**** October Bumpkins 2010 ****

what do you do hun?

Yeah i live in Berkshire, the department i work in closes in September, the OH leaves the army on the 27th July and the tennency on my flat runs out the 8th August so im leaving early so i can pack up the flat and move up the cheshire before the tennancy runs out. its going to be a very busy and stressful few months but i cant wait to move and settle down. Not very happy where i am now tbh.

Oh right sure it will all be worth it in the end :)

I am just a sales advisor at the moment ( slave ) lol but i work in a linens department and all we ever get is old women and not being nasty because some of them are lovely but my god they can be RUDE !!

I know what you mean hun. i deal with members of the public everyday, albeit over the phone, which is a good thing cause i could end up really kicking off if i had to deal with them face to face.
holey moley i have just realised my box on my ticker has moved up. when the heavens did that happen :happydance: :yipee: :wohoo:
:happydance: I cant wait to see mine at the last box :blush:

Congrats worriedmum :flower:

Laura do you remember when I posted a few weeks ago how I was in agony and had had to keep getting up for a bath in the middle of the night?

I went to my doctors and it was sciatica, it sounds just like what you have described, especially as the pain goes down your leg too.

There isn't much they can do, only really paracetamol and a warm bath!:hugs:
Hi all!!

Can you please put a team :blue: next to me please!

I was right all along :)

Hope your all well xxx
WOW there seems to be so many boys due in october :) congrats hun xx
thanks hun!!

I know i was thinking that the other day aswell, defo seems more :blue: than :pink:!
So glad your's went well too MommyKC. We're in the same boat as we found out we're on team :pink: again (we have a 2.5yr old little girl already). I was made up and so was OH but he was really hoping for a boy so I think deep down he was a little bit gutted as we're not trying for a 3rd. I'm just so happy my LO will get to experience having a sis though and its great we get to use all the clothes and toys again as we have so many!


Thanks hun! :hugs:
Im really happy - I just want a healthy baby! :D And we will save lots of money this way, with hand-me-downs.
But I've been feeling down today. :( Since hubby was kind of bummed this one isn't a boy, it's made ME feel bummed that HE'S bummed, if that makes sense?
And then I feel guilty for feeling that way. This little girl deserves to be welcome with open arms, JUST like my first daughter. And I promise to love her just as much. But I just wish hubby was as excited as he was the first time... and so far, he's not. Yes, he's happy but he would have been happier if this was a boy.
And this is our last baby too... which I am fine with and hubby only wanted two children as well. I dunno... I just want hubby to be as happy as I am! :cry:
Anyway... good morning/afternoon ladies!

I hope everyone is well!

Laura, sorry to hear about your pain! :( That's no fun. As uncomfortable as it is though, as least bubs is okay! Unfortunately, some of us aren't as lucky as others... and we end up suffering every pain in the book just to bring babies into the world! Hopefully your DR can find something to help you out, even a little bit!

BB - your question about boys names, I definitely like Tristan better. Maybe it's because I have known several Tyler's in my life (even dated one :wacko:) so the name is slightly tainted for me! :haha:

So I have a name that hubby didn't MIND last night - only ONE!!! :growlmad:
It's different... and it's a long story, but to make it short...our first daughters name actually came from a video game called Kingdom Hearts (it was spelt Kairi but we changed it to Kyree to hopefully make it be pronounced better).... well this is a name from Final Fantasy games (my hubby LOVES video games, can you tell? :rofl:)... the name in the game is Aeris... but I want to spell it Aryce (pronounced Air-Iss). What do you ladies think? And be honest!!! :) That's all we have so far!!! For a middle name, I'm thinking of keeping to the theme of the "blessings" I think they're called. My daughter's middle name is Grace... so for this baby, I'm thinking either Hope, Faith or Joy for a middle name. :) Kind of cheesy but I like how they go together.

Anyway... I'm 20 weeks tomorrow! Halfway there! I'm so excited! :happydance:

How is everyone else doing today? :flower:
You want honest opinions so I'm giving you it. :lol:

I first read the name as ARSE. I don't know it will be nicer said than written down though! I love your middle names! I think they go nice with Kyree's name too :)

MommyKC I'm sure H2B will be fine once it sinks in, took me a while to get used to this little one being a boy and now I couldn't imagine it any other way, I would be gutted if on Monday they had told me he was a girl!

Do you mind me asking? How come your stopping at 2?
Thanks BB! I appreciate your honesty. :hugs: Maybe there is a different way I could spell it, to make sure it would be pronounced the right way? Any suggestions???

And I hope you're right. Im totally thrilled about this one being a girl! I just want DH to be as excited as I am. :( Thats all. Im sure he will once she's born but I want him excited NOW!

And we're stopping at 2 kids because that's what we agreed upon. It took me a LOOOONG time to convince him to have another baby (he was fine just having one) and when he finally agreed to have ONE more, he stressed this IS the last one... and I agreed. So we're done after this. Plus, financially... two is enough for us. :) And our house is perfect size for a family of four. I don't want to have to move again!! (just did in September!) :haha:
So glad your's went well too MommyKC. We're in the same boat as we found out we're on team :pink: again (we have a 2.5yr old little girl already). I was made up and so was OH but he was really hoping for a boy so I think deep down he was a little bit gutted as we're not trying for a 3rd. I'm just so happy my LO will get to experience having a sis though and its great we get to use all the clothes and toys again as we have so many!


Thanks hun! :hugs:
Im really happy - I just want a healthy baby! :D And we will save lots of money this way, with hand-me-downs.
But I've been feeling down today. :( Since hubby was kind of bummed this one isn't a boy, it's made ME feel bummed that HE'S bummed, if that makes sense?
And then I feel guilty for feeling that way. This little girl deserves to be welcome with open arms, JUST like my first daughter. And I promise to love her just as much. But I just wish hubby was as excited as he was the first time... and so far, he's not. Yes, he's happy but he would have been happier if this was a boy.
And this is our last baby too... which I am fine with and hubby only wanted two children as well. I dunno... I just want hubby to be as happy as I am! :cry:

Ah bless you I know exactly what you are feeling right now as I was the same. I came out of the scan room grinning like a cheshire cat as for me I was overjoyed that we were having another girl. My OH hid his disappointment to start with but we went out to lunch together as our LO was in nursery and he'd taken the day off and you could cut the atmosphere with a knife. When I asked him if he was disappointed though he'd get annoyed with me and denied it but I just knew.

It was his idea to find out and i'd always said to him that if I picked up any disappointment if it was another girl i'd be upset since all I cared about was a healthy baby after our loss in Oct and he promised he had no preference. Well he finally admitted he was a bit gutted that eve, as always imagined he'd had at least one boy. I said I could understand to a certain extent as I always longed for a girl so if it was the other way around I may have had a pang or two myself but I was angry at him for ruining our special day and felt guilty for our little princess that like you say she wasn't getting the day she deserved. He didn't even call his folks or anyone to tell them for 2 days when I know if it was a boy he would have been on the phone straight away so that upset me, I was on the phone straightaway to my friends and family!

I went to bed in tears that eve as I was just gutted that he'd taken that 'cheshire cat' grin away from me! We're fine now though and he's really excited and your OH will be too. Just give him a little time to get his head around the 'stopping at 2' thing and not having a boy. They're not upset that they're gonna have another Daddy's Girl as as you know little girls are so precious, they're just upset they won't get to experience having a boy (someone to do DIY with, play footy with or play computer games with!). Now he's had time he's also v. relieved and the money we'll be saving by reusing stuff! I've said to him now i'm young as only 30 so would consider trying for a 3rd in a couple of yrs if he really wants to try for a boy but he said he's happy with our decision, but you never know what the future will hold!

He didn't even call his folks or anyone to tell them for 2 days when I know if it was a boy he would have been on the phone straight away so that upset me, I was on the phone straightaway to my friends and family!

Thank you very much hun! You've made me feel better! :hugs:

I just quoted this part because my hubby was the same! I called everyone I could think of, and posted all over facebook how excited I am to be having another girl. He didn't even bother to call his parents until I harrassed him and told him to! :( That really bothered me. He would have called them from the hospital if it was a boy!!!

But Im sure he will come around. Like I said, he already seems to be fine with it. I am just super excited and I want him to feel the same. And I keep mentioning the GOOD sides to having a girl too, like saving money, etc. But he has admitted that he's bummed about not having a little boy to taking hunting, fishing, play video games, etc.... but I've told him, if we had a boy, he may not like those things! And who knows, our GIRLS may love fishing, etc! Because I love fishing and have been doing it since I was a toddler... so by not having boys doesn't mean he will miss out. I think he just feels that way a bit right now. :(

But thanks again! I really appreciate it! :D
lol mommykc!
i love kingdom hearts and final fantasy!
:D i think the names are brill! :D

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