My first baby had tongue tie, and it was very severe, he was unable to nurse, or even drink from a bottle. I pumped and cup fed him until he was 10 days old, and had his frenulum snipped. We then tried nursing, I was determined to nurse my DS. ANd he was having a really difficult time, so we started using a nipple shield. It worked well, and he nursed like a champ. The only problem was that I became a slave to the thing. I was always worried I would lose it, or forget to bring it with us, and my letdown was diminished. So at 4 months he was sleepily nursing, and he popped off, and when he did the shield popped off, and then he latched on without it. So I went and cut up the shield, and tossed it in the garbage, and it took him a few tries, but he got the hang of it, and nursed until he was 2 and I was pregnant with his brother. So, in my experience they do work, but they will diminish letdown, and milk supply, and can become a crutch, and some children do not take well to nursing without one once you are ready to stop using the shield. And I know the bleeding, and scabbing hurts, but it gets better. I bleed, and scab up, with every baby!! And I nurse them until they are 2 and am pregnant with the next, and they typically wean at around my 6 month, and I still get awful bleeding, and scabs. Some woman are just like that, but in a few days it will get better, and lansinoh, works wonders to keep the area moist, and they will not get hard crusty scabs on them. Hugs!!! You are doing great!!!!