I am completely the opposite. Since I was about 14 I knew I wanted loads of kids. I wanted to settle down and while some seek a career and money, some seek travel etc, I wanted love and children. When I was pregnant with Ella and was sick well into third trimester I did think "maybe not RIGHT away" because it was horrible... Plus when I told people we wanted them close together they were like ooh you'll change your mind once this one is born and your hands are full! Did I? Nope. I mean it made me wanna try soon even more because of how long it took to conceive Ella - I thought as a woman is most fertile after having a baby, I'd take the opportunity in case I didn't get it again. Plus after Ella was born, no it wasn't easy but honestly I was waiting for it to get horrific like I'd been told it would! So here I am at 22 with no2 on the way.
I want 5. But I am starting younger, if I were 30 that's be a big rush to get them all done ya know? But if we can aim to be done by the time we reach 30 then we'll only be 50 when they're all grown up. I grew up with one sister and we are 7 years apart (she's older) and that wasn't the best gap because by the time I was mature enough for us to get along, she had moved out! So I think the both of us felt quite lonely despite having each other because we couldn't connect.
Aaaaand I'll shut up now! Each to their own, but when your LO is a bit older you may well miss having your tiny baby and want to add to your family! My old manager had a huge struggle, one tube and ovary, tried for ages to fall with her son, now almost 3, and she is pretty much now saying never again ever though at first she wanted lots! But then... He was the most difficult baby I can ever describe! xxx