**** October Bumpkins 2010 ****

Eurgh, I've been up since 5am! I had a terrible nightmare and woke up crying! :( I dreamt I had found H2B in bed with another woman! When I woke up he was at work so I couldn't even get a cuddle! :(

Roll on weekend, my heads well messed I need some time off!!

How are all you girls?
Hey BB have just got back after having a friend do a scan for me seeing as the official 20 weeks scan didn't answer the gender question... anyways could you update my stork next to my name to a PINK one! I'm due the 17th! Thanks!
Hi Girls!

I've greated a Facebook Group for us all....noticed some of the other months had Facebook Groups so why not us!? :lol:

Here is the link - https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=107636009284729#!/group.php?gid=107636009284729&v=wall :)
:happydance: 24 weeks :happydance: 24 weeks :happydance:

soooooooo happy to have made it this far!!!!

midwife appointment today :happydance:

having my 25 week appointment at 24 weeks because she said she didn't fancy doing my blood pressure 1 day before the wedding lol
good morning ladies!!
how're we all doing today?
happy v-day buttonnose!! x
Hello All, hope everyone is doing ok. Sorry I dont post in here very often.

Had Anomaly scan yesterday and at the mo my little Fella is measuring perfectly. Have also seen consultant who has agreed everything i want so next scan in 5 weeks, then 3 weeks after that then every 2 weeks till induction at 38 weeks :happydance: At the mo I actually feel like im gonna make it to 38 weeks!!! on :cloud9: at the mo!!!

Hope everyone and bumps are all doing amazingly!!! Not long till we start heading over to 3rd tri!!! xxx
Happy V day button nose hun

Glad the scan went well Jox.

Hope everyone is ok :thumbup:
I had an awful evening yesterday and it isnt getting any better today

I had very bad tummy pain at about 4.30 yesterday afternoon, and when i went to the toilet on wiping there was blood. As i was nly getting pain randomly i left it t see if it settled which is didnt so i rang the labour suiet as by this time my doctors was closed. And they said becuase of the bleed and me being Rhs-negative blood group they needed to se me.
I was so scared as it was, i went to the triarge on arrival and they did a doppler and Chloe was fine. And they took bloods etc, and did an internal to check cervix was closed ect which is was.They said i needed to ring my MW this morning and get an appoitnemnt for late next week, to see if i needed anti-d and to see if iron levels are low as they beleive they maybe.
I rang the midwife this morning and she said i havent been treated very well, i need the anti-d within 72 hours of the bleed,(no matter what bloods show) And the only reason they do bloods would be for the iron and to cheak one dose of anti D is enough.
Im really scared that im getting so many mixed signals. I though i was going to loss my baby yesterday, and now i keep getting told diffrent things about what needed to happed. (sorry its so long)
I just want to hear back from the midwife now so i know if they are going to give me anti-d or not. As if it is it has to be at the hosputal because of it being an emergancy and it would be the hospital that says it depends on bloods :(
Phillipa, im sorry you had such an horrid ordeal. Im glad Chloe is ok though hun. :hugs:
Thanks. Im just worried she wont be if they dont sort this out. Now i cant even get hold of MW to find out whats going on, as they aint picking up the phone left a message saying im worried could they update me and nothing :(
My due date of 17th October is already on here but just found out yesterday that we're on Team :pink: :happydance: :happydance:
Semi positive update, i rang the hopsiutal area i was at yesterday, and my midwife had spoken to them (dont know why she didnt ring me) well they are awaiting my blood results back, and the likelyhood is i will be given an injection today. They kinda made it sound like it depends on the bloods, but my midwife said she has never known anyone not have one even if bloods were negative just to be on the safe side. So i am awaiting a phone call to see if i am going to get my anti-d. Fingers X'D that they give me one, as i would rather be safe than sorry, just the case of waiting for bloods to be processed
after having my 12 week and 20 week scan since i wa slast on here we're now due 17th october. No idea on sex as we're wanting a surprise
Im so glad my MW got involved bloods showing i need the anti-d anyway got an appointment booked for 4pm to get it given. I hate to think what could have happened if she didnt step in

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