My Kitten that we adopted 2 weeks ago Got hit by a Car yesterday and passed away. She was only 7 months old roughly Her family Up and moved and left her to be a Stray and I feel so horrible for her , She was an amazing kitten Jaymee loved her and the kitten Loved her She never scratched Purred all the time was an overly amazing kitten, Dan Said we could keep her on my birthday and Now shes gone. So I got a Tombstone for her today because I feel it was the right thing to do She was a good kitten and Im going to miss her ......... Thank your for reading Im sorry I just had to get it out how sad I am because Ive spent 2 days crying now.
Fuzzy Hobo, Sadly I didnt name her OH did and wouldnt let me change it
Fuzzy Hobo, Sadly I didnt name her OH did and wouldnt let me change it