. We are all here to listen.
Sorry for your loss and welcome to the forum. You will get all the support u need on your ttc journey here and we are all in the same boat. desperate to be pregnant but also terrified of things going wrong xxx
hi Stardust, welcome to the forum. I am very sorry for your loss. Time is a great healer as they say, I can totally relate to you as I felt utter despair for about 2 months after my mmc, with up and down emotions and days when I didnt know what to do. I have found being on here really helpful with all the support, talking to dh and just going through all the emotional stages of bereavement. Look forward to seeing you around on here. Best of luck getting your bfp and have fun in the process ;) xx
Oh Hun am so sorry about your loss. There are lots of people on here if you need to talk
so sorry for your losses hun emotionally it does take its toll i hope that time will be a healer for you cherub masive hugs and we are all here to support you xx

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