**** October Bumpkins 2010 ****

Hi All!
Haven't been in here for a while, but wanted to let y'all know we found out we're having a BOY! Yay!
Exciting times. I'll go look at our due date list to see how many girls vs boys are in the bunch
BeanieBaby... Im glad to hear everything is okay and congrats on being on team :pink:!!!
Very exciting! :D
Hibiscus... congrats to you too on team :blue:!!! I find out tomorrow!!! :yipee:
wow the thread is dead today.. hope everyone and bumpys are doing well! Good luck tomorrow Katie and whoever else is having their scans tomorrow/today! x
Hey Em!
Yeah I find that weekends are a very slow time for B&B!
And thanks! I cannot wait - mostly to make sure baby is okay and obviously to find out what team we're on!!!! :yipee:

I hope all is well with you and baby girl too!

Have a good night!!! :hi::sleep:
hi all

hibicus- congrats on team blue

mommykc, gl tommorow cant wait for your update

everyone else doing scans tommorrow best of luck and cant wait to hear your good news
i'll bet! hope baba's fine and safe in there hon! i can't seem to sleep atm :rofl: it's a shame though! i'm so tired x
wow the thread is dead today.. hope everyone and bumpys are doing well! Good luck tomorrow Katie and whoever else is having their scans tomorrow/today! x

Some stalker you are :cry:

Well it's scan day and I am officially shitting a brick! Bean didn't move much yesterday and has kicked once today which is really unnerving, I just keep telling myself it's not normal to have regular movements until 26 weeks! I woke up and convinced myself something was wrong so I got the doppler out, I cried when I found his heartbeat.

Well we had a great weekend, we pottered around on Saturday in town doing little jobs, we met our friends for breakfast at Sainsburys and then went to the circus in the evening which was brill, it's so nice spending quality time just us two so we are making the most of it now! :D

Sunday was our Pup's 2nd birthday so I got up and made Me, H2B and our Birthday Pup a fry up! :rofl: We where supposed to be going through to Blackpool to see my Dad but he cancelled so I was upset, H2B then dragged me out for the day to cheer me up! We ended up in Blackpool anyway and spend £100 in Primark! :rofl: Was really good, I've got loads of summer clothes now, H2B got some nice stuff and we got Bean loads of stuff! Girls who are on Team :blue: and want clothes that are NOT blue go to Primark! We got him a gorgeous outfit, it's got creamy brown combats and a cream top with orange, green, yellow sleeves! So nice :)

I hope your all ok!

I've updated the front page, congrats to everyone who has found out the sex!
I'm sat crying my eyes out:cry:
H2B has just rang me and said that his work has broken down so he can't make it to the scan so I need to change the scan day but I can't :cry: I can't wait any longer, I've barely felt him move since Saturday and I'm terrified. I've told him this and he said I'm not to worry, baby is fine but I can't help it.
Why me!!? FFS!
gl on your scan today bb i am sure all is well, thxx for updating front page
sometimes they have slow days, my lo hardly kicked on saturday but he has made up for it already, please dont worry and try to take it easy, this positive energy will help your little one
Easier said than done :(

FFS I'm still sat crying, I start work at 8.15 and it's 7.30! I look a bloody mess and haven't even started to get ready yet!
havent been on much, have been luring but didnt feel like i had anythign relevant to post.

had to post for your BB. huge hugs hunny. have you got someone else who can go to the scan with you for support. Its just nerves hunny. Im further gone than you and some days i dont feel my little man at all. Then some days he dont stop. I havent felt him for about 2 days really. I think he is lying more towards my back. What im sying is there is still so much space in there for LO to move about. As you rightly say movements wont get more regular until about 24-26 weeks. Chin up hun, all will be perfectly fine. :hugs:

What time is your scan?

It's at 2.55 but I very much doubt H2B will make it.

He has said to go with my best friend as he probably won't be able to re-schedule until next week and he doesn't want me worrying that long.

I just don't feel pregnant :(

I'm not cancelling it in the hope he will make it and I have my best friend on standby just incase!

I can't afford it but I have £350 in savings so I am going to book a 4D scan in a couple of weeks for H2B to see Bean!
oh hunny honestly what your feeling is totally normal there are days i diont feel pregnant at all but i know everything si fine and when i have a panick attack OH reals me back in.

Fingers cross Oh can make it to the scan so you dont have to fork out all that money again.

brunnetebimbo -:hugs: big hugs to you dont worry yourself im sure things will turn out right drink lots of lucazade and who knows you might get another scan like me because bubs wont stop moving around to get the measurments lol

I was also panicking because i couldnt feel baby much but turns out i had an anterior placenta so i wont be able to feel much as its blocking it so could be
anything hun :)

MOMMY KC - YEY youre scan today too good luck and cant wait for the update :)

Hows everyone else doing? im still coming to terms with having a lil man :happydance:

:rofl: I was thinking that if he is naughty I can get a re scan!

I'm booking a 4D scan in 6 weeks as an early birthday present for H2B, his birthday is in 9 weeks! That seemed to cheer him up :)

Suppose I btter go to work now! I was supposed to start 40 minutes ago!
omgg sorry BB! I totally forgot, i admit i'm a rubbish stalker. good luck to both of you today! i'm sure everything will be just fine. hope your husband makes it today, though i think doing a 4D scan for his birthday will more than make up for it. xxxx
Aww sorry to hear he can't make it to this scan BB. But the 4D scan would be a lovely present for him. I want to treat myself to one, but OH dosen't and if he won't come i won't have one.
I wasnt even getting movement everyday when i had my scan, and didnt feel very pregnant. Even this weekend i didnt feel her kick for 2 days. She just became very active this morning, so sometimes they are still pretty lazy, especially when its hot they sleep more i was told x Im sure your scan will go perfect today
Kate hope your scan goes really well also, im so excited to find out if you were right and are having a boy or not :D
Had an amazing birthday and an amazing trip to London. However the London trip was very tireing so only just woken up. 8 hours walking round London, and museums and to tourist areas and on the underground is very tiring especially when 22 weeks pregnant, i wouldnt have like to do it if i was much further on.
How was everyone elses weeks?

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