

Mum of four!
May 24, 2010
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Any ideas how I can persuade this baby that it's much nicer to be born at home than in the hospital?

Someone suggested reflexology before which I'm going to look into, total novice though so don't know what I'm looking for lol

I've been reading as much as I can the last couple of days (refused to before my dd as didn't want to tempt fate again). I'm supposed to ring the m/w on monday to book a sweep, I'm still undecided on that one atm. All I know is that, as long as all is ok, I want to hold out against induction as long as possible. My last 2 pregnancies were induced at 10 and 13 days over, I think I must be one of these 10-month mamas I've read about! And I remember when my youngest was born, the m/w was surprised as he didn't look particularly overdue, certainly not nearly 2 weeks.

Sorry it's a bit rambling, just trying to get my thoughts straight I think!
If you really want to do anything, reflexology is very effective in tipping the balance. You just need to ring round and 'interview' reflexologists - ask them how often they do it for labour and what their success rate is or you'll have an expensive foot rub!

There are some homeopathic remedies too but you are only 3 days over so I'd say just pamper and relax the baby out. Oxytocin gets them in there and it gets them back out so do things with your partner - have sex, smoochie kissing, candles, romantic meals, massages....get the juices flowing and ENJOY! x
Hi I see a reflexologist sometimes and she's under the impression that, like most things, unless your body is ready it can't actually bring on labour. I went 10 days over with DD, I cancelled my booked induction but went into labour naturally that day anyway (luckily) boy, was I ready to drop by that point. I had a sweep a week or something b4 that which was very painful for me and did absolutely f-all except make me bleed for 12 hours afterwards. I'm not planning on having one this time but by that point I may be willing to try anything! (btw I agree that some women carry for longer, there was no issue over my dates but my daughter still had vernix, 10 days overdue!?)
meant to add, hope you're not waiting too long and good luck! x
I'd say at 40+3 just relax and just know that as you said, you go over. If I were you I would put that your EDD is actually like 12 days AFTER what they give you. Just to give your brain a rest.

I'd say if you go 40+10ish then you can start to look into the reflexology (Which I have heard great things about!) But merely based on your track record I would kick back, relax, and demand loads of foot rubs :)
Hey hun. I'm (almost) with you in being overdue now :( Was so hoping we wouldn't go over.

In 3.5 hours I'll be officially over :(

Hope we're not waiting too much longer honey :)

Hi Girls..I too am over..... I am 41 weeks tomorrow, this is my third, although the last one was 13 years ago!!

First time I was 5 days over and the second time 3 but this time.... ? who knows what's happening. I have been having contractions for weeeeeeks so I am kind of used to them now, although this evening has been much more 'intense'.

My partner has commented that this time round is a different mixture (as my 2 daughters are with my ex) Ha.. I think he's just trying to make me feel better. As i feel like a complete novice! Hope you are all not holding on too much longer... We are hoping to manage to have the baby at home too so fingers crossed all goes according to plan!!

Your partner is right. Every pregnancy is unique but you also have a baby with a completely different make up that may grow and develop at a totally different rate. I was 10 days over and induced with my first. 14years and a new husband later I qent in to labour spontaneously with my second baby the day after her due date and my third who has the same daddy was also very prompt. If you think that your children will have physical differences because of their parentage then this surely can start in the womb. :)
Hi ladies, still here! Hope there might've been some action for you over the weekend, nothing happening here though.

MM, I have a different daddy this time too but I think it's me that just has longer than average pregnancies! I'm still perfectly fine, not suffering badly really and it really is much easier going in January than it was when I was overdue in July. I'm just impatient, want to meet my baby so badly and avoid induction.

I've booked a sweep for tomorrow after much reading, see if anything happens. Apparently it's practice here to only offer one so no doubt I'll be 'encouraged' to book an induction date if nothing happens! Should be an interesting conversation lol
Still no change either hun. I have an appt tomorrow with a midwife (not my usual one as she's on holiday) and I'm hoping she'll give me a sweep. If not I'll ask for one. Fingers crossed.

Good luck Loulou x x

It's not my usual one either cos mine's on holiday too! Come on babies, time's up!
Keep us updated hun. We could end up having them on the same day if it works :D

What time is your appt? Mine's at 11.15am.

She's coming in the morning, haven't got an exact time. It would be nice if we ended up having them on the same day! x x x
Everyone seems so keen to get a sweep. I never thought I would actually have one if the time came and I was over. But seeing as it seems to be the thing to do would it be better if the time came to get one? I think I'm just afraid it'll really hurt or they'll nick my waters or something.
Everyone seems so keen to get a sweep. I never thought I would actually have one if the time came and I was over. But seeing as it seems to be the thing to do would it be better if the time came to get one? I think I'm just afraid it'll really hurt or they'll nick my waters or something.

I'm not keen particularly, but after reading up and considering what I know (baby's in the right position, head well down etc) and what happened with my previous overdue babies, I'm hoping it's just enough to give my body a helping hand to get going! I didn't have a sweep before as it wasn't offered so I don't have any experience but I do wonder if it would've made a difference.
I think women are usually willing to try anything by the end but it's important to remember that sweeps are not without their own risks. :)
I was very uncertain about having a sweep done when my MW offered it to me with my first, but I have to say it worked wonders. Almost to the minute, by baby arrived 48hours later!

I can't sugar-coat it for you ladies, it is quite uncomfortable! not painful - but a bit shocking! She did put her whole hand up me, felt my cervix first (posterior, and soft, not dilated) then stretched me to 2cm and loosened my plug. I had all sorts of intermittant contractions from that moment until baby was born, and lost my plug slowly over a day, with some pink blood staining. I was shocked at the time of having it done, but it was so worth it - just to stop me thinking about maybe having choose to be induced.

I was 40+2, so really could have waited many more days - but the thought of induction was looming in my mind, and that was something that I TOTALLY didn't want. (I had Gestational diabetes, and there is some increased risk of going too far over - my consultant wanted me in on my due date for an induction, which I flatly refused and told him I was going to get to 42weeks before I even considered his offer!)

If I go over this time, I feel ready to wait till after 41 weeks before even thinking about a sweep to be honest - Try all other things first would be my advice, and see how you feel. Waiting it out is always an option.
Hey All Yep different daddies different set of circumstances.. Oooh lets see how your sweeps go!!!
I don't know if it's the same things here, (in Spain) they do a thing called a tacto... they touch you to see how the cervix is doing but not sure of they actually do the whole loosening plug thing... i too really don't want to be induced.. here they will give me until 41 +3 before they induce so I have just over a week. ;-( But still got some natural things to try before we get there. Good luck with your appointments girls xxx
Saw midwife today (again, not my usual one) and she is coming out on Thursday to my house to give me a sweep if I haven't gone into labour by then. We'll see what happens. Iin the mean time, it's back to bouncing on my ball :D


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